Pawel Nowak - My Collection 1st Part

mariner said:

The point, as I think Robert will confirm, is that those documents were not about Le Prince, but were altered so that they appeared to be so.

Or did I get hold of the wrong end of the stick ?


Mariner, for what I read, we are speaking of three different matters:
1) Le Prince 1576
2) 4 galleons of the armada of Tierra Firme disappeared in 1605
3) the combat and capture of the fleet of Nueva Eespaña of 1628 happened in Matanzas (Cuba), general Juan of Benavides

For what I see only a document has the primary source information: AGI, Lima 43, but it seems, and I say it seems, written with pen, being this very strange.

Vox veritas said:
mariner said:

The point, as I think Robert will confirm, is that those documents were not about Le Prince, but were altered so that they appeared to be so.

Or did I get hold of the wrong end of the stick ?


Mariner, for what I read, we are speaking of three different matters:
1) Le Prince 1576
2) 4 galleons of the armada of Tierra Firme disappeared in 1605
3) the combat and capture of the fleet of Nueva Eespaña of 1628 happened in Matanzas (Cuba), general Juan of Benavides

For what I see only a document has the primary source information: AGI, Lima 43, but it seems, and I say it seems, written with pen, being this very strange.

Also, Bernardino Hurtado de Mandoza (named in the document) it was general of the armada of the Mar del Sur (Pacific Ocean) in 1631. This document of Lima 43 with security make reference to the shipwreck of the galleon San José in Garachiné. Therefore there is not a nexus with the Le Prince. Next Monday I will check in the AGI (to have me dive the curiosity) the bundlé Lima 43.

RGecy said:

Then how do you explain these copies that you sent me in my search for a wreck. You forged these documents by writing in the name of the vessel I was looking for to make me think you have actual archival documents relating to the wreck. Thank god I was not stupid enough to send you any money. If it were not for the guys here at TNet who spotted the fakes, I probably would have fallen for it.

I will not play this game. You have scammed too many people to even try to say you are an honest, legitimate researcher! It infuriates me that you even have the gaul to post here.

Robert Gecy

Well, this morning, sat down in a comfortable seat of the AGI and consulting a very orderly bundle, Lima 43, the viceroy's from Peru correspondence, years 1630 - 1632, my curiosity has become perplexity! It is hard and sad to have to say it, but this document had been manipulated.

1) the date in the right part - superior (5 junio 1576) it doesn't exist in the original.
2) the gloss on the lost one is incomplete, it lacks "de la almiranta."
3) the text Le Prince doesn't exist in the original document and it has been placed manipulating the original text.

The original document makes reference to the shipwreck of the almiranta San José, shipwrecked in 1631. Assistants come several documents relating what happened and what recovered.
I'm sorry for Robert Gecy. You have all my sympathy.
I will try to get copy of the original quickly, because the bundle can be consulted in microfilm.


Well done! You have provided independent, reliable verification of Robert's statement that Pawel falsified the documents he supplied to him, as we all thought to be the case.


Thanks Claudio,

I couldn't remember the year or ship but you have reconfirmed this fake.

So, Pawel has hopefully scammed his last TNet member. Hopefully any future attempts to solicit members will be stopped. And I am sure Jeff and Marc will log any IP addresses associated with his account.

Thanks again,


A few years ago I also bought some research from Nowak that he said related to some wrecks off a particular area of Florida. Took forever to get and turned out to have nothing to do with any shipwrecks in the New World. Most of the stuff he sent had to do with the Queen's upcoming marriage at that time with some info on some wrecks off Spain, though all worthless to me!. Send me what you promised Pawel, and maybe I'll say something nice!

hey gang,
Then can anyone " suggest " a good and SOLID researcher for the archives in Seville ?? or Madrid or Mexico City. I don't know this guy from Adam, but it sounds like it's not worth it. That being said, I could use someone to look for some files that should in one if not all of the above. If anyone knows of someone please send me a PM...


the 1628 fleet was the famous raid by piet hyen the dutch raider--
(the only time a entire treasure fleet was taken) --the cowardly spanish commander gave over the fleet rather than fight -- it was taken just short of reaching havana off of cuba ---the dutch looted many vessels loading the goods on theirs --burning the empty vessels ----there was so much stuff they could not fit it all on board and had to sail some of the spanish vessels back ---the spanish govenor of cuba upon hearing the fleet had been hijacked ordered the vessels in havana harbor to chase down and retake the fleet --- they caught up with them off of the modern day vero --having a running battle with the dutch that ran all the way to cocoa beach area. --- the spanish failed and piet hyen was hailed as a hero.

pegleglooker said:
hey gang,
Then can anyone " suggest " a good and SOLID researcher for the archives in Seville ?? or Madrid or Mexico City. I don't know this guy from Adam, but it sounds like it's not worth it. That being said, I could use someone to look for some files that should in one if not all of the above. If anyone knows of someone please send me a PM...


Victoria Stapells Johnson ( she lives in Spain)
Walter Cardona Bonett (he lives in Puerto Rico and travels to Spain twice a year in March or May and in Oct.)
Emmanuelle ( Last time I heard from her she was in France But I knw she goes to Spain)

Also there is Jack Haskin ( He lives here in the Florida Keys I 'm not sure if he still goes to Spain but he has allot of files and good information)

And you've got Claudio Bonifacio here on Tnet who also has allot of information....

Good Luck,


Am I correct in assuming that Vox lives in Seville itself, as he was so easily able to go to the archives and check on the documents around which this thread revolved?

Many (most) of the documents in Mexico City are also to be found in Seville, and the Seville collections are more comprehensive.


Hi Everybody,

Yesterday I received another email from Nowak:

"Re: Japanese XVIII Century Katana

I have a japanese sword (katana) with the blade from XVIII century (but in WWII "wear") and I would like to sell it for the reasonable price (600US$). I have all the papers which shows I am a curent holder of the item. If you think you could have an interest in such item - let me know.

All the best.

[email protected]"

He is still trying...!

hey gang,
Maybe it's just me, but it sure sounds like someone may have just hacked the email list from Tnet...Sure way to get a extensive list of people for just a small amount..


pegleglooker said:
hey gang,
I just sent a PM to Claudio, Thankx for the help... I will ANXIOUSLY wait his answer....


Hi Peg..., may I help you?

most documents had 3 copies of manifest and such -- one copy at loading port -- one copy carried on ship --one copy on another vessel in the fleet she was traveling with * ---that way in case of loss / salvage --- if the vessel was lost but the other was not they used the back up copy of the other fleet vessel --if both were lost --a copy of the land (loading port one-- mexico city --havana--santo domingo and so on) was made off the "original" and fowarded to spain --once the items were delivered to spain or the loss recorded ---the papers went into the records for "storage" --(ie the archives in spain)

I got an e-mail from his with the same address:

Pawel Novak: [email protected].

He's trying to sell "archival documents" related to Spanish mining in the SW he "found" in Spain. Well I asked if he'd send me pictures of the documents and he said he was going to charge me $60-$70 each for them. I did a google search on his name and it returned some VERY INTERESTING reading.

Please proceed with the utmost caution when dealing with this certain individual. My advice? Don't proceed at all :) I'm gonna waste some of his time for a while. Should be fun.

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