Park Finds


Sr. Member
Jan 17, 2005
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Golden Thread
Texas Gulf Coast
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Ace 250
I went back to the same park that I found the wheatie yesterday.. oldest coins today were a 1959, 1961, and a 1964 penny. Found one nickle, nine dimes and 24 total pennies. Eight of the dimes were in the same hole! Also found the token, a broken pair of glasses, part of a toy car, 2 nails and a few pull-tabs, and lots of gum and candy wrappers. There were about 10 teenagers (14 and 15 year olds), in the park..that keep asking me questions and coming over to see what I was finding. Thank goodness..they all seemed friendly enough..but their language left a lot to be desired when they were talking with each other...potty mouths! I know that isn't unusual now-a-adays..but when I was a kid..if I had let out even one of those words they mom would have grabbed the bar of ivory soap to wash my mouth out! One kid claims he lost an expensive 14 kt gold band ring about a month ago..when he was throwing a snowball...and asked if I had found it. I said no..and that I hadn't detected where there was a lot of snow still on the ground. Later his friends came back..right before dark..and asked if I had found "Joe's" ring...again I said no. If I do find a man's ring..I will check with his parents to see if indeed their son lost a ring and I need a good description of it. All the kid said was it was a 14 kt. gold band.
I asked the kids why there were so many pennies in the park..and they said..pennies aren't any good..nobody wants them! My husband said at the school where he works..he finds pennies on the floor all the time.. and that the kids use them as projectiles! Times they are achangin'!


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Yeah kids can be fun too though, depending on your perspective. I usually pick up four or five of them whenever I work the sand pits. I'm sure I look like a mother goose with these stragglings all falling in line. Yeah, I get the usual line of questions..."Hey Mister, is that a metal "GUTECTOR"?" I don't think of them as nuisances. The sand boxes are always picked over anyway. Don't forget that your interactions with little people set an example. I like to try and keep it VERY positive! HH ~CO2

I find more dimes than any other coin with my BH Land Ranger. Don't know why but they really light up my machine. I was finding more pennies but when clad hunting I stopped diging them up as I have not been to a site whee I would expect to find wheaties. Any ideas other than because there are more dimes lost?

Will have to agree with rtde3 statement, but I have found most kids are OK when you talk to them at their own level. Like copper's cartoon, should make up a T-shirt with that cartoon to wear when I am m/d around parks and school grounds. Good luck and keep up the great finds 49er.

Nice finds!

Be careful at the parks. There are many older areas, you said "the good one's" , around here that I won't hunt because I'm sure I'll wake up with a big not on my head in the hospital and I'll be without a wallet and a detector! :'(

It's a shame but what generally happens is that the oldest parts of town become run down and the "lesser element" take it over.

Like I said, be careful! There isn't a penny in the world worth getting yourself seriously hurt over! At least I'm pretty sure there isn't ;) ;D

By the way, what wheatie are you talking about? I didn't see a pic of it? The one you said was worth $30 or so?


Thanks again guys for all the nice replies and suggestions! That penny is a 1920 S lincoln wheat. Don't know how much detecting I'm going to get to do in the next few months. :'( My husband is going to take early retirement and will retire by the end of June. We plan to move to Texas somewhere..outside of San Antonio in the hill country. Possibly outside of Kerrville, Mason, Frederickburg, Llano...or some other small town. He wants to live in the country like we do here. So we have a ton of things to do in the next few months...deciding what to keep, sell, give away etc. and he is a big time collector (pack rat) of cars, tools, trailers, and odds and ends! Plus getting property ready to sell, etc. I'm going to have to sneak away once in a while.. I'll have to have some down time with my favorite hobby! But I know how much there is to do also!! Thanks for the cartoon copper! :D Nice compliment as well! Thank you! I'm not leaving the forum..even if I don't have a lot of time to post or detect..I just love seeing what everyone finds!
I do look forward to moving though (just not the process!), all of my family live in the greater Houston area. I do need a grandma "fix" badly!! It's been almost a year since I've seen them!
You guys/gals are the greatest! Hope I can find a metal detecting club wherever we move!

Well good luck with all of that! Try not to stress out too much over it all. That's all quite a bit to chew at one time,....retirement, home sale, moving, buying,.....ouch. Hang in there!

Best of wishes,

Oooooooh it sure is! I'm just going to pick a corner and work on it! One thing at a time, one day at a time! Thanks!

I was digging in a park yesterday and two small boys approached me and asked if I was hunting treasure. Apparently their mom had told them that's what I was doing. They were funny, asked a lot of qukestions and when I left they were down on their hands and knees poking the grond with sticks pretending to be treasure hunters! I got a kick oiut of that! ;D Who knows I may have made early converts by just playing along with them. I have a lot of patience with kids having 5 grandkids of my own and enjoy their company mostly. Some are brats however and it's their parents fault if they are. Of course Granddad wouldn't spoil the little darlings now would he?

COOL story Jim :) Thanks for Sharing

TL congrats on the finds,

Bobbie and I hunt several parks and playgrounds in not so good areas, we follow simple rules if there is more than one or two folks in the playarea we pass on till later day. Like a lot of others we usually hunt these a reas early in the morning or if its real cold out or if its looking like rain. I do tend to be more vigilant when we are hunting these areas, often sweeping the perimeters with my eyes. Before Bobbie strted detecting with me one of the dogs always went with me. Now he was nice dog but if anyone entered my area I knew at one as he would be right at my side growling. Be careful huntings but have a good time

Nice wheat TL,Hope your move go,es well.Dont pack that MD to deep you can't find it.Liked the story to jim,I have a 7 year old that likes do dig,every thing is treasure,He is in the cub scouts and in the last four months we have gone to four birthday parties of the boys. I have gotten each of thim from my boy the little MD that is put out by (DISCOVER) in hopes of starting thim all out in the hobby.have more birth days to come.They only run $15 or$20 dollars. :D Some of the boy,s said they cant get thim away from dad when in the yard.Saved and got my first one for $35.from Western Auto baack in the 60,s.HH

hey treasure lady
i know what the yin yang piece is:)
i used to have one just like it
i dunno if you remember but back in like 93 when i was 10 the huge fad was a game called POGS little cardboard discs with different pictures on em depending on what your interests were you would stack em up and then hit em with a SLAMMER which im pretty sure what your yin yang peice is a heavier disc to try and flip as many of the pogs over as possible whatever you flipped over you got to keep :)

just my 2 cents :)

Way to go Kara. I think you hit the nail on the head. I got a new detector and the unchangeable head phones make it impossible to hear anything other than my thoughts and maybe a grenade going off near by. I was hunting a park at night and it was really spooky. Luckily I figured out to turn the volume way up and wear them around my neck. It is really a pain at the beach when the lookeyloos start asking questions, I gotta take the headphones off and act like I am not being bothered. Was thinking about getting a tee shirt made that has all the answers to the same old questions. Yes I'm treasure hunting and no I haven't found anything. Oh yeah and you can get your own metal detector at

Like the T-shirt Buckmild, lemme know when you get a marketable design, I'll buy one or two!

Hey Kara, got about ten complete sets of Power Ranger pogs and slammers in the back room here along with a few hundred unopend pieces from one of those Mickey D promos. One of these days when your younger siblings who might have been PR addicts back then get nostalgic maybe my heirs can cut a deal from their take of the Lowbatts Estate. Our older one is your age and did not like the Power Rangers, our younger is a high schooler now and was a White Ranger Groupie wannabe up until 3rd grade.

Hey Treasure Lady you'd be in good company with Rich from SA Tx if/when you get moved down there!

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