Ya you're right. Pawn brought in outsiders from time to time too. Remember "Peaches" and the Play Boy magazines?
Rick and Cumley are pretty decent actors though. I love the old man but he can't act worth a flip.
From people who have actually visited the shop (I haven't yet) I've learned that what I suspected is true. They have special filming times and all sellers are screened first (checked by guards, coached, etc.). I've read online that many sellers are really hired actors. Note that people come right up to Rick or whomever and seem totally oblivious to the camera crew. This is definitely not real life.
Due to the enormous popularity of the show people come from all over the world in hopes of being on the it. During regular hours people at the shop most likely select the most interesting potential stories and only they are actually invited to return when the shop is closed to the public and they'll have the chance of participating in the filming time (and meeting the stars). But I'm betting most show sellers are planted.
In obvious that the scenes by the old man's desk are rehearsed and by script. Yup, they're an act. Actually anyone with any sense could see that. Like the time they stole the old man's car to have it fixed up. The camera follows him out to the parking lot the exact time he discovers his car is missing
And too, some purchases are completely fabricated for entertainment. People are sometimes given items to claim they own them and want to sell them. That infamous Coke Machine caper made it all over the internet. Supposely Rick buys a trashed Coke machine and the wiz repair guy makes it look new. The trouble is, the repaired machine is not the machine Rick gave him to fix-up. The outside case is a totally different shape, it was a totally different model....oops!

This didn't upset me at all...I saw it as super funny and all a part of the fun hoax. It's Big Time Wrestling all over again.
The cable networks fool a lot of people. Many tend to think of PBS, History Channel, etc., as glorified YouTube videos. This is most definitely not the case. The American Pickers, all of them, they're actors to entertain. In real life some of them are outrageous snobs.
Lets face it, everyday life is pretty boring. Who would watch a real pawn shop show? Most of what comes in is just general merchandise and cheap repros. If possible the pawn shop owner tries to get the items as cheaply as he possibly can. He dreams of someone walking in with something worth a million bucks that he can buy for $50. Just such a purchase might mean he could finally retire and sell that trap.
No one should ever think for a minute this is real life.