Mr. DigEmAll,
that is a huge fantastic collection, and that compliment is from a guy (me) who has a fair size collection of native American artifacts (and modern made flint knapped reproductions) as well. Mine are all in the glass topped, black cardboard cases with cotton backing in the case, I forget the name of the case maker right now. (getting old is the pits)
Anyway, great stuff. Your location says you are upper penn. of Michigan, so guess most of that stuff came from Michigan? YOu ever find much native copper (nuggets and veins) up there too?
I found one what I think is a copper nugget in northern Virginian back around 1972 with my old Whites coinmaster BFO detector, I know it is copper and it looks like a nugget, but I didn't know there was native copper in VA, so am still unsure what it is.
I did have some large hunks of native copper from UP Michigan a few yrs ago but gave em away.