I took a trip to South Africa this summer to volunteer for GVI on a game reserve. One of our trips was to the top of Mariepskop, the highest point in the Drakensburg range. We were given the history before going, and were told of a battle between the Swazis and the maPulana that took place on the very top. While we were up there (which is a restricted area due to the presence of a military listening post, and GVI is the only group to have a permit in order to study wildlife there) we were searching for reptiles and I came across what seemed to look like an arrowhead. The edges are very similar to arrowheads that my grandfather has given me, but I am not expert. I was wondering if anyone here could identify this as either an arrowhead or it could just be a strikingly similar rock. What made it stand out to me was that none of the rocks around where we were had the same coloration or were of the same type as this, so it stuck out like a sore thumb. Thanks for looking!