Hi all. New to posting on this forum, but have been reading it for some time.
Mike, live right close to Col. Johnston farm. I have permission to hunt an adjoining field. Take heed— do not hunt the Johnston farm land, or the canal which is owned by the state defined its working boundaries of the where the canal boat rides still take place. The land that once held the Fort Pickawillany site was purchased by the state of Ohio as recommended by an Archaeologist who couldn't find the site, but instead an 80 acre plat that he believed held the Fort. The farm itself, of course is off limits.
The fort was believed to be at the confluence of the Miami river, and the Loramie creek. The confluence would mean somewhere around where the two meet in the middle of the river, which does hold a small patch of land. The state couldn't own that patch of land. A friend of mine who lives just a short walk to this confluence,( a quarter mile), said he had found a cannon half buried in the ground, unconfirmed by me, for he wouldn't divulge the spot which he had wade in to.
Also have permission to hunt the old grain mill on you speak of on Landman mill road, as my Aunt owns the property giving me exclusive rights to hunt. The mill that is next to the lock, and adjoins the north branch of the canal, which is also on her land. I would welcome a hunting partner should they be mindfull of proper recovery of anything found. By that I mean propper digging techniques and trash removal etc. What is found is the finders.
Behind the mill building, long closed, and in a bad state of repair, heading south toward the Johnston farm the canal is dry, and walkable, but with some brush etc. Haven't scratched the surface of that, but will in the spring.
I'll list my Yahoo addy, as it doesn't come to my regular server.
ksss060@yahoo.com. Anyone wanting to hunt in the spring can contact me. I would take two others at a time, and make a list of those who want to go in other weekends.
There is a load of history about The French camping close to the Fort, and Johnston farm on the farm land I am able to hunt. This site was of course the site of the first battle of the French and Indian war. It has long been thought by many relic hunters that one must head south for battlegrounds. Many of the early wars between British and French and Indians took place, here.
Sorry for the long post, but I'm like that.