please advice a new member here

Huh ? What is this entire section of T'net meant to address then ? The " yamashita treasure ". Is it not ? :dontknow:

Ok, sure. "ambush artifacts". But a "yamashita treasure" ? So too could "ambush artifacts" exist at ANY skirmish war site around the world . But that's not the focus of this T'net site/section.

"violent muslim insurgency" in the Philippines ? During WWII (or the present) ? I'm totally lost. And suppose for a moment the "muslims are up to no good there", what (pray-tell) does that have to do with "yamashita treasure" ? You've totally lost me :(

And as for "inhospitable jungle terrain". Ok , I'll bite: how does that bode for "certain treasure" ? This seems to go along with the old "camp-fire" notion that the more extreme a location is (caves on sheer cliffs, etc...) then = "the more certain a treasure is" . Right ?

Ok my bad, I didn't even once look at the subforum, I just browse by "new posts" and rarely take the time to look, I never knew there was a Yamashita subforum. There are all sorts of treasure legends there, mostly centered on Manial bay and hoards of dumped silver pesos ,,, Which in fact actually happened.
That said, the OP himself didn't say anything about treasure legends, just general Jap camp sites.

Yes indeed, there is an extremely violent muslim insurgency that has been going on in Mindanao for decades and its getting worse with the recently affiliating with IS. There are as we speak 100's of US SF personnel engaged in training Philippine forces there. One of their main rackets is kidnapping on the land and sea and foreigners that dare to venture close, very dangerous are
I brought that up, and it should be self explanatory, that hunting for treasure or hunting for anything in an area like that would take a brave, adventurous soul. But the guy lives there, maybe he is in an area not infected with muslims, maybe they don't mess with locals I don't know.

You just keep going on and on - I am stating plain facts that you apparent haven't the 1st clue about.

Mindanao is renowned for its "inhospitable jungle terrain", and very swampy too !
Combine all that with mosquitoes the size of sparrows, and I'd say it doesn't bode well at all for treasure seekers - Nonetheless, the possibility is there, cannot be denied.

Ok, I have gone over your wiki link, from beginning to end, and fail to see any connection to "treasure" or "yamashita" or "gold coins". Again, you have me totally confused.

No worries - Since you don't know anything about the island or its history, I just thought you might be interested what Americans went through in those years, and give you some idea of the sorts of engagements that were fought there, and hence the sort of sites that might remain to be discovered today. That was my logic in posting it, but I left you confused.
You don't have to read it, no big deal.

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Hi Everyone!!
I look for buried AU as a hobby.
There are still lots and lots of AU in Philippines from WWII.
Usually there are markings, ceramics, tar sand, shells, river stone/sand.
Most of these treasures were hidden so that no one can get to it.
Maps and stories from the elders is a good place to start.
Get the place scanned and look for positive results.
There are other professional ways of searching.
I do fund projects as partners if anyone has any leads.

...There are still lots and lots of AU in Philippines from WWII.....

Or could it be urban legend gone wild ? Superstition and lore that can't be squelched ? And if anyone goes to ask "how do you know there gold from WWII buried?" The believers point to the "lore": The past stories, funny symbols on rocks, etc... But since when is a campfire story "iron-clad proof" ? Afterall, ghost-stories are a dime a dozen. And passed down maps scribbled on paper is a dime a dozen. And funny symbols on rocks exist around the world. It's known as "graffiti". Why does it necessarily mean "gold", versus just a random mark, etc... ?

Do you see how imaginations run wild ? And once started, you can never quell it. Because the human mind wants SO hard to believe (lest you be "left out").

....Most of these treasures were hidden so that no one can get to it.

This is the first sign of what I'm saying: Part and parcel to the psychology, is that: " The bigger the treasure, the deeper it must be". And gee, if it's REALLY big, it must be in solid rock, or in caves on inaccessible shear cliffs, or insurmountable boobie traps, etc.... But doesn't it ever occur to the people surmising this, that the person who buried it MUST have intended to return for it some day ?

And as for depth, for example: What difference would 3 ft. versus 30 ft. make ? If the top of the ground were covered back over and fluffed up, then it is NO MORE HIDDEN at 3 ft. than 30 ft. Either way the passerby sees nothing but the top of the ground (presumably left in such a way to have disguised the fact there'd been a hole dug).

And the signs and symbols things always brings a chuckle. Like, sure: You KNOCK YOURSELF SILLY burying it with all sorts of precautions, depth, secrecy, etc... Then .... sure: put all sorts of signs and symbols there so the next passerby will say "aha! Treasure" . So this makes no sense. If you didn't want someone to find it, then the LAST thing you would do is cover it with clues. Doh!

Tom, in Mexico a favorite method was to bury it in a corral then respread the manure , run the animal over it a few times and it was visually impossible to spot it. Normally a recent excavation leaves a depression after a short time . Essentially I agree with you.

As for inpentrble jungle, there is no such a thing, My partner and I spent 6 mo,' living' off of the jungle on the Quintanna Roo / Yucatan looking for Mayan ruins in the 50's, for which I was voted a member of the Explorers Club. I still have the machete which I used to cut trails with.

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Hi Everyone!!
I look for buried AU as a hobby.
There are still lots and lots of AU in Philippines from WWII.
Usually there are markings, ceramics, tar sand, shells, river stone/sand.
Most of these treasures were hidden so that no one can get to it.
Maps and stories from the elders is a good place to start.
Get the place scanned and look for positive results.
There are other professional ways of searching.
I do fund projects as partners if anyone has any leads.
Do you have an active digsite right now? and are you still here in the philippines? By the way are you japanese or filipino? we can also keep on touch privately. just give me your email address

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