For all you legend users, does not matter if you have done the 1.09 update or not. Have you noticed a problem with the TDI numbers?
Most of you will think I am full of crap, but this is what I have noticed.
THESE numbers are fictional but very close to the truth.
1st if there is more than 1 coin, say a quarter and a dime close to each other, the legend will only find 1 target until you remove the other. and to top that off it seems to round the numbers together, example if a dime and quarter are in the same hole, the legend will give me a 36 on the screen
2nd, a zinc penny does not always ring up as a 41-45, it sometimes rings up as a 31
3rd a dime might be a 45, and the next dime is a 39 or 36
What i am trying to say there is no consistency in how it identifies a coin.At first I thought I was imagining it, but now I have owned the Legend for 4 months and this happens over and over.
And it does not separate targets I had that problem with the Garrett Apex, sent it in for repairs and it was returned with the same problem.
and do not get me wrong I like the Legend, it has already proven itself to me (unlike the Apex) but so far I do think the Nox, even with its issues is a better machine, I do not own a D2, but would not give up my Deus to make the Legend my only machine.