Personal Protection

Desmobob, I have the same Jetfire, it's not much, but something. It's funny cause thats the pistol I had when I got robbed. I knew this guy was gonna pull a gun, and figured he had a 9mm (which he did), and him being strung out, I opted not to use the Beretta an took my chance, which I believe was the right thing otherwise I would'nt be on this forum now!

The detective working on the case saw me a week later and asked me if I go to church on Sunday's, I replied yeah, why? She said that he shot a store manager in the back of the head for no reason in front of 3 female employees after he gave them all the store money!

Jonster, I feel a lot safer with the Glock 27. I've shot over 800 rounds with all types of cheap ammo, and it NEVER jamed!

surfrat96 said:
I opted not to use the Beretta an took my chance, which I believe was the right thing otherwise I would'nt be on this forum now!

Jonster, I feel a lot safer with the Glock 27. I've shot over 800 rounds with all types of cheap ammo, and it NEVER? jamed!


You are a lucky man, for sure. I'm convinced you made the right decision.

Speaking of right decisions, I think picking the Glock was one. I have a Model 22 (full-size .40). I have a bunch of nice handguns, but if the stuff ever hit the fan and I had to pick one to protect myself, it would be the "fantastic plastic" Glock. [I also had a Model 20 (.45) but sold it because the slightly larger size just didn't feel right in my hand like the Model 22.]

Good hunting,

stoney56 said:
S&W 60, reverse hollow-base wad-cutters 3.5 gr Unique. Guess I'm old school. Bobbed hammer and all.

If you ever had to protect yourself with it and shot someone with home-brewed ammo, you'd be roasted alive by the deceased's family's attorneys.? Use reloads for practice and plinking, but keep it loaded with factory ammo!? (Check out the Glaser Safety Slug line.)

Good hunting,

desmobob said:
stoney56 said:
S&W 60, reverse hollow-base wad-cutters 3.5 gr Unique. Guess I'm old school. Bobbed hammer and all.

If you ever had to protect yourself with it and shot someone with home-brewed ammo, you'd be roasted alive by the deceased's family's attorneys.? Use reloads for practice and plinking, but keep it loaded with factory ammo!? (Check out the Glase Safety Slug line.)

Good hunting,

That is a wives tale. Please visit and do a search. Many people believe it to be true, I don't.

Stay away from Glaser safety slugs. Impressive on milk jugs for sure, not what you want should you need to stop an aggressor. See if you can find a video called "Deadly Effects: Wound Ballistics" put out by Anite Productions for some data and graphic examples of why.

If you are curious and in the Denver area and all get together I will put together a free showing of this video.


Nice site, I have to get back into that one sometime soon.

I think the point about hand loads is not that they are hand loads, but more specifically ammo perhaps designed to wound 'extra' hard. Ridiculous, of course. Other ammo has been attacked this way. Any extra charge, or nasty bullet that does more than usual is a target for plaintiff's lie-er. Black talons we pulled from production because of bullet design and a name that was said to single out a group of people to kill. I not saying it's valid, but that won't stop them.

This has indeed been put to a jury as a prior intention to 'kill' someone, as opposed to best answer for pulling a gun 'I was only trying to stop him from killing me".

Having a quality, production ammo can help avoid another avenue of prosecution.

I have a Glock 26, compact 9mm as well, and have shot countless rounds of WWII era ammo from storage. Works every time.

The reason I carry a 2" hammerless 357 is threefold.
1) Very Light.
2) The .357 round is a great load (all around best, I believe).
3) Always ready. Shoots equally well left or right hand. No cocking, no safety, even trigger pull. If you carry an auto loader and it is not racked and ready, can you pull it out, chamber the round, and flip the 'safety' after getting your preferred arm broken while fending off a baseball bat? Kinda extreme, but a guy's gotta plan.

surfrat96 -cool under fire, man. Sounds like you made your own luck with good decisions.

Better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6. But if the latter, then I know I'm not going alone. The point is to always keep attuned to your surroundings.

I am much more concerned that you be trained.? If you decide to go without the license or against local ordinance then don't cry foul once behind bars.? And if your infraction happens to be a felony then you'll be giving up your options.

Learn the rules, go to and look up your locale.? If you decide to play against the rules, well, that's your choice.

Learn to operate your tools safely.


NRA Instructor: Certified Home Firearm Safety, Certified Pistol, Personal Protection

Now here's a good rule!!!!! know your laws!!!!!!know your firearm!!!!!,or youll end up in the slammer if in NY or afew other NE'rn states,....
But if you do play by the rules ,in which i hope you do get a pistol permit "waitng is the problem 6+ months",and then you have to apply for a concel and carry which is very hard to obtain....
but if you do say that you are a metal detectorist and dont feel safe "when you apper in front of your local judge for your permit" in your area,then your pretty much insured on obtainig one....

but whats really wrong is that one can obtain a "MA Duce- semi" with a 5 day waitng peroid but cannot own a uzi.....Hmmmmm strange law there....or a AK -vari but can own a AR15 copy.....

The area I am in you need a pistol or your gonna end up murderd on some detecting spots since its next to a very very low income neighboorhood and poorly patoled, crooked county cops who are worse than the real criminals....some areas are shotty/rifle spots especialy up north in NYS,.....

Follow the laws! or yoyur gonna end up FU##ED,somtimes also a mean lookin shovel or Leche diggn kinfe will deter alot!....
But if ya get a pistol,learn it! dont need a hand cannon,get a small Walther,or a 9mm cliped ITEM....

IF YOU THINK LAWS OF THIS NATURE ARE SCREY NOW WAIT TILL NOV.....imagine having to show your lisence to buy a box of shells...or even parts! buy now!!!-but be smart,follow the law of your state,and dont try to buy online without a permitz cause youll be busted as it arrives to your door!....unless you have a Relic& curio licen,and a carry and concel......TAKE JOHNS ADVICE!!!!!!

Unfortunately, in Canada, you are not allowed to carry, unless your in Bear country, and have a permit to carry, but not concealed. I chose the Para Ordinance LDA (light double action) .40, for several reason and all of them came true.. First, it's the ONLY 'Canadian' made handgun (and you should support the 'only'!), and it's also been used to take virtually every IPSC competition in existence. The LDA feature is amazing, a fraction of an ounce rocks the hammer back, then 2-5lbs (depending on adjustment) to fire.. It 'can't be cocked manually, and its the only gun made that you can carry cocked and locked with the hammer down.. I chose .40, because .40 brass is everywhere, and the only thing you have to buy are primers, powder (I reload with red dot) and bullets .. This particular gun has fired over 7500 rounds without one single jamb, and still using the original slide spring.. I'd buy another Para in a second...

I lucked out on miine, it's Stainless as well, but it was on order for a hell of a long time.. The dealer kept telling me it was para's fault, so I finaly called para, and started bitching.. Turns out, the dealer was bullshiting me, and was under investigation by the police for black market dealing, but no one knew that yet.. So, The president of Para (a real cool guy) said he would go and pick one out for me, send it to the dealer with instructions that it was to go to me, and once I picked it up, to call him, and he would send me a couple of free mags.. Two come with the gun, so that makes 4 mags and the 1640 lda stainless for $1250.00 Canadian and that would have been about $800.00 U.S. at the time... Shortly after I got it, the cops busted the dealer, and shut down the range and store..

Well here is my opinion as to be armed or not! If one is going in the wilds were there is 4 legged threats a 44 cal. or 12 gage would be in order. ---- However, In cities as well as in the bush more likely no one will bother you till they fill they have the drop on you.------- In cities there's just some places you don't want to go! If your white stay out of the black neighborhoods. Street gangs are taking over the cities. Drugs are taking over the people, and to feed $300. a day habbits people are picking up the gun as working just wont do it. ------- Say your in the wrong place at the wrong time. And your armed? Likely there will be 3 to 5 thugs surround you and ask for what you have. There armed also! Now you would be very foolish to want to draw against that. And say you could and you shoot someone, if you dont get shot yourself in the process. Likely it would cost more in lawyer fees to get you out of the spot then you would loose. ------ Most crooks are not out to kill you, but to take what you have. and if you had a gun on you they would take that also. So I'd feel safer to go unarmed in city and let them have what they want then run the chance of getting killed, or having killed someone and having to deal with that. Most of these mostly young street crooks live fast, and go to prison or die young. If you dont feel safe where you might find youself, move on out of area or at least dont go alone. Then again maybe go alone if you don't know how your partner will react, he may get you both hurt or worse. There's my 2 cents. In the end everyone must do what they think is right.

Hey GF,
I never really took a look at a para, didn't even know it to be Canadian! Thats a damn light factory trigger.
I have an older Ruger p85 that can be c@l with hammer down. It uses the de-cocker method.

As far a safety goes, I have a plan based on actual experience. . If a guy is spraying weeds at a large business, wearing shorts and a t shirt, countless lunch breakers will come by and ask questions. But,... If you are doing the same job with rubber boots, long gloves, a hat, a respirator etc, they pretty much run away.

Maybe if we wear a detector t-shirt with DANGER-BIOHAZARD emblazoned on it front and back while sweeping the rocks with some device..

I live in Florida and they just passed a new law. It used to be that if you felt your life was threatened you had to flee before using deadly force. Now you don't have to flee but you better be in some real danger if you start blazing a clear path. If you try to rob me they will find your ventilated carcass with a gator digging tool still in your lifeless grip.HH.


The new law takes effect Oct.1. Great law! Now the bad guys will think (not that there smart) twice about commiting a crime, since the law states that you don't have to flee to defend yourself in a life threatening situation.

I think Ted Nugent said it well: Rapist, child molesters, kidnappers, murderer's shoot them dead. No costly trials, jail, or parole. In Florida just in the past month we've had 2 child molesters abduct rape, and murder a 9 yr old girl out of her bedroom while she was sleeping, and a 12 yr old abducted, molested, and burried alive. What the hell are these guys doing back on the streets in the first place! Now the state is passing a law (or already did) to monitor all the sexual predators with ankle bracelets. This will cost the taxpayers millions of dollars for this, and still can't stop them from molesting and killing our kids! This would just show that they were at the seen of the crime. Again, what the hell are these guys, that have previous convictions doing back on the steets! ???

Monk said:
? ? ?Well here is my opinion as to be armed or not! If one is going in the wilds were there is 4 legged threats a 44 cal. or 12 gage would be in order. ---- However, In cities as well as in the bush more likely no one will bother you till they fill they have the drop on you.------- In cities there's just some places you don't want to go! If your white stay out of the black neighborhoods. Street gangs are taking over the cities. Drugs are taking over the people, and to feed $300. a day habbits people are picking up the gun as working just wont do it.? ------- Say your in the wrong place at the wrong time. And your armed? Likely there will be 3 to 5 thugs surround you and ask for what you have. There armed also! Now you would be very foolish to want to draw against that. And say you could and you shoot someone, if you dont get shot yourself in the process. Likely it would cost more in lawyer fees to get you out of the spot then you would loose.? ------ Most crooks are not out to kill you, but to take what you have. and if you had a gun on you they would take that also. So I'd feel safer to go unarmed in city and let them have what they want then run the chance of getting killed, or having killed someone and having to deal with that. Most of these mostly young street crooks live fast, and go to prison or die young. If you dont feel safe where you might find youself, move on out of area or at least dont go alone. Then again maybe go alone if you don't know how your partner will react, he may get you both hurt or worse.? There's my 2 cents. In the end everyone must do what they think is right.

wow 300 a day habit---- maybe in the 80's man for some coke,or if ya want some pot nowadays....yup that market is better than gold or a bullion market.....

proibition is a cause and effect type of process,and never bring the Race Card to the table without knowing what your talking about.......
no more narco, means no more gansters......cause theres a never ending supply........
if you shoot to kill your getin time shoot to injure......,

CMTE TYPE/varis are A++++ comapred to shoddy AR's and the new army rather carry a AK with a better penatration/distance % than a carbine.....even though if auto is used on a AK vari your not gonna hit 1 thing,but at least they dont jam in the

no offense to anyone....yes as a american your entilted to your opinion!
Thats what made america a great one point...\ :-X

A lot of Americans don't like bush, but they had the smarts to vote Conservative Canada is also going that way in the next election which should be 'real' soon seeing our liberals just got caught helping themselves to funds from the public purse.. Here is an example of what you get with 30 years of Liberal 'RULE"

4 years ago , a 15 year old boy was kicked to death by a couple of guys in their 20's, because he didn't give them a cigarette.. Here's how the 'Canadian' justice (Just-us) system works.. The Judge gave them 10 years.. However, they had been in jail awaiting trial for 4 years, and in Canada, thats 8 years credit. The Liberals also brought in a mandatory release after 2/3 of the sentence, and their back on the street as soon as the trial ended. in Canada, there is no such thing as 'consecutive' sentencing here so if you kill 10 people you get 10 life sentences 'served concurrently (a 10 for 1 sale) Life is 25 years, off comes the 2 for one credit, and your out in 2/3 of your sentence.. So, you kill ten wait in jail for your trial 4, = 8 credit, 2/3 of 25 is 16.66 minus the 8, so you kill ten people and your back on the street in less than 9 years.. The Canadian Conservatives had promised to get rid of concurrant sentencing
and revamp the 'little criminal bstrds law' (thats not really what it's called, by the authorities anyway) that says if your under 18, no one can know of your name, or criminal past, even if you raped the little girl down the lane, even if living next door... Thats what happens when bleeding heart liberals controll your government for too long, theres no such thing a a criminal, only people who had rough childhoods, and in dire need of rehabilitation.. when in fact, the 'only' rehabilitation that works is about 200 gr. @ 900 fps.. But, if you shoot someone in self defence, and you not wearing a badge, you'll be immediately arrested for not being killed like you should have.. We're not as bad as the U.K. 'yet' but it's headed that way..

surfrat96 said:
The new law takes effect Oct.1. Great law! Now the bad guys will think (not that there smart) twice about commiting a crime, since the law states that you don't have to flee to defend yourself in a life threatening situation.

I think Ted Nugent said it well: Rapist, child molesters, kidnappers, murderer's shoot them dead. No costly trials, jail, or parole. In Florida just in the past month we've had 2 child molesters abduct rape, and murder a 9 yr old girl out of her bedroom while she was sleeping, and a 12 yr old abducted, molested, and burried alive. What the hell are these guys doing back on the streets in the first place! Now the state is passing a law (or already did) to monitor all the sexual predators with ankle bracelets. This will cost the taxpayers millions of dollars for this, and still can't stop them from molesting and killing our kids! This would just show that they were at the seen of the crime. Again, what the hell are these guys, that have previous convictions doing back on the steets! ???

Man thats sick!...
Terrible Ted May Have a DAMN good point....,but im sure its been said before...
Our legal system is so full of holes and shadey to the point where innocent people get locked up instead of the real purps,and people who eveade or cheat on thier taxs get a heavier sentance than the people you mentioned.....again the almighty $$$$ somes into play...
But thankfully have abit of hope , Theres a Thing called the Echelon which tracks EVERYTHING FROM COMPUTER CONVERSATIONS TO CELL/ANALOG/CAR GOS/GPS and the new I-POD even...look it up....
i suggest every american should look at what your tax dollars reallly go to...but some good can come from this system of Intell......
But be prepared america - cause Big Brother is seriously watching.......-this could be a true or fake story-just look for that "E" word i mentioned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ???

Sicko's like that do need to be locked up or thrown to the fuc$N dogs

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