Preferred method for waterproofing NOX 800

Personally guys... IF I owned one of these detectors... I would take a ziplock bag.. zip tie and some 2 inch electrical tape to it before dunking just to be safe... if done right you will have no intrusion and still be able to see screen and use controls.

Extra measure could save the hassles.

I like that idea stretch a condom over it...

Maybe a thicker seal would do the trick, might allow for more heat flex hard saying...

more "rigid" / "thick" materials to start with could have nipped this as well.

I like that idea stretch a condom over it...

On the serious side... I also like this idea.

Then zip tie around grip... tight.

And use at least 2 zips separated.

Personally guys... IF I owned one of these detectors... I would take a ziplock bag.. zip tie and some 2 inch electrical tape to it before dunking just to be safe... if done right you will have no intrusion and still be able to see screen and use controls.

Extra measure could save the hassles.

Cant work here. The control head extends down through the handle which holds the battery and the pressure relief port. The mount to the handle is basically open to the water. So you would have to seal the head, handle and entire shaft.

Cant work here. The control head extends down through the handle which holds the battery and the pressure relief port. The mount to the handle is basically open to the water. So you would have to seal the head, handle and entire shaft.

Ahhh... I see ... said the blind man. :P

AARC, I dropped my Deus in the ocean twice and dropped my Cibola in the ocean three times and grabbed them really fast but didn't harm either one. I was hunting the edge of the surf.

I've never had any machine ruined by water and have been caught out there in many rainstorms.

There is no way you can do anything to your machine to make it waterproof.

These were for sale a while back, Not seen them lately..

Sea Ghost



AARC, I dropped my Deus in the ocean twice and dropped my Cibola in the ocean three times and grabbed them really fast but didn't harm either one. I was hunting the edge of the surf.

I've never had any machine ruined by water and have been caught out there in many rainstorms.

Personally... I wont own a detector that cannot handle getting wet.

And... I have said this before on TN... I never could understand why on earth they even make detectors that are not at the very least... water resistant.

Think about it detector tech guys if you ever read this...

Um lets see... Electronics + outdoors = ? ? ?

hmmm geeeeee I wonder.

If you produce a detector that cannot handle rain... you produced an INDOOR detector... heh

Like I said I never had a detector messed up by water. I about freaked when the main control box of my Deus plopped into the ocean. I grabbed it real fast - apparently faster than water moves!

When I'm out in a storm - God help me this is true - I put a half gallon zip lock bag over the control heads and just hold it there. Been detecting since the 70's. 1970's not 1870's!!!!

I bought my equinox 800 to use in water and have used it several times at local sandbar. If it gets water logged it under warranty. I have taped a plastic bottle under arm rest so the top of it floats when using sand scoop.

Only problem is speaker volume gets low and have removed battery to relieve pressure or vacuum, not sure which it is. I think going from hot air to cool water puts a vacuum on control panel and contributes to water intrusion. Just my thoughts.

My method of waterproofing my 800 is simple = I don't stick it in the water! That's what my Excal is for....
Well, that is very helpful... IF he had an Excal.

Personally. I use a dab of grease, and fill in along all mold lines, around edges of buttons etc. On the speaker cover side of things, I've used surgical tape over mine. Followed by a film of grease. Plenty of sound still flows through

It must be hit or miss. I've had my Nox 800 fully submerged many times since February of this year without issue.

It must be hit or miss. I've had my Nox 800 fully submerged many times since February of this year without issue.

The vast majority of detectors have no problem with being dunked, but ML has been cranking them out as fast as possible for years now. When you put 10s of thousands of anything into use, you are going to have a higher number of failures. Even a very low failure rate for all units produced could still leave 1-2,000 defective units. On top of that, you have take into account a observational bias. thousands of happy users arent making posts to say "my nox didnt drown today", but a single unhappy user is likely to post their story across many forums and groups, where more people may chime in saying "me too". Then suddenly all you see are a flood of "my nox drowned" topics.

The vast majority of detectors have no problem with being dunked, but ML has been cranking them out as fast as possible for years now. When you put 10s of thousands of anything into use, you are going to have a higher number of failures. Even a very low failure rate for all units produced could still leave 1-2,000 defective units. On top of that, you have take into account a observational bias. thousands of happy users arent making posts to say "my nox didnt drown today", but a single unhappy user is likely to post their story across many forums and groups, where more people may chime in saying "me too". Then suddenly all you see are a flood of "my nox drowned" topics.

Fair points but lets not pretend there is no problem or that they are reliably waterproof - In fact, I think that their claim of this machine being waterproof, which is of course a major selling point, borders on false advertising if not over. There have been far too many reports of water failures to dismiss the whole thing as normal attrition to be expected in any unit ,,, Though obviously its tough if not impossible to get an accurate grasp on the situation short of minelab releasing repair/return stats, which of course they will never do.
At this point, I see no reason to assume, as you, that they have a "low failure rate", absolutely not. If we are to assume, I'd assume the opposite and declare it high, certainly higher than any other hybrid water machine ever released.

Is it because they have sold alot more so there are more failures ? Once again, an assumption but I don't recall anywhere near this amount of reported failures with the AT pro, and I'm guessing they sold truckloads of those.

Really not that much to compare it to [hybrid water machines], I know 1st hand the Whites MX Sport had a slew of early water failures [I had one and got a refund after mine fried out after 5 minutes in the water] ... Far as I'm aware, they took corrective action and fixed the problem, at least mitigated it. AT pro, now we have the Simplex which I have heard a few reports of failures but not on a level that would indicate deign problems such at the Nox.
Outside of those most other [name brand] water machines are dedicated to the water, and as expected, not a whole lot of reported failures with those.

Fair points but lets not pretend there is no problem or that they are reliably waterproof - In fact, I think that their claim of this machine being waterproof, which is of course a major selling point, borders on false advertising if not over. There have been far too many reports of water failures to dismiss the whole thing as normal attrition to be expected in any unit

Agreed with this 100%...

And I am ... and have been... a Minelab fan / user since... um sheeesh... Since when the "Sov" came out... PRE Excal...

which... I sold my Sov after getting the Excal... which I thought was cooler than sliced bread.

BUT after I got the Excal... the Sov found only dust... a layer all over it from sitting. heh

Hmm, mines still working atm and i need it to work really hard this next month but there is water visible inside. Guess I should check the warranty date and bring a backup waterproof machine these next few hunts. I wish I knew about this port before. I can definitely write a manual on what not to do. I figured I'd run it until it was dead like the rest of my large mausoleum which even holds an excalibur among the very expensive corpses. I don't have good luck with " waterproof" machines.

I have a Nox, haven't used it much but look forward to seeing its capabilities [on land].
Don't think I am going to dunk it, maybe I will who knows, but if it was up to snuff and I had confidence in it in the water, I might be selling my At Pro. As it stands, one of the reasons I got the Nox was at least a water backup for the AT, so I do have a personal stake in this and follow developments with interest.

Would love to get a Xcal but at this point am not in the water enough to justify its cost.

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