Permission convo

I've come up with an approach that I modified from several different people who've been pretty successful at getting into private yards. It goes like this: "Hi, I'm (whatever your name is) and I live over by (a local landmark if it's the same town or just the name of the town if I'm in a different town). One of my hobbies is metal detecting and I mainly look for old coins like these (I carry a pill bottle with some various silver coins I've found....enough to get their interest). I've had pretty good luck around homes like yours and I was wondering if you'd let me hunt your yard?"

That brief opening is usually enough for me to tell if I'm going to have a chance or not. Some people say yes right away; some say no. Some are on the fence though and you'll need to be quick on your feet to close the deal with them. If they seem like the type that might go for a chance at getting something out of it, I'll add: "You know sometimes I do find some gold rings and stuff, in fact, I found a ring worth $650 just a few weeks ago (don't make it up though, be honest). If I'm lucky enough to find any gold in your yard, we'll split the value 50/50. Either you can keep the item and buy my half or I'll keep it and pay you half the value. I am a coin collector though, so I want to keep any old coins I find." That extra part will usually get you into the yards where the owner is on the fence.

When I go to the door, I don't have any MDing tools. I have on clean clothes and am well groomed. You don't want to look like a bum or have things that might intimidate them hanging off your belt. Be courteous, even if they say no. I've had a couple of occasions where the person said no at first and after I thanked them anyway and started to walk away, they changed their mind and said go ahead. Take good care of the yard and don't do any damage. If you find some interesting stuff, show it to them, but keep it in your hand! If it's a really good yard and you find a lot, offer them a silver coin or something that you can tell they have an interest in. Word will get around to other neighbors, either good or bad, about how you conduct yourself.

Good luck. I was a shy boy myself, but after 30 years in the military I could talk at a Congressional inquiry now! LOL.

Wow sounds great! Thanks mason. Ill try it out. It's been raining and haven't gotten a chance to ask. I appreciate all of the replies!

Mason jar I forgot one thing- I wanted to thank you for your service! Happy hunting!

Mason jar I forgot one thing- I wanted to thank you for your service! Happy hunting!

You're very welcome. Thanks for the recognition. Serving our country was a great privilege for me. If you don't have other plans, you might consider it yourself.

If you are only 13 you can always say you are studying the history in your area for a future school project and you would be happy to show them anything you happen to find. Of course they will watch you for the first few hunts. Once they feel you are honest you will have a new hunting area. Then after that ask them if they know anyone else in the area that might let you hunt on their property. Word of mouth is the best way to get more land to hunt on. I always show great respect for the property when hunting on it. I collect NA Indian artifacts and hunt fields mostly. I always carry the big rocks off the field area and put them to the side of the fields. I let the owner know I am doing this and I also remove any litter if I see it for them. I figure they are nice enough to let me hunt it why not help out. Good Luck, rock

I just want to add that once you get permission and maybe get to know the land owners a-little bit start using them for references when securing a spot. This can work out good on hard-core landowners and normally those "hard to get permission landowners" are where the good artifacts are laying. Even if they say "no" you can give them a piece of paper that is got - What you do, Why you do it, A reason why your yard won't get torn up and then a list of some references. And then say "If you change your mind just call me" That way when the land-owner sits back @ bed at night and goes over his day they may go "well maybe he or she isn't so bad i will call them" or maybe the next day the land-owner is having a better day and talked it over with his wife or something and they decide to let you give it a swing... It can't hurt.

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