Pics of all my finds from colonial site #2


Hero Member
Mar 31, 2013
South Carolina
🥇 Banner finds
Detector(s) used
Garrett ATPro
Primary Interest:
Relic Hunting
Cleaned out my truck yesterday and took some pics of all my finds from our second colonial spot Jdsly and I have been hunting. Didn't realize how many relics I had piled in my truck! Should get better gas mileage next week!!



Over 50 buttons but only three coins!


Still haven't figured out exactly what this USV came off of


Heres a closeup of the buckles


Jdsly has about the same amount of relics from this site if not more. Nice thing is we haven't even scratched the surface of the 700+ acre piece of property! Thanks for looking and HH.

Upvote 3
Cool finds, the Geo copper might be a counterfeit, it doesn't quite look "right"
The USV plate is nice, I don't know what exactly it is but I know I like it!

you know, losing so many buttons makes me think they should have use more velcro

Looks like a very productive site. A plethora of relics. :thumbsup:

Thanks y'all. Looking forward to digging a lot more out of that site!

guessing United States Volunteers

Is there a date on the back of the George III halfpence. If so, can you put up a photo? Great finds!

It is 1775 and there are some pics on my May 29 thread when I posted it just after finding it. I know there has to be more coins on this site...hope we find some this weekend! Thanks for looking

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