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Hey Phipps,
I am interested too. My buddy was one of the last permit holders to get thrown out by the moratorium. He has a wreck site that consistently produced treasure every year and he is anxious to get back. It's near the Memory Rock area. That's all I can say.

Mariner... my situation is a bit different than the ususal permitting process as my contacts in the Bahamas are more on a personal level than strictly business. I didn't have to follow the "usual channels" to get permission nor did I have to have a wreck site already picked out... that's about all can say at this point. It has been a lifelong dream of mine to work treasure wrecks down there and now that I have the permission and the right circumstances, I am in search of wrecks to work and the right people to work them with... backwards to the usual steps, but backwards is better than not at all!!

Salvor 6 (I believe it's Pete right?) Do you live along the Treasure Coast? I got the impression that you do from previous posts. If you do and would like to meet up and grab some lunch to chat about this Bahamas thing, email me at wreckdiver16@


look at my post, right below my name. It says "Pinellas Park, FL." That's on the W. coast. I would love to have lunch with you. Where are you located?

Salvor6... Sorry, I am new to this forum and didn't pay much attention to the left side of the screen other than to see who's posted. I usually just read the postings and try to keep a low profile normally. Please email me at my yahoo address and we can talk there about meeting up. Thanks... Phips

I also may be interested Phips, the one thing I don't understand, is how you
could have total access, when our group was down there in the 90's along with
some other salvor groups, and we knew "all the right permit people" on a "personal
level" it didn't seem to do much good, as everyone was not reissued permits in 2000
and nothing seems to have changed. So I have a hard time believing, you are going to
be able to be the only person that can just cruise around with no lease area and
start Salving, and tell the Bahamas Govt. "I know such and such it's OK for me to


First of all, your response sounds somewhat hostile and you clearly feel the need to try and discredit my post by saying you find it hard to believe that I have permission. I am not going to be wandering around the entire Bahamas doing as I please and when questioned just say I know so and so. I have permission to pursue a project down there and am in search of a project to pursue with someone who wants to form a partnership and work down there without legal issues.

I am sure that there are many individuals and groups whom have had permission to work down there in the past and I have no doubt there their are many well connected individuals who want to pursue that endeavor again and most likely will be able to sometime soon. I have heard rumors that the moretorium may be lifted in the future so stay in touch with your "permit people" you know and maybe you can work down there again.

I have been fortunate enough to "know some of the right people personally" myself and at present, have a chance to pursue a lifelong dream. I was concerned about putting this on the forum as I knew I would get some "nay sayers", but I took the chance to post this here as it seems to be a great forum in which to meet other like minded individuals who are looking for new friendships and adventure and are willing to form decent trusting partnerships to pursue our common interests. Why is it so hard to believe that I have received permission. I know of several other individuals whom have also received permission recently so please do not try to discredit me my friend... you do not know me nor I you so lets not start out our conversation on the wrong foot!

All the best to you... Phips.

Cornelius, they were talking about the Bahamas, not Florida. THey have not issued any permits, new ones anyway, for a while. And I dont have the answers to your question about Florida. Have a good night, Steve.

Cornelius, rather than post the rather lengthy information, most of your questions can be answered by going to the following website:

Right below the picture are some links, including a FAQ.

Hope this helps, Tom

I find it very strange that there is NO PLACE that tells anything about the Treasures recovered from Florida Waters and not a single photo of a single coin.
So much for the State of Florida website.
Of course if you are into quilts and dresses have at it.

Here is the name of the person you have to contact to get a permit.
Jeff Moates Archologist III
same address.
Peg leg

There is a small exhibit with shipwreck artifacts in the Museum of Florida History at 500 South Bronough Street in
Tallahassee, FL.

(This is a pretty cool museum which features all of Florida's history)

But the McLarty Museum (also a state museum) and Mel Fisher Center have far better shipwreck treasure displays.

If you contact Roger Smith with the Division of historical resources, he will give you a great tour of their offices and conservation facility. I had access to their library and I even found the file cabinet that had all of the old log sheets going back to the Real 8 days! Plus, I walked away with a box of 'freebies", maps, books, posters etc....

What I want to know is where is the REAL TREASURE that the State has been taking for many many years.
I have been to the McLarty Museum and all I saw was a buch of crap and even then it was NOT REAL stuff.
What I am talking about is the thousands of coins both Gold and Silver that the State has taken from THers and the gold bars and jewelry. I am NOT interested in some GOODIES that I can get from other sources just for the asking.
I would venture to say that NO ONE on this forum has ever been allowed to view even a small sample of this stash FOR REAL.
Peg Leg

I have been down stairs at the capitol where they do the preservation of artifacts and have been in the museum right above it. They have it all and I don't think they are stealing it. They are actually very nice people. I am sure over the years something has been lost or misplaced, but you are talking about tens of thousands of items. It would be impossible not to lose or misplace something. You should go there and do the tour and you will come away with a different perspective. You may even be embarassed about what you have been writing about these people after you meet them. I bet you will like them, I do.

Alan K Craig, professor emeritus of geography and geology at Florida Atlantic University, had a legitimate need to examine the coins in the state's collection for his two books on the subject. He included this blurb in the foreward:

"It has been a great comfort over the years to know that Alan Craig was always able and willing to guide the growth of the Florida Collection and provide sound numismatic counsel. His knowledge of the collection is based on years of experience and personal examination of each and every coin. It is a pleasure to be able to present once again a comprehensive and up-to-date account of the Florida Collection of Gold Coins
James J. Miller, state archaeologist and chief, Bureau of Archaeological Research

Also, here is 2 pics of bars and ingots the state has on display:


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It is hard for me to change my thoughts since I have been lied to on several occissions.
But I will accept what you say as true and will discontinue posting what my throghts are concernig the State of Florida. Matbe it could be just a few employees and not the whole bunch.
Peg leg

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