

Full Member
Mar 12, 2006
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All Treasure Hunting
I was out saturday driving around town, and I spotted a man on some property that I used to fish at that has since been posted no trespassing. So I parked my truck and asked if he was the owner of the land. I introduced myself and told him that I MD and that I was asking permission to go hunting on his property. He asked me if I saw the no trespassing sign? I replied that I had , and that was why I was stopping. He told me That I was trespassing at that moment because I had not been invited on his land and further more was about to call the police to boot me off. I shrugged my shoulders and left, not knowing what to say. I might add that he is one of the richest men in town. The other wealthy guys are extremly nice and if even if they said no to using their property they would be civil about it. This the only negative experiance to asking permission and has made me feel hesitant to do so in the future. Has anybody run into these situations befor?

hi pfired,i have been told no many times but some have a reason ,some just want to be left alone and some are just rude.Don,t give up there is some nice people out there.I know how you feel.GOT AN IDEA !! TRY WRITING TO THEM FIRST THAT HAS WORKED FOR ME.GOOD LUCK AND HAPPY UNTING


His bed of roses has many thorns! Getting rich with that kind of attitude is really hard work!

Shrug it off and don't let it discourage you from asking a different person on another property on a another day. I agree that letters are generally better recieved than just stopping when an opportunity presents itself. Maybe you caught him on a bad hair day. Either way he deserves pity.

I used to work for a really rich person and I know one of his greatest joys was sharing his good fortune with others. He NEVER had an attitude about his status. Despite all the bad press about "rich people" I still think his type is in the majority.

I once had a "lady" slam the door in my face on this primo 1700's site....I evidently wasn't the first person to have bothered her.I guess you have to take your chance's....sometime's good..sometime's bad but you still have to do it right.

??? First question pops into my mind: What's he got to hide? Or is he hiding something? Remember his house if anything happens to him !

Joe ;)

Just remember this quote from John F. Kennedy;

"Forgive Your Enemies,but NEVER Forget their Names"

That about covers it all. ;D

One thing to remember is that the only thing we take out of this life is what others remember of us. In this gentalmans case, enough said. Stan...

i was looking around this old cemetery and noticed a fence knocked down so i just walked down this path then i was in someones back yard so i turned around and was leaving this dude comes up and tells me this is privet land and i said sorry i was leaving he was a bit nasty so i didn't give him the 25 cents i had found on the path the next week i caught a big coon in my varmints trap so naturally i took him to the cemetery and put him in the dudes yard as i will with every varmint i trap " i don't get mad i get even"


geez. thats really lame. some people just go through life very cranky. I dont see how MDing his land would have HURT him any.... not to mention if he has lost anything on the property in the past maybe you would find it for him to return the favor.

but I guess you just go on and find other land. but wait till he dies/moves out.....and then take full advantage of the situation ;)

Hey k,In my "younger days" we had a very old,very nasty, man who lived near me.Every time you sneezed he called the law.Mostly we stayed out of his way,or tried to,one day we caught a baby crow. Now,what are we going to do with a baby crow? Late that evening I found out the crow would fit very nicely in his mail box.Can you guess the ending ???

I am afraid my temper would not do me well in a situation like that, I might have ended up searching for a metal plate in his head with my detector :o

Seriously though, I know you are supposed to be nice and it will come back to you 10 fold they say but someone like that probably doesn't have any friends anyway so what would it hurt if you just dropped the big F BOMB on his fat head >:(

That is what I would have done.

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