Old Silver
Again, I wouldn't put too much stock in the 1893 article. New Mexico? Where did that come from? "Pure" gold and silver? Secured with the silver? 1/2 million?
When I was in grade school I remember a little exercise where we had to take turns repeating a short sentence and by the time it got all the way around the room it wasn't even the same sentence, or short.This is what happens in these articles, etc.
As you say, people will justify whatever THEY want to believe. That means you as well. Any time you could show old writing in favor of what you believe, you'd call it evidence. Anyone would. Why would any writer give the wrong dollar amount in their article? They knew the amount by weight, just as their readers knew, and just as we know today. It's right there in the story. It would be a simple thing to multiply the weight of the gold and silver by that day's prices. You must think these writers were pretty stupid. It's not at all like a story passed around a dozen times, it's a well known weight of gold/silver at that day's prices. How can you misconstrue that?