BB regarding how you define serial or multiple killers, serial killers in most cases keep doing it until they are caught and the reason they are difficult to catch is because there is no apparent motive, except in there own mind, so the police don't have the usual motives connecting the killer and the victim,
i remember reading this sometime ago,
there was a rich business man who wanted a divorce from his wife, he was well known and respected, but knowing she would get 50% of his money in a divorce settlement he decided to have her killed,
he found a guy who had a record in a local rough area of town who it was said would do anything even murder just for the hell of it, and he was a known violent criminal names Arthur, who's nickname was Arty,
he showed the guy a photo of his wife, arty said she was so ugly he would do it for the price of a beer, about a dollar,
the day afterwards she went shopping, the guy sent various calls on his mobile to her while she was out of the house to give himself an alibi,
arty meanwhile had gone to where she had parked up, it was a walmart store, after she returned to the car he strangled her,
unfortunately he was seen by an old couple who were passing, so to cover his tracks he strangled the old lady and the old guy,
unfortunately for him someone else came past and seeing what had happened alerted security, he was caught leaving the car park and arrested, the local newspaper had a headline the following day, saying Arty chokes three for a dollar at Wallmart,
so is he a serial killer or a multiple killer