I hadnt considered it being eroded from the bank, we were quite a way from either shore on the river. The area the ball was lodged in was kind of blocked off in a way that it almost had to be placed near where we found it... Unless it was able to float up and over several large rocks, crevices etc. The river is the lowest it's been in quite some time right now so I dont think the area we found it is usually above water level... I'm quite sure this spot would never be dry actually. The measurements, history of the location and all the other variables lead me to believe this IS a cannonball. I cant imagine what another 12lb ball(not just 12lb, but on par with the ordinance manual weight and diameter) like this would be doing within firing range of a 12lb napoleon cannon in a known civil war battle site. I'm still holding my breath for thecannonballguy, but he usually seems to stick with the measurements etc... he may not feel the need to post? I'm sure hes a busy man... outside the hundred possible cannonballs we send him every day, lol. I'm fairly confident at this point. We took the ball to the local heritage museum (to show it off) and the curator "had no doubt" this ball was from the battle of Asheville... but he is no expert on cannonballs(just the battle). As for the condition, I have no clue. Nature is amazing lol. I've pulled other iron out of the river that i know wasnt as old as civil war era, and it was crusted as youd expect. But I've also pulled some old relics that look great and the bullets and other items we dig tend to be pretty nice. Not sure if the river actually protects some items? We will be back out every chance we get, just had enough rain to wash away some dirt but not really raise the water level much.(great creek walking now too!) We are probably hitting our Civil war bushwacker camp today... if the weather cooperates. I'll be checking in on this post for any more info! Thanks for the support and all the help and opinions you guys!
Jim Brown
Bonez Customs and Collectables
@bonezcustoms on IG