
Ummm Yeah........................

I guess I am just dense, but what does that have to do with treasure hunting? Would play well on the BME page though. For all your piercing and tattoo needs.


Thanks for reading it, and thanks for writing! Most of my stories have some treasure hunting content, in this one it was diving for arrowheads, although I did draw heavily on my own experience diving for the mother of pearl mussels in the TN river too, which is actually very lapidary. I post here because I sold my first article to Ray Krupa when I was 19 years old, a long time ago, when this type of my writing was not even embryonic yet - I only WANTED to write fiction way back when....b


Don't give up on your writing......If you like that type of thing I suggest you read Clive Cussler. In many of his novels..his hero, Dirk Pit, is something of a swashbuckling treasure hunter. He incorporates many of his personal experiences into his novels. They make for very interesting reading.


Hello Atlantis0077 thanks again. I most certainly won't give up on my English writing and may perhaps embrace another language soon. Anyone familiar with my early work at WE and even world of trasures, as well as Lapidary Journal, Body Art, and now, (My publishing site. valuable! check it out), even The Stone Industry News ...anyway where the heck was I? Anyone in the know about my career would know that suggestion is ludicrous rotflmao!

OK ,no I certainly will not give up on the writing. Tell us about your you know that this really is the 5th world and all the religion and technology is just devo pieces slapped back together haphazardly? Your name seems to indicate you might also be familiar with Cydonia Plain, and even perhaps Clementine, my darling Clementine.

Good luck and I am wondering why i did not receive notice of this reply...



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Greetings Luxefaire,

Did you click notify me of replies at the base of the text box? If you didn't, it wont. I have always been fascinated by the stories of Atlantis and believe it actually existed....if not in the exotic realm that is talked about by Plato, then in a more mundane form in the presence of a wealthy society somewhere near present day Isle of Santorini. Destroyed by a large volcanic eruption and ensuing tsunami.

I find that before I offer conjecture on someone who brings me "light," I must first ascertain where they received said light. Not all light is good nor wise. Satan himself does masquerade as an angel of light. God is the true and perfect light and in Him resides knowledge and more importantly truth. I am not on treasurenet to bandy religion or philosophy. I know what I believe and why. In my world Christ is the answer. He is my Lord and no other.

Yes I am familiar with cydonia, haarp, groom lake, aliens/demons, and a host of other conspiracy theory odds and ends. Some truth probably resides in some of them. It will be difficult however, for the earth to be destroyed by all the different things that these sites promote.....I mean logically we can only die once as a civilization...whether by nuclear annihilation or alien destruction or meteorite impact.

Biblically this is the third manifestation of earth....A final destruction and recreation of earth is coming "and I beheld a new heaven and new earth for the first heaven and first earth was passed away and there was no more sea...Rev 21:1

Barter is a good thing....not always possible to find someone willing to swap apples for oranges though...the only problem....that is why a monetary system was developed.....a standard way of valuing merchandise, whether shells or coins. And yes it was Thomas Jefferson that said a Federal Reserve type bank or system was more dangerous to a free country than an invading army. We now have such, and "we the people" have no say in the rules they is the Fed, not the house and senate that chart the course of our economy, so we shouldn't blame them or the president....not directly anyhow.

Was fascinated by your page with all the how to info on it. The internet can use more of that sort of thing. I think the Amish still hold to the "old way" of doing things. A lot of wisdom there I think. As for my namesake, you think Atlantis was really destroyed by their time machine? They had a pyramid with a crystal of power on the top you know. Some say remnants of these crystals are what causes the problems in the Bermuda Triangle.....only a theory of course... ;) Some contend the city wasn't destroyed and lies at the bottom of the sea....still others say that all the major civilizations sprang from fair Atlantis....castoffs from a dying land. If Plato's account is correct it was a very unique place destroyed in part to its decadence and arrogance. America could perhaps learn a lesson from Atlantis

Truth is stranger than fiction.

Live long, and prosper!



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Hi Thank you again Atlantis0077, I appreciate you taking the time to write. Yes the whole thing is a mess in government and elsewhere, the chemtrailing is em/rf propagation amounting to heavy duty mind control-beahviour modification experimentation--the patents are blatant. But here, now, to the majority, if it is not on TV it is not real and that right there is the achilles heel of America I think. If everyone is asleep now, wait until they hook the nuclear plants they are planning up to the antennae farms they have installed across every city and state!

Hah, it will be all over then I guess. These perps did not need the oil from the middle east for cars, they needed it to feed this behaviour modification grid they have in place now and have been building for well over ten years. Take good care and I look forward to visiting with you more in the near future.....sorry for the cat cartoon, and twice, I thought it said ROTFLMAO not spelled out like that, its been awhile since i used it, I have asked Marc to remove he might now have gotten that request yet.......b


I have no problem with the cat....thought it was funny actually.

Have you ever read the book "Angels don't play this Haarp?" Gets into some of the things you were talking about in your previous post. Getting back to a more Treasure and history oriented vein, it is amazing to read about the power grids and how ancient sites always seem to be aligned perfectly on them. The Egyptians had a knowledge of this I think, as well as a far more advanced grasp of mathematics than modern science would like to admit.

You also need to read the Book of Enoch if you haven't. Though regarded as a spurious book by some scholars, I find it to be very interesting reading that answers some questions I had. It does tend to ramble in later chapters though.

You can run yourself crazy with all the different conspiracy things on the net....secret bases on the moon and mars, alien complexes under Groom Lake, not to mention under the Mormon Temple in Utah.....the masonic links with the Illuminati, knights templar, and even the all plays into the end time plan. Nothing new under the sun, you just have to be willing to read and take things in context....biblically I mean. Tough times they are a comin'.

So do you actually go relic hunting on a regular basis? Indian relics can be found in every state...some in more than others. I find it a fascinating hobby and a great link to the past.

Happy Hunting


Welll...I am after true history, most of the books available for this are all slanted to foster a point of view that is profitable for some people or groups of people. Cultivated ignorance. Its why Americas health is so bad, generally speaking, because they have been made foolish and uncaring by TV and oher aspects of their pablum reality. This has all turned into a great and unhealthy meal ticket for the ignorant and lazy I think. Initiative punsihed. Innovation punished. Get in line! Don't rock the boat!

I am now well beyond the place where any of this bothers me though, these knowledges and hard earned facts.... my initial quest is still and always has been for information...its all you can keep from this world, and so faulty information, or embracing willingly something known to be false or ego based or idolatry, ah, you are so much better than that....I believe that willfully embracing anything without full and responsible investigation is akin to blasphemy, and is paid for across many lives, atonement for that mistake takes a long time!

And I think kings and lords of all kinds are UnAmerican. So biblically does not play a part in my reality, except that there is some valuable truth all mixed in with a lot of story telling. As in just about any book. I prefer The Jefferson Bible or a version of it if I ever use the bible, but as I say that has all been tainted by the mind controllers like the paperclip people in Huntsville AL, who perceived the fundamentalism and fanatacism of christianity in the southern states as ready-made mind control, which it was!

After these German enemies were brought here illegally after WW2 by the hidden government, the unaccountable (OH THERE IS AN ACCOUNTING COMING SOON THOUGH!) with the rationale that Russia would get them if we did not. Huntsville Alabama is the buckle of the bible belt, and all that info I have learned has turned me off of this judiac version of history, it is so incomplete it is embarassing!

I have had hard times ever since the traitor stole office and has instituted a dictatorship in this country. Buy Guns and Ammo. But these hard times are nothing compared to what comes next for people who do not exercise their God Given Free Will and intellect. This is just physicality, afterall and IMHO.

I do hunt regularly:


best wishes, good luc



Well I have enough problems in day to day life without dredging up imagined conspiracies of history, philosophy, and metaphysics. As I said we can only be destroyed once and after this the judgement.

Don't see what it matters who is president or stole the election as the country is run behind the scenes by aliens anyhow... ::) I always did suspect Al Gore of being a hybrid.....and who KNOWS what lies in Hillary's genes....who has the nerve to

I just enjoy learning and looking. I don't throw anything out totally.....history is normally written by the victors so some slant and prejudice is to be expected. Personally I consider the bible more than a book of stories. And being on one of the lower notches of the bible belt, and seeing the moral slide our country has been on these last few decades, think we could use a little more of it....

Happing hunting


I personally think hugo chavez is the love child of duh-bya and condi rice. Talk about the Lizard People sheesh...boys from brazil and all that...its been going on down there since ww2. You have many new things in you now, since they have been successfully spraying only God knows what, daily, on all of us, for over 8 years now.

I am young enough yet to hope I can change it without violence. As I get closer to my last day though, I am sure that resolve will disappear, and there are many of us. We keep trying in spite of the nastiness of what this world has become.

The THIRD WAY movement is getting big, but look for heavy oppostion--the foreign govts of israel germany england and spain have taken over here, and run both parties. Royal family in England owns about half of Colorado or somthing and they control our military through their agents bush.

Yes we are all being made into their image and likeness, and its not a nice thing.

Chemtrailing is the ULTIMATE Gun Control!

If you keep smiling and stay happy, they do HATE that, but that makes you a target for more intensive mind control...

I am going to see your new post about the point, to heck with all those fools in government, our biggest problem has always been that when they fall on their butts, they take a lot of good people with them....they are falling now and look for a big one soon! Both sides. People are waking up.....b


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As stated earlier, I have enough real problems to deal with in life without resorting to worrying about what is being sprayed in the atmosphere or mind control through nuclear reactors.....we have too few of those as it is due to the environmental wacko crowd...then when they do go and build them they put them in earthquake zones....brilliance that.
But I digress. I am more concerned with what it appears people are smoking than with what we are breathing.

You sound as though you are advocating the overthrow of the government....even by force if necessary......who now is under the influence of mind control?.....third way???......democratic think tank retreads trying to come up with something that sounds new, but if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck its still socialism. What makes you think that the DNC is going to come up with anything revolutionary?......I would sooner put my support behind the least they have a few fresh ideas.

I wondered why you were so anti I see that original focal point of the third way is none other than former prez...hillary, I mean bill clinton. Please....I applaud any efforts to change our country for the better...heaven knows we could use a good dose of morals and back bone....neither of which were ever a clinton strong suit. ::)

We have real world problems, problems that need to be addressed logically and with a sense of Nationalism, that is to say putting our country and well being first for a change. Not go chasing rabbits of chemtrails and government mindcontrol.....with what I see now days....given the news media and hollywood...mind control would take little more than some tin foil a couple of paper cups and a piece wouldn't take rocket science to control the general public....CNN does it on a daily basis.. :o

No doubt in a couple of years we will have a changing of the guard...then pendulum will again swing to the left. We shall see then if things improve, continue downhill, or maintain the status quo. Not here to debate politics. Honestly I care for neither side. With so many different conspiracies its difficult to figure out which one is doing the most harm, or where to start to diffuse them. Besides, we are all going to be destroyed by a giant meteor or be absorbed by aliens that need our life energy anyhow. 8)

I am being facetious, but chasing after all this off the wall stuff is like running yourself to death around the base of a tree, it consumes much time and effort, you appear to be busy, but in the end produces nothing.

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusteth in thee. Isa 26:3 With God on your side, you are imparted psionic powers that no amount of government technology can really should give it a try if you are as concerned about it as you sound. Dust off that bible, you might be surprised what you can learn.

Post some relic photos, I would like to see some of the things you have found.

By your leave,


Third way: had only heard about it, did not know the DNC connexion, thanks for clarifying...yes they are good at disguising their agendas. We definitely need a REAL third way, to get this devo religion out of our government, and to put America back on track, and to get the foreign experimenters out of our skies. That lasts really gaining exposure now though, a real nice thing, look up, those lines were not there ten years ago...when you see the lines spread into canopy and plasma, think about the mycoplasmas and toxoplasmas you are now infected with, the weaponised versions that were HARVESTED from the body fluids of aids patients -- search mycoplasma patent....its online everywhere...your dolalrs at work comrades....AND THE ANTENNAE they are EVERYWHERE -- the MK grid...

Overthrow of tyranny is not only a right but a responsibility, something that most Americans are real good at rationalizing their way out of. Responsibility I mean. I most certainly do avocate the ovrthrow of this dictatorship of bush, and I do not lie about it. I have dedicated many years to exposing that crime family and make no bones about it. No mind control there. Read these : THE SECRET LIFE OF BILL CLINTON, and BARRY AND THE BOYS: THE CIA THE MOB AND AMERICAS SECRET HISTORY--that last will explain graphically who did Kennedy and why. The why is sitting in the whitehouse right now. Payoff for international intgues where you are just a coin to be used and spent or squirreled away for a -- ahem -- rainy day!

It is all based on the foreign currency of the federal reserve, once the banks of rothschild and england instituted that, the takeover, the war for your soul, was all over with. That took place a long time ago. Its bad trying to undo mistakes, say nothing about OLD mistakes. A great book on this is called THE COMING BATTLE.

Thanks for writing, and as always, good luck...b


Wow, and all the time I thought those were con trails.....and cell phone towers.....who knew?? I may never be able to sleep again worrying about it.

One man's tyrant is another's savior. Be careful what government you advocate overthrowing for very often what is replaced is far worse than the thing itself. Our government, contrary to the liberal mantra of today, was built on the foundations of religion, bible and God. But again, I am not here to talk politics and religion, there is a thread for both those topics. This is the American Indian Artifacts section and I think the founders of our forum, not to mention other posters here, would appreciate it if we were to focus posts here to that end.

I await seeing some pics of your relics and other finds.




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uhhhh, no, not contrails, and a whole lot more than cell phone towers, thats for is truly unfortunate that so many have adopted the lingo, catch phrases and propaganda stance of their lord and king...I do know this: Lords and Kings of all kinds are UnAmerican...think about what could be worse for a real American, than that? Mind control? Got it. Economic repression? Got it. Ignorance? Got it. Daily Electronic Torture 24-7? Got that too. And a lot more. I will refrain from posting this stuff here though, you are right this is a forum for Indian Artifacts and I will post here as time and finds permit. Good Luck, and do pay closer attention to the world government takeover here please, if not for yourself, then for the kids. the buck has to stop somewhere. I for one say it stops here. Finally, the government as originally instituted here, without all the israeli religion and monetary control, works just fine. Thats what to strive for. A little picture below of an event that is definitely not contrails...think Quantum Reality friend. You Are Here. Like it or not. Your Life As A Human Test Subject: -- http://www/ -- the pix below is early testing in gulf war one, of the ENMOD technology used to atack us covertly for the last 8 years or so. Used in conjunction with Antennae. This is why the gulf war one medical records were destroyed by false flag terrorism at OKC. That op fllowed patterns getting old They KNEW they were going to institute this here, for jesus as it were, and they KNEW it causes great damage to living


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;D Greetings,

Ran across a few cartoons that I though were appropriate. Still waiting on those relic photos.




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