Pistol my dad found long ago


Sr. Member
Jul 17, 2006
Hey everyone! I have been busy cleaning my finds, and going digging. I was going to go out today but it decided to snow :( So I guess I have some time to clean my finds and put another post up soon.

I forgot to post this after my trip back to the states for xmas. I was taking pictures of my gun/bayonet collection and I remember this old pistol my dad found. My dad found this in Colorado(i think) on a field back in the 70s. He passed away a few years ago so I don't have much info on it. I know that he and my grandmother tried to get info on it via the serial number on the brass part, but I guess colt had a fire a long time ago that destoryed a lot of records. If anyone can give me info let me know :) I have another pistol that is just like it, that wasn't found in the dirt. They look about the same. When I get back to the states it will prob look better after electryolsis. Thanks for looking! I will be posting some cannonball pieces and another disarmed grenade here soon.

Here is a picture of the pistol. I don't know how old it is. Looks like it used black powder.

He is another pistol I own that looks like it.

flip said:
Paterson colts had no trigger guard.

Although Colt's Paterson enterprise failed in 1842 because of inadequate sales, his early revolvers had won the devotion of frontier Texans, particularly those of the ranger force. Appropriately, it was a former Texas Ranger, Samuel H. Walker, who in conjunction with the demands of the Mexican War, put Colt back in business to stay. In November 1846 Captain Walker, then of the United States Mounted Riflemen, opened negotiations with Colt for the production of 1,000 improved revolvers. Familiar with the shortcomings of the Paterson arm, Walker specified a substantial new design incorporating a fixed trigger with guard and a loading lever beneath the nine-inch barrel.

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WOW thanks for the info wildfirefighter! That is amazing. It would be cool if it isn't a repo. The pistol is in great shape. A lot of the ones are hunting rifles (my dad hunted in his youth), but some are Pre WW1 rifles, some ww2, and a few black powder rifles he built. Before I joined the army I got a C&R license to buy surplus rifles off the internet. I collect just about everything hehe. Thanks again for the info everyone!

UPDATE: I was looking at a couple other picts I have of the rusty pistol. The barrel is octagon. The better looking pistol has a round barrel.

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Very cool pistols! Having fallen from a horse rider/cowboy sounds very probable. Sent you a PM. HH, Mike

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It looks to me like a Colt Navy. I have a reprodution of one. During the Civil War the Confederacy preferred the Navy due to the fact that it was partly made of brass. Steel was hard to come by so it was only used when absolutely necessary. This and the caliber size made it very popular with many Confederate Officers. Originally the cylinder would have been engraved with a naval battle scene.

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