In an area where there are no rocks, that would kind of stick out my friend. We are talking about a sea of grass and any trail you took made tracks to it on the prairie. There were no trees here then for them to carve and they had to make those out of stone! It is a bit different here in the heartland.


P.S. They used true and not magnetic degrees of heading and measurement was done in leagues and fathoms as it was like a sea of green.

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IOWA?!?!!! TOP of the list for KGC/OAK Treasures... MOSTLY related to JJ. "Google" Jesse James & the Knights of the Golden Circle. ALSO... Buried Treasures in Iowa. HH! Good Luck! :icon_thumleft:

Then you should look around the anchor for your next heading.

Now you're cooking with gas Franklin! That is exactly where the next clue piece was found. It was on the opposite side of the stone underneath another symbol that was initialed by the society as described in the coded letter and number cipher which gave the key to the number cipher that was also inside of the jar found at Daniel Gantt's feet in Wyuka. From that point we were directed by the first star they used (Sirius)and sent from that point in two separate directions two different distances by two separate pieces. One was buried slightly above the other and made of copper, the other was another lead cross that was coded with symbolism and buried close by. That piece directed us to do something else. That is also why there was only one cash recovered, not everything they left was near a petrified O.A.K. gunsight tree. Once we located the third point of the triangle on this trail we opened another avenue that we have not even begun to search and we have very good instructions leading us to a good spot to stash away what they left. We refuse to go there before we have GPR and the way those are priced we will have to recover one of the 9 caches left undiscovered on this K.G.C. and O.A.K. trail to pay for it!??? What I do know is we have to do what they told us to do to find it and not just start trying to sweep an area for map pieces or gold, there is an order to be followed and they make you smarter with every piece that is found and decoded. The G.P.R. would make me feel more confident about searching and crossing off an area in question without a doubt that we were not looking deep enough.


Now you're cooking with gas Franklin! That is exactly where the next clue piece was found. It was on the opposite side of the stone underneath another symbol that was initialed by the society as described in the coded letter and number cipher which gave the key to the number cipher that was also inside of the jar found at Daniel Gantt's feet in Wyuka. From that point we were directed by the first star they used (Sirius)and sent from that point in two separate directions two different distances by two separate pieces. One was buried slightly above the other and made of copper, the other was another lead cross that was coded with symbolism and buried close by. That piece directed us to do something else. That is also why there was only one cash recovered, not everything they left was near a petrified O.A.K. gunsight tree. Once we located the third point of the triangle on this trail we opened another avenue that we have not even begun to search and we have very good instructions leading us to a good spot to stash away what they left. We refuse to go there before we have GPR and the way those are priced we will have to recover one of the 9 caches left undiscovered on this K.G.C. and O.A.K. trail to pay for it!??? What I do know is we have to do what they told us to do to find it and not just start trying to sweep an area for map pieces or gold, there is an order to be followed and they make you smarter with every piece that is found and decoded. The G.P.R. would make me feel more confident about searching and crossing off an area in question without a doubt that we were not looking deep enough.


Everything I have ever found told me exactly direction, distance, depth, containers and how much $$$$$$$$$ I have never seen a trail like you mentioned. But you may still be on to something of value but I don't know if it is KGC?

Everything I have ever found told me exactly direction, distance, depth, containers and how much $$$$$$$$$ I have never seen a trail like you mentioned. But you may still be on to something of value but I don't know if it is KGC?

J.S. Morton was very high up in the inner circle K.G.C. and he and Clement Vallandigham and a few others created the O.A.K. in 1863 after Vallandigham had been exiled to the South and he met with Jefferson Davis and some others including Judah P. Benjamin at Richmond. The closest thing to the truth I have ever read was a report made by an Provost Marshall explaining the above but not in it's entirety. The copper strips are O.A.K. and the lead crosses are K.G.C. and O.A.K.. The K.G.C. started here in the heartland to do battle with the abolitionist in 1849 and they went on after 1863 as the O.A.K. doing battle with the Federal Government until at least 1912 and probably beyond that. It is the same as the Southern stuff, but with a Northern kind of twist. Thanks for your input Franklin I appreciate it.


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J.S. Morton and Judah P. Benjamin standing in the back of a seated Clement Vallandigham. They were well acquainted. What were they doing the day this photo was taken? I am sure it was a Democratic function of some sort.


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The Cain Ghost key gives an exact amount and you already had the heading to find it, but you have to decode the distance and find the second compass point to use it. Sounds familier to what you are saying, but with a bit of a twist. We had to do a lot just to find the key and that was for only one site, there are 7 :thumbsup:

L.C. I might be wrong but I think that you you may be missing Franklin's point. At the time that these caches were hidden they had no real electronic gadgets. Such as detectors, oscillators, or amplifiers. The simplest of equipment would have been available to them. Probes, compass, and shovels were the recovery tools of the day. If they needed a cache five years after they buried it they would have to go out with these crude tools and find it again. Sometimes by someone other than who buried the treasure in the first place.

It is fun to think that these gentlemen would create a complex puzzle that would take us years to unravel. The truth of the matter is or lays in human nature. We are a lazy lot and won't make anything harder than we have to. Besides out on the Iowa/Nebraska prairies you can see a great distance. Even two men working digging a hole out in the middle of nowhere would have attracted some attention. Your description is what I have heard ,seen, and read since the days of my youth. A great sea of grass. That is why the the covered wagons were call prairie schooner. Tiny ships on a sea of grass. I could see why they would use nautical measurements.

In my own families instance they were lead to a area when they went west in the 1860's by a way point called Pilot Rock. The family homestead is 11 straight north of this very rock in Cedar Township Cherokee county, Iowa. In this story is a photo of pilot rock that piloted many early settlers to the place thru a grass sea.Cherokee Chronicle Times: Local News: Times Gone By (07/13/12) In my youth my parents would go there and us boys would crawl all over that rock and burn up or off excess energy. One of the things I remember is that on top of the rock you could see for a great ways. It might pay dividends to see if you have your own Pilot Rock some where close to your site.

Senior Deacon

L.C. I might be wrong but I think that you you may be missing Franklin's point. At the time that these caches were hidden they had no real electronic gadgets. Such as detectors, oscillators, or amplifiers. The simplest of equipment would have been available to them. Probes, compass, and shovels were the recovery tools of the day. If they needed a cache five years after they buried it they would have to go out with these crude tools and find it again. Sometimes by someone other than who buried the treasure in the first place.

It is fun to think that these gentlemen would create a complex puzzle that would take us years to unravel. The truth of the matter is or lays in human nature. We are a lazy lot and won't make anything harder than we have to. Besides out on the Iowa/Nebraska prairies you can see a great distance. Even two men working digging a hole out in the middle of nowhere would have attracted some attention. Your description is what I have heard ,seen, and read since the days of my youth. A great sea of grass. That is why the the covered wagons were call prairie schooner. Tiny ships on a sea of grass. I could see why they would use nautical measurements.

In my own families instance they were lead to a area when they went west in the 1860's by a way point called Pilot Rock. The family homestead is 11 straight north of this very rock in Cedar Township Cherokee county, Iowa. In this story is a photo of pilot rock that piloted many early settlers to the place thru a grass sea.Cherokee Chronicle Times: Local News: Times Gone By (07/13/12) In my youth my parents would go there and us boys would crawl all over that rock and burn up or off excess energy. One of the things I remember is that on top of the rock you could see for a great ways. It might pay dividends to see if you have your own Pilot Rock some where close to your site.

Senior Deacon
AND! Isn't PILOT ROCK on the current Nebraska state quarter...? I got "goosebumps"!

That quarter is FULL of Masonic symbolism... RISING SUN, in the EAST; wagon going WEST, across the HOT BURNING SANDS of the desert. Chimney Rock almost looks like a STEP PYRAMID from Egypt... etc.

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Rebel exactly. Never over look the obvious. Can we say hiding out in plain sight!!!!


Senior Deacon

L.C. I might be wrong but I think that you you may be missing Franklin's point. At the time that these caches were hidden they had no real electronic gadgets. Such as detectors, oscillators, or amplifiers. The simplest of equipment would have been available to them. Probes, compass, and shovels were the recovery tools of the day. If they needed a cache five years after they buried it they would have to go out with these crude tools and find it again. Sometimes by someone other than who buried the treasure in the first place.

It is fun to think that these gentlemen would create a complex puzzle that would take us years to unravel. The truth of the matter is or lays in human nature. We are a lazy lot and won't make anything harder than we have to. Besides out on the Iowa/Nebraska prairies you can see a great distance. Even two men working digging a hole out in the middle of nowhere would have attracted some attention. Your description is what I have heard ,seen, and read since the days of my youth. A great sea of grass. That is why the the covered wagons were call prairie schooner. Tiny ships on a sea of grass. I could see why they would use nautical measurements.

In my own families instance they were lead to a area when they went west in the 1860's by a way point called Pilot Rock. The family homestead is 11 straight north of this very rock in Cedar Township Cherokee county, Iowa. In this story is a photo of pilot rock that piloted many early settlers to the place thru a grass sea.Cherokee Chronicle Times: Local News: Times Gone By (07/13/12) In my youth my parents would go there and us boys would crawl all over that rock and burn up or off excess energy. One of the things I remember is that on top of the rock you could see for a great ways. It might pay dividends to see if you have your own Pilot Rock some where close to your site.

Senior Deacon

No, I understood what he was getting at, it was what they had to do because there were no rocks or trees I was trying to get him to understand. He knew what to do, just not that it was a man made object or symbol where there was nothing but grass that had to be placed where it would draw no attention. The point of being seen is what I am excited about when we are led to a place that is down under the horizon and not visible from long distances like you stated. We have also noticed that they used roads to avoid leaving tracks. As asinine as that sounds, there were actually very few roads back then and as soon as you left one of them you were leaving new tracks. does help to be planting trees if you are digging a hole in public, and J.S. Morton dug a lot of tree holes. :laughing7: As far as the sea measurements, Ben Ficklin, J.S.Morton, Paul Morton, and President Teddy Roosevelt all loved blockade ships or the Navy and they were all fond of the sea. Teddy actually wrote a book about ships. That anchor is on that stone to set you forth on a voyage in your ship across a sea of grass by the use of the stars and some man made objects they left behind here and there where they wouldn't stand out.


P.S. Morton also had people dug up and moved where ever he liked and he sat monuments to whom ever he desired, where there were no bodies buried. This was done at more than one place,,,,"There are a lot of dead people watching over it!"

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L. C. What better place to bury a treasure than in a empty grave. All the haunts to watch over it. A real ghost army for sure.

Senior Deacon

L.C. I might be wrong but I think that you you may be missing Franklin's point. At the time that these caches were hidden they had no real electronic gadgets. Such as detectors, oscillators, or amplifiers. The simplest of equipment would have been available to them. Probes, compass, and shovels were the recovery tools of the day. If they needed a cache five years after they buried it they would have to go out with these crude tools and find it again. Sometimes by someone other than who buried the treasure in the first place.

It is fun to think that these gentlemen would create a complex puzzle that would take us years to unravel. The truth of the matter is or lays in human nature. We are a lazy lot and won't make anything harder than we have to. Besides out on the Iowa/Nebraska prairies you can see a great distance. Even two men working digging a hole out in the middle of nowhere would have attracted some attention. Your description is what I have heard ,seen, and read since the days of my youth. A great sea of grass. That is why the the covered wagons were call prairie schooner. Tiny ships on a sea of grass. I could see why they would use nautical measurements.

In my own families instance they were lead to a area when they went west in the 1860's by a way point called Pilot Rock. The family homestead is 11 straight north of this very rock in Cedar Township Cherokee county, Iowa. In this story is a photo of pilot rock that piloted many early settlers to the place thru a grass sea.Cherokee Chronicle Times: Local News: Times Gone By (07/13/12) In my youth my parents would go there and us boys would crawl all over that rock and burn up or off excess energy. One of the things I remember is that on top of the rock you could see for a great ways. It might pay dividends to see if you have your own Pilot Rock some where close to your site.

Senior Deacon

Good points, deac. Knowledge of human nature is part and parcel of these treasure caches, if that is what they are. Regardless, the clues that were created probably have two purposes, IMO. First: all the geometry, coding, layouts and arcaneness present a compelling puzzle that dazzles the searchers and would-be recoverers. You can't deny the cunning methods used in the creation and placement of the clues being found. Somebody did it for a reason. The more you find, the more you're convinced, and the more your commitment grows. Unless I'm badly mistaken, those who have found themselves involved in such a mystery have had little to show for their efforts, save more clues discovered, their commitment strengthened, more unexpected knowledge gained, and, suddenly, many years spent searching in ever-expanding circles. Round and round we go.

That said, IMO these clues likely have an obvious second purpose: they lead to the goal. But only for those who know which clues from the total constellation are important, and how they are to be used. You mentioned technology of the day, but you failed to list land surveying. Knowing the correct starting point(s) and criteria, a surveyor has the tools and knowledge to place himself exactly on the target (OK, within a couple feet, a hundred years ago). Remember, many of these caches were hidden in the twentieth century, and many others were allegedly re-located in the 1930s. Land surveying is a precision technique, and USGS topo maps can help.

I agree with you sdcfia. S.D. and Franklin as well as yourself all make very good points and the statement that little is found but another ring of the web is a very interesting way to put it. In our case there has only been one cache out of ten located by metal detector, the irony in that fact is because of exactly what you men already know, there is no metal detector required to locate them. As far as their accuracy in surveying and triangulation the K.G.C. were West Point and other college level masters in the trade. Some of the men involved were working for the U.S. Government and had the full confidence of those that sent them into uncharted territories. The targets we have acquired are made of lead and are all very small 2"x 3" crosses and the likes. The fact that they were relocated by the O.A.K. in the late 1800's early 1900's and copper strips were left by them with different coordinates to different locations means the tiny crosses can and have been relocated without a metal detector. You are right, I have very little to show for my efforts that is of tangible value, but we have gained a fortune in knowledge of the unknown so far and we are not done by any means. We are a low tech operation with the lack of major financing for better equipment, but we are 70% there in the fact that we have been led to those places to search by the O.A.K. in plain text and the O.A.K. in symbolism and decoded ciphers. This thing took too long and too many years to create to be a hoax, especially when you start figuring in the government and Jesse W. James connections to it. My Father and I may not recover what they left for us, but maybe someone else that is worthy of it will find it. If We don't give up the beginning of it before I and my Father pass, then it would be lost forever and what has been already taken from the trails could not be put with the rest of it that has not been found to make any sense to anybody. The fact that there is NO metal detector involved means that the exact location of everything that has been found is dire to the final location. In this case the clues that we have used from the constellation are the brightest stars to navigate by, but I know there is more to it than that. We are still learning as we go, thanks for the help in understanding what they have left behind.


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... I have very little to show for my efforts that is of tangible value, but we have gained a fortune in knowledge of the unknown so far and we are not done by any means. ...


Same here. A well-informed friend once suggested to me that maybe this is one of the things they wanted to accomplish - to increase the awareness of the curious.

Same here. A well-informed friend once suggested to me that maybe this is one of the things they wanted to accomplish - to increase the awareness of the curious.

Could increasing awareness have been to reassemble a group of like minded individuals to continue on a narrow path together? I am beginning to lean more that way as we go further along on this trail. :thumbsup:


L.C. I think and this is my opinion only that the the KGC had a plan of perpetuating the organization and its ideas. O.A.K. took over and died out. It may have morphed into something we have no knowledge of. We a group of hard core treasure hunters/seekers seem to have revived the order in a loose confederation. Have our meetings in a castles called treasure net. Com and the other treasure sites on the world wide web. We live in a era of long past. Trying to think and understand what they did. A lot of us have a unifying ritual that bands us together. Keeps us close and provides our trust and fidelity to one another.

Yes they maybe had a grand plan. I thing yes, Yes we are the product of there labor. Their end to perpetuate their memory. I personally think we do a good job of it. Perhaps there is a lot of treasure or maybe none at all. Maybe the treasure is our keeping their memory alive and well. Well the Ramblings from a old man at any rate.

Senior Deacon

L.C. I think and this is my opinion only that the the KGC had a plan of perpetuating the organization and its ideas. O.A.K. took over and died out. It may have morphed into something we have no knowledge of. We a group of hard core treasure hunters/seekers seem to have revived the order in a loose confederation. Have our meetings in a castles called treasure net. Com and the other treasure sites on the world wide web. We live in a era of long past. Trying to think and understand what they did. A lot of us have a unifying ritual that bands us together. Keeps us close and provides our trust and fidelity to one another.

Yes they maybe had a grand plan. I thing yes, Yes we are the product of there labor. Their end to perpetuate their memory. I personally think we do a good job of it. Perhaps there is a lot of treasure or maybe none at all. Maybe the treasure is our keeping their memory alive and well. Well the Ramblings from a old man at any rate.

Senior Deacon
"Rambling"...? HA! NOTHING wrong with Pondering & Mulling things over... 2 aspects to consider; look for the "HARD" Treasures of the Knights, OR... review the Philosophy of Life ("SOFT" Treasure) generated within the Castles of the OLD days (as in the Lodges of Free-Masons); kinda "Romantic" isn't it...? Is Chivalry dead...?
:coffee2: Coffee for MORE pondering & mulling things over... :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2: Java Zone/Coffee Bar is now OPEN!

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It may have morphed into something .....

Senior Deacon

I believe that with all of my heart S.D.:thumbsup:. I have started a climb up a ladder that started at a K.G.C. turtle in Nebraska City that has showed us the Tobias that we held in our hands. What did they morph into is the question, and I don't believe we have to climb much higher up it to see where they went to from the O.A.K. We will be Illuminated somewhere near the top I am sure. This is no fluke...It was a man whose heart was broken, his guard was down and at the very depths of his soul where secrets are kept, he pulled out this symbol " X" to reflect the absence of light in his life. There was no light on the obelisk....there was no shadow from it cast to the ground to tell what season it was.....he felt like his life as he knew it had ended that day. He was no longer Illuminated. A picture is worth a thousand words.
s symbol.webp


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