- #61
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SWR said:nahabit said:I search for remains Russian the soldier, to tell the truth remains German me worry much less....
This statement pretty much well rules out any possibility of them being a real historian or archeologist. Furthermore, I have never seen an archeologist, regardless of what country they are from, that did not carry a compass and journal to log the events, findings and locations.
It is in my opinion; Nahabit is using the painful events of what happened in WWll as his propaganda package to the readers, to gain sympathy and encouragement to continue. Sorry, but displaying a human skull on a trophy shelf, and claiming the originating country does not want it (or others) back is way beyond belief for the normal person.
I am in great hopes that Nahabit continues to work with Benny, as well as other German organizations, to return the fallen soldiers home. Alternatively, supply those organizations with the ID Tags, and not treat them as trophies.
Good luck Gentlemen, Jim
Look attentively my friend and in my photos you will see me with a compass and a map!