Pan with jet dry

Come on! A few drops of soap? I reuse my dish water on my plants and trees and they thank me. Just consider the amount the few drops of soap is diluted in a creek or river. You're talking parts per trillion or more. While we can look at the damage industries have done we might be over reacting in the other direction. Just consider what gets flushed down our toilets.
There is no reason to assume plants with names like Soap Root or Soap Wort, aka Bouncing Bet (Saponaria Officinalis) have anything to do with what we call soap.

well hate to tell ya,but yea Soap root does have the same effect on fish that "soap", suffocates them.In a river yes one would likely be O.K.,in a do you know what size stream with what amount of flow we are talking?I said damn up,as in causing stagnant water,which is what is needed.Also,your trees and plants dont breath like fish do,so not understanding your point there.Is soap natural,in the water?No.If I was to piss in the tub,would you bathe in it?Didnt think so,but hey,its diluted.......if it doesnt need to be in our water ways,lets not put it in there.......

Kuger is right again, keep your soap out of the stream. Rough on the fishes gills even when diluted. Looks bad to have soap bubbles in your downstream water too and we have to think about how our activities look to non-prospectors these days.

Come on y'all... Take ur concentrates home and pan it there with the soap... And everybody will be happy ... Even the fish.

I think the original topic was why would you use something like soap. Not that anybody mentioned using soap in a river or creek. Some people ASS U ME d.

Come on y'all... Take ur concentrates home and pan it there with the soap... And everybody will be happy ... Even the fish.

And where do you suppose that soap water ends up? With the fishes me thinks.
I think present day thinking sees the wilderness as pristine and everything bad comes from us. Nature commits genocide also. There is a reason I don't drink water from a mountain stream.
I agree with the philosophy of "Do no harm" but also know the trappings of over reaction. The people that indulge in over kill regarding our affect on nature are sometimes akin to those that want to end any human involvement at all. Ban all but the idea of take only pictures and leave only footprints. When I was involved in caving, that's what we did but caves are far less forgiving than life on top.
Kuger, when you state that Soaproot has the same effect as what we refer to as soap, what concentrations are you referring to? I don't want to seem anal but test data should proceed an assumption. There are many poison plants out there, There are two growing by my house. Deadly Nightshade and Jimpson Weed, along with a mushroom that pokes it's head out, Amanita muscaria. I know fairly close how much of each of them would harm me.
Many questions come to mind about poisons. It's concentration, to what and how does it degrade, it's life cycle. Saying "soap harms fish" is an over simplification of the question.
If we really want to live harmless we might need to hang ourselves with a hemp rope over four feet of active compost. I forgot who suggested that.

.............I pissed in the bath....its waiting for you

I was thinking of purchasing the 4 stack gold cube over a standard sluice. Should I use both or does the Gold Cube work the best? I live in NY with glacial gold primarily. Seems that the footprint of the GC is much easier to manage than a 3 or 4 ft sluice. Any thoughts?

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I use the gold cube for running my sluice cons and beach sands. I have seen people set up and use their gold cubes in the rivers. Seemed like a lot of work classifying to 1/8 then running through the GC, but I do classify to 1/2 before running into my sluice.

walldo said:
I use the gold cube for running my sluice cons and beach sands. I have seen people set up and use their gold cubes in the rivers. Seemed like a lot of work classifying to 1/8 then running through the GC, but I do classify to 1/2 before running into my sluice.

Good to know. Thanks for the advice. Starting up this summer for the first time and would like not to waste too much time on trail and error. Most folks here seem to have a ton of experience. Really learning something new every time I come here.

I just got the bazooka gold trap. A friend of mine has one. No classifying at all. Just set up and shovel.

I know guys who bring their gold cube right to the river and swear by it even with the classifying. Just sayin'

Mine it and recycle it!

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