I'll have a Mc ModeratorI held a door open for a lady to enter a store before me....she started telling me what a POS I was....I graciously replied ***k you ***t pushed in front of her and closed the door behind me. Ive been holding doors open for people for 40 years and most women - and gents - appreciate this little gesture...thus I feel my response was justified.
Sometimes the dents run thread(S) elicit some warm responses....but as it was clearly revealed in the last one of these that the OP did admit to deliberatly misleading members here....so perhaps not justifying nasty responses but certainly justifying scepticism amongst us here.
I will sometimes Stand at the Door for up to 20 seconds if I see someone on their Way, Men, Women, Or Children.
longer if they are pushing a stroller or walker.
I don't Ever remember anyone giving me a Rude response. Though some may not have thanked me.
I normally don't look for a thanks, Though if it's a good lookin' young Lady I must admit I do look for the Smile & Thanks,
Just for my Ego

I Do remember letting the door slam in people Faces Too. Not being purposely rude, Just being Thoughtless on Occasion.
as for the second part of your message,, All I can say is Get Over it ! I have. He explained it was a Poor choice of Words
for numbers and how many cameras and pictures, etc he said here, because some info is still private. and this isn't a court room ,
and nobody was Expecting "The Spanish Inquisition"

no harm no fowl from him, so as I said accusations will be dealt with. severely if necessary

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