Primary Silver Miners Now Losing Nearly $3.00 For Every Ounce Of Production


So I have been wrong for 3 years as you keep saying? That is BS. You don't know what I invested in over the past 3 years. I saw your little post the other day that you quickly deleted, so I will respond to this one why it is still up. I never paid over $20 for an ounce of silver until the silver market was correcting (not in any real amount that is, maybe a proof Eagle or something) on the way down from $50, in that on the way up I generally stopped buying at $20 and focused on platinum, palladium and gold. I am actually still up on much of those purchases (what I still have from them in gold) since I sold some of my silver to buy those items and did well.

I have been wrong on silver's direction thinking it would rebound, yet it hasn't. I will give you that. But the game is not over. There is much time to go. You are calling victory in the 3rd quarter of the game.

My question to you is why do you feel the need to come here to berate PM bugs (or maybe it is just me you have a fetish for?) who are on a PM bug related site. This is not Meet the Press where we (or at least I) wish to see your constant poo poo-ing of PMs or to "debate". For some reason you seem to attribute all bad PM calls here to me? I find this somewhat strange since there have been times in this market where I became bearish (for brief moments albeit). I also had to sell most of my silver (to pay bills, when silver was $32-34). I have been deep down a bull for all this time and perhaps have been wrong but the game is not over.

Do you go to church sites and preach atheism or go to AA sites to preach the joys of drinking? Why are you here if you hate PMs. (Your usual M.O. will be to say "i never said i hate PM's, you are misrepresenting me, etc, etc).

I guess you ran out of flies to pull the wings off of at home or something? Do you have a miserable little life somewhere? I run a successful business (actually they call it a profession not a business but it is similar) and in my 40's am single and date much younger gals and drive an awesome car so I am doing OK and having a good time and like my PM's as a hobby and hopefully will make some money off them before I retire or sell my practice someday. Maybe you are king at your 9 to 5 job, maybe you hate your life so much you have to come here and try to berate and show everyone how smart you think you are, but you are not fooling me.

PS Since you are so smart, how much money did you make shorting PM's to this point? If you did not, then you are actually less smart than us stupid PM bugs, right?

All my opinion.


1. It doesn't matter what you paid for your silver. You have been saying for 3 years that silver would rebound for many reasons. None of those reasons came true and silver didn't rebound. So you were wrong.

2. This is not specifically a PM bull site. It is for those that want to discuss PM's for both good and bad. You and your cronies don't always seem to realize that. But that's ok.

3. I never said I hate PM's. What I hate is bull ****. And the PM bulls spew plenty of it. The problem is that people who are new to PM's come out here and read it and think it must be true since no one ever seems to question it. So I question it. And you hate that because I use logic to refute your clearly illogical ideas.

4. I have made money on PM's both up and down. And I never said that I was smart. Quite the contrary. I can't help it if you feel uneasy about the way I use logic to refute your ideas. But that is your problem.

5. To DMAN, over 2 years ago I called silver to be $16 on 1/1/2015. We aren't there yet but it is looking like I may have been spot on. That is a far cry from where the silver bulls said we would be. If anyone had listened to them they would have believed that the dollar would have crashed by now. But it hasn't.

6. I have never attributed all bad calls to Jim. It's just that you are the one who seems to want to defend these ridiculously illogical PM bull blog posts. Why I really don't know. You could have just stated that this particular blog was wrong and it wouldn't have affected you in any way. But it seems that since you were personally slinging the same line of bull (and you know it) that perhaps you couldn't let yourself admit it. Anyway, you decided to defend this line of bull and no one else has. Why is that?

And I truly am done now. There is no use in me bringing this forum down any further. The PM bulls don't like me being here. They never did. I found a post Marchas made out on another site a while back claiming he had "run that fool off". Well... congrats! You've run me off yet again. That's good for the PM bulls. But it is bad for those that listen to and believe your bull crap. I'm glad you have plenty of money to spend. But a lot of people who come out here don't. It's sad that they fall victim to the lies and logical fallacies. But I guess that's life.


Your theory holds water until people/institutions demand physical, real, hold-in-your-hand metals. The mining companies don't mine paper, they mine metal. To them costs to produce matter, just as the price of the finished product does.

The reason the powers that be have been able to manipulate PM's down in the paper market (and yes, they can manipulate them UP just as easy- if they want to), is that not enough demand for the real, physical metals exists. Once it does (or if it ever does) the paper price won't matter anymore. Then you will see how the physical and paper prices diverge. That is real supply and demand, which the paper market dampens considerably due to the very reason you cited: they can sell paper representatives of silver at a highly leveraged rate BECAUSE not enough physical metals are demanded. If everyone "trading" PM's on exchanges had to buy the actual metal (that wasn't allocated to others) the price would be considerably higher. So your own very logic shows why and how they can manipulate because the physical metals don't come into play in most "paper" transactions. For example, you want to buy a ferrari? Would you take a paper ferrari for the same price (assuming you could sell that paper car when the time comes?). That is what goes on with PM paper markets basically.

And what most don't know is that it is completely legal for the contracts to be settled on COMEX without delivery, even if the long party demands delivery. Research force majeure. Yes such a thing would in theory send shock waves thru the market because it would be known not enough metals exist, but it can happen and is legal. So all the talk about Comex being depleted means jack $h!t in my opinion unless people demand physical (and stop investing in paper PM alternatives).

We need any of these events to happen to make PM's go up: 1. the manipulators to decide to go long (somewhat likely to happen- someday), 2. a terrible financial event which makes even the dumbest sheeple finally realize that paper assets are only paper (event might happen but the sheep probably still won't get it or they will be too broke to buy any PM's, 3. Some other country backs at at least part of their currency with gold (think Swiss ,etc) (probably won't happen anytime soon but will someday).

I guess we will have to wait and see. Funny how some posters here think they are gurus (not meaning you Pronghorn) because they called the falling PM prices right (this time). Just like many of us were right when we called silver's rise from 5 to near 50 (but the bears forget about that). The tide will turn again as everything in the universe moves in cycles (such as described in the ancient text called Kybalion- principle 5.)

Just my opinion.


LOL no you won't find anyone anywhere calling me a guru..
It is my understanding that paper silver like paper gold is sold without any hint of possible physical delivery, your paper metal does not represent that you have any right to demand physical in trade for it. I think my theory on influence of the price holds water like the ocean. If I drill a well and it's dry or it's a seemingly endless supply of water, the ocean is virtually unaffected. Of course the paper silver manipulators are in 99% control of the market price, silver was 14.70 last night, 10 hours later it's 16.24. Holders of huge amounts of paper are playing hard today.

And I truly am done now. There is no use in me bringing this forum down any further. The PM bulls don't like me being here. They never did. I found a post Marchas made out on another site a while back claiming he had "run that fool off".

Hi! TP you must have been using another name and there had to be a very good reason if and why I said that. What forum was it and what was your username. You can PM me if you want to.
As for saying something like that that is usually not me and I have never ever said a bad word against you on this site as a matter of fact some of the stuff you said I actually looked at and took in. But then again I don't believe a lot you say.
Also don't get bent all out of shape as it's not worth it and you seem to be getting angrier with each post. We are all here for the same reason to learn. Hell I don't care if people don't like my views, all that matters is, "If I Do" and if I change my thoughts down the road, so be it. Good Luck my friend. Charlie

P.S. :laughing7: You weren't LionKid on Docs where you?? If you were then you got yourself thrown off and yes I had a good laugh at the Kids expense by being called SON. :laughing7:

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And I truly am done now. There is no use in me bringing this forum down any further. The PM bulls don't like me being here. They never did. I found a post Marchas made out on another site a while back claiming he had "run that fool off".

Hi! TP you must have been using another name and there had to be a very good reason if and why I said that. What forum was it and what was your username. You can PM me if you want to.
As for saying something like that that is usually not me and I have never ever said a bad word against you on this site as a matter of fact some of the stuff you said I actually looked at and took in. But then again I don't believe a lot you say.
Also don't get bent all out of shape as it's not worth it and you seem to be getting angrier with each post. We are all here for the same reason to learn. Hell I don't care if people don't like my views, all that matters is, "If I Do" and if I change my thoughts down the road, so be it. Good Luck my friend. Charlie

P.S. :laughing7: You weren't LionKid on Docs where you?? If you were then you got yourself thrown off and yes I had a good laugh at the Kids expense by being called SON. :laughing7:

I agree with you Charlie. TP had a much different demeanor than before, even though he always like to disagree with anything bullish. When I was looking up his posts to see if he predicted 16, I saw some other posts of his on other TreasureNet forums and it seemed like he had the same attitude on some of those as well.

Can't figure it out but glad he is gone (assuming he is). As soon as you caught him on something he would shift his argument and say "I never said that....".
Somehow I became the one to blame for all PM bullish calls?

He was right on his 16 call I will say that and give him props. But the past day reminded me of why I quit posting on the CRHing forum a few years ago (too many trolls dropping in to stir up stuff). I am not just saying that because he is bearish. We have other bears here who state their case without making personal attacks and such. My guess is/was that TP had some personal issues going on and somehow felt better berating us here maybe let off steam or something. I don't know why someone would become the world torch bearer to protect the young and innocent posters here from being corrupted and lead down a life of vice and sin by my bullish PM posts (and also causing them to lose all their money), but it seems TP took on that role, and may God bless him for that. :laughing7:

Just my opinion.


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