So I have been wrong for 3 years as you keep saying? That is BS. You don't know what I invested in over the past 3 years. I saw your little post the other day that you quickly deleted, so I will respond to this one why it is still up. I never paid over $20 for an ounce of silver until the silver market was correcting (not in any real amount that is, maybe a proof Eagle or something) on the way down from $50, in that on the way up I generally stopped buying at $20 and focused on platinum, palladium and gold. I am actually still up on much of those purchases (what I still have from them in gold) since I sold some of my silver to buy those items and did well.
I have been wrong on silver's direction thinking it would rebound, yet it hasn't. I will give you that. But the game is not over. There is much time to go. You are calling victory in the 3rd quarter of the game.
My question to you is why do you feel the need to come here to berate PM bugs (or maybe it is just me you have a fetish for?) who are on a PM bug related site. This is not Meet the Press where we (or at least I) wish to see your constant poo poo-ing of PMs or to "debate". For some reason you seem to attribute all bad PM calls here to me? I find this somewhat strange since there have been times in this market where I became bearish (for brief moments albeit). I also had to sell most of my silver (to pay bills, when silver was $32-34). I have been deep down a bull for all this time and perhaps have been wrong but the game is not over.
Do you go to church sites and preach atheism or go to AA sites to preach the joys of drinking? Why are you here if you hate PMs. (Your usual M.O. will be to say "i never said i hate PM's, you are misrepresenting me, etc, etc).
I guess you ran out of flies to pull the wings off of at home or something? Do you have a miserable little life somewhere? I run a successful business (actually they call it a profession not a business but it is similar) and in my 40's am single and date much younger gals and drive an awesome car so I am doing OK and having a good time and like my PM's as a hobby and hopefully will make some money off them before I retire or sell my practice someday. Maybe you are king at your 9 to 5 job, maybe you hate your life so much you have to come here and try to berate and show everyone how smart you think you are, but you are not fooling me.
PS Since you are so smart, how much money did you make shorting PM's to this point? If you did not, then you are actually less smart than us stupid PM bugs, right?
All my opinion.