Jr. Member
Hey guys,
New to the forum. I found both of these items the same day about 80 feet apart on my second ever day of hunting. The ring comes up as a gold coin. It has no ID marks so it may have been home made. Im not even sure its gold but non the less Im curious about it. The medallion I found has 13 stars on it and the letters H.F. in a box looking thing. Im assuming the 13 states are whats represented but any help with these finds would be great!!

New to the forum. I found both of these items the same day about 80 feet apart on my second ever day of hunting. The ring comes up as a gold coin. It has no ID marks so it may have been home made. Im not even sure its gold but non the less Im curious about it. The medallion I found has 13 stars on it and the letters H.F. in a box looking thing. Im assuming the 13 states are whats represented but any help with these finds would be great!!