From info gathered, this was not made on a wheel. Thinking outside the box, I would imagine, that being the entire east coast is a
few thousand miles long plus let's include Havana, Cuba, this piece of pottery-be it a tray or part of an olive jar- could have come from
It is not indicative or typical of the area we are in, we both know that, so it came from somewhere else and deposited here. How, is up to
the imagination since we won't ever know. Maybe it came from a wreck that got stirred up during the storm or from a midden where
it was possibly brought to them by ship goers as a gift or token. We'll never really know. Being that it is not the first of its kind to be found
here, it leaves a bit of mystery for us. Just because it does not look like other stuff found here does not mean it does not have meaning
or history for the area. I'm certainly not going to question the divers or their contacts as to what and where, they know more about this than
I ever will and I am happy to get their input, that they were able to shed some light on the object and share their knowledge.