I wish I had taken a pic of the best lock I ever found - it was one of the largest locks ive ever seen
I found i think in like 1979 or 1980 - I was 16 or 17
was hunting a base ball diamond that was at a school that dated to 40s-50s
myself and some other THer were hitting here and finding lots of coins from the time frame.
When finds started to slow down ...so did we and one guy started finding real deep large cents here and there
I slowed down an started going for whispers and was rewarded with beautiful 1834 bust quarter.
Well I got a real faint signal not to far from where I got the quarter and got excited. Cut a large plug and started to check
-dig and recheck. Signal got louder and louder and i was about a 1 1/2 down and still no target. Object was now louder
than a coin or anything normal would be and one of the guys came over and said "It must be a huge piece of iron...I'd give up and just bury it."
I probed down with my knife and hit something solid just a few more inches down from where i had dug. One of the other guys came over and asked
"you still at it?... he went over it and said "sounds like deep iron" I scratched down to the target and saw green patina and told him I see
green. Back then if I had seen rust I would have reburied it, but not something with patina. I probed around it and finally got my
fingers under it and was shocked when I finally wiggled it out from the hole. Biggest lock I'd ever seen. It must have been for a boxcar I figured.
How it ended up in center field
- there were many old houses around and on another trip there I asked an old timer if he grew
up around there - he said in the late 1800s early 1900s there was an old hospital there and supposedly before that
it was like the towns farm field - which could be the reason for the old large cents and other old items down deep.
The lock was bigger than my hand and about 2 ins. thick - it had a key hole swing door and on the back it
was stamped Ames Sword Co. Chicopee Ma. 1864 - the company made swords for the CW as well as locks and some cannons
as well as the mold for the Minute Man statue. I had just gotten a car and friend of my father collected Ames Co. stuff
and my father said i should sell it to him for gas money - and I did. Its one of the items I wish i still had
Ive never seen one posted since.