
I had no luck at that Belleville school, .30 in clad was kind of a let down.
As far as other map sites, your links are pretty much identical to mine. I need to find a new Sanborn password and just rip the whole WV & OH areas to my hard drive. If I find one I’ll dump the maps here or an rapidshare.
Down in Claysville (what is now Davisville) I have tentative permission for the spring to hunt a house that the guy said no one ever hunted. It’s a well maintained yard of a genuinely old house. The condition he placed was his brother in law wanted to hit it, but needed to get a metal detector first. I was going to offer him the use of the ace to do it while I worked it with the V3.

My wife and I will be at the pool tournament at the Hillbilly Inn on Wednesday eve (after 7:00). You both should stop down. You don’t need to drink (I don’t) or be particularly good at pool.
If you do come just ask anyone for Chris and Diane... she works there and I do all the owners computer stuff and surveillance crap.

I give the following as a gift to the locals. This took a few hours to put together in photoshop from dozens of screen caps.

Chris and Diane


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    walker1886 resize .jpg
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Hey guys, please forgive me if you already know this but I am a newbie. I have discovered how to identify the owner of any property in Wood County with a completely online tool. First, open the map by clicking on this link: . On the left side of the page you'll find a link labeled "Start Mapping". This link will open the map and you can zoom in on the area you are interested in. Once you do that, you'll notice that the plots are labeled with something like 310/A. When you have that information you can go to this link: . On that page click on the button for "Map-Parcel". You have three fields to complete. The first is the mag. district. The map won't show this by default but you can scroll down on the label options and add it. Once you have the district selected, enter the information from the map into the other two fiields. Example for 310/A you would enter the 310 in the first box and the A in the second. If you've selected the correct district then it will display the current and last three or four owners.

I hope this is as helpful to you guys as it will be to me. I've had a lot of questions about who owns what.


Ok, update. It's a little easier. While inside the Wood County map, click on the icon of the little i in the circle and it will display the owner info. No need to use the card file.

We need to get together in the near future. I have found some fanstatic potential spots up in ohio, not far away. Looks like a few towns just vanished into the weeds.


I'd like the chance to get out. I've been watching videos online posted by TreasureFiend. It's a good way for me to pass these snowy days. I've been contemplating hitting a few sites when the snow melts and it dries up just a little.


I'm probably going to head out tomorrow for a little bit..My wife is having her family over and she knows as well as I do it's going to be a fiasco. I agreed to stay away until they left... best for everyone.
Not sure where i'm going to go but I hve to keep it somewhat local. I have permission to hunt a school but i think the snows to high there. Might try some place down by the ohio, seems the lower you go in altitude the less snow there is.


Well that didn't work... had to go to Joe's and have a talk with 'him' about a kidney stone. Feeling better now but still hurting. You don't know how good life is until you can't pee with out sweating!
3mm can feel like a bus when properly positioned.

I gave Quincy Hill a try today with no luck. Found a couple zinc cents and a copper Canadian cent. I decided to get adventurous and try to gown the hill a bit next to the steps. There is a good bit of snow and ice and, without thinking, I got down on my knees to dig the target. Well, the problem is I was wearing knee pads and on the snow and ice they acted like a couple mini sleds attached to my legs. Down I went, going about 5 feet before I could get myself stopped. When I got back to the top I tried to dig a few other targets but the ground there is frozen solid. Packed it up after about 45mins. I've read that Union soldiers camped on Quincy Hill so I think it might be a good spot to check, but I'm waiting till spring.


My wife told me that when she was young that was all but abandonded up there. But she also said when they put the park in up there they bulldozed the whole area and moved lots of dirt from there to somewhere else. She lived there during that and said they really flattened it up there. When we went there all we found was clad, nothing older than the 70's. Nw, the interesting area is down the hill where they are putting those condos at, might go uo there next sunday when no ones working on them. I know they won't give permission - liability - so if i take it upon myself then they are exempt. If they say leave... I leave. Big deal. The people in town are far less likey to come out with shotguns!


jeffmrgan said:
hey jeremy ,i found a half dime at the corner of 11th st and avery, they were clearing the property to build the apartment building that is there now.i found some good coins there and there were a few others hunting as well. i heard of some other good finds there as well. most of what i found was on the hillside behind the apartments. i've hunted city park a number of times and have found some good stuff but its far and few between, i think there has been a lot of fill dirt over the years.

I don't think you'll have no problems, would love to give it a hunt, too. Above is a message that jeffmrgan sent to me about that spot. I thought about hitting the lots at the bottom of the steps leading down to Avery Street from the park but figured the ground was frozen there, too. If you're facing the steps on Avery, the lot to the right of the steps is owned by the city. The majority of the other lots are owned by the Blennerhassett Company (whoever that is, I'm assuming it's the hotel). I really can't wait until spring gets here and I can start hitting some other spots.


Thanks for the info on the train station, I didn't think of it belonging to the Rails to Trails. I was in the right spot, but only scanned just off the berm of the road, then headed to the tunnel. I remember when the station was still standing.

You guys are really doing your homework! I need to get a better MD and get out with you guys. The old Bounty Hunter works, but I think it's been dropped and the circuit board may be loose inside. I may open it up and see what can be done, but it's still an entry level MD. It will detect, but my confidence level would be higher with a better machine, pull tabs and foil are getting annoying.

I have some spots in mind, and was also scouting some in Ohio yesterday.

Would have been nice to hit Point Park before they started with the fill dirt. Anyone want to see if they'll let us hunt in the off hours?

finally warming up, best of luck this year :icon_thumleft:

Hey Jeff,

Wanna help a brother out? I'm having a hell of a time with my V3, was wondering if you might be able to give me some hands on help. Your XLT is similiar to the V3 and i figured you could get some time using my V to see what the hype is all about.


Chris and Diane

not sure if i'd be much help with the v, i've never seen one. i've read some good reviews from people using them though. the xlt is great for covering an area, to get a feel for what an area might hold. but i use the minelab se almost all the time now.....just wish the sun would come out and stay for a few sure would be nice to hunt by one of the masters on here to find out the little tricks of the trade that you can only learn in the field..............

I'm starting to get the hang of it. Turned out some setting was changed. Not sure how it happened but I reset the coin program and BAM, finding stuff again. The V3 is really one hell of a machine I just wish I understood all (some...most...even a few) of it's bewildering amount of settings.
My wife and I were over on Newark rd the other day and between us pulled a bunch of clad but nothing old aside from a few wheat pennies.
Through the fall and winter I pulled half a dozen Indians but since the weather broke the best i have managed is a 1920 wheat. Going to a friends house one Leechtown Lane today, looks like his yard might be really good but we have all said that before!


hey chris funny you should say that, i thought the xlt also had a crazy amount of settings, i got some setting combinations from the internet, some good--some bad. some gave me more depth, but also made the machine too unstable and i had to deal with a lot of noise and a lot of falsing. ----jeff :icon_scratch:

Been an interesting couple of days weather-wise - my wife and I are getting out when we can. Found some very interesting things:

1844 Bank Of Montreal Half-Penny (,308551.msg2230216.html#msg2230216 )
185X Flying Eagle Penny
Bunch of old wheat's including a '10 '12 and '19
Couple of war nickels
No %$%^ silver yet though but that flying eagle made my day... Uber-rare.

Any of the other natives getting out?


i saw that post, very cool find, ive found a few wheats but havnt had much time to hunt yet, but will be soon...................jeff

that map you have with the schools,gives you about 6000 places to hunt,if you can find where they were and if nothing is there now. i had a promising site, droveto the site and there was a home there now. i cant find newberry school on any maps, is it still standing?

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