There are some other memories and stories that I think people would enjoy reading and learn from if you were to put them down in a book or blog.
As a child, I used to sit for hours late into the night and listen to my grandparents and my dad talk about politics..then the subject would switch to old miners and loggers that lived along the river..I was always half asleep and it was usually after midnight. I don’t remember specific stories...just the ambience of it all. They clarified who they were talking about by the mile marker (before the county changed them), the curves in the road, and the creeks. Maybe someone’s house was sitting below the old road..not the wagon road, but the old road before they moved it in 55 after the was right before the “kinks”, Joe’s curve, or some other local name. I’d catch a piece here and there that I understood. Then the topic would change to someone else and where they used to mine or live. All of the people they talked about are now gone except my dad’s generation. I don’t remember how, but I’d always wake up in bed. The people they spoke of...their homes..what were sturdy log cabins, burned to the ground and are now only piles of stacked rocks...daffodils, and broken down fruit tree orchards. I often think about the pain they went through seeing their homes burned and the financial burden they must have had buying another home so late in life.
In a couple weeks, if you know where to look, there will be asparagus sprouting at some of the places. Occasionally I will run into someone in town and by chance they will mention growing up on the river..I will ask where and they will describe one of the flats along the river.
Fond memories for me remembering my grandparents and the stories they told.