Padre Island, Treasure Capital

Hey Chriss233,

I'm from Brownsville originally but have lived in McAllen for just over 5 years. My parents have a home in Brownsville. I've only been metal dectecting, mostly coinshooting, for a few years. There are a few sites I know from research, books, and word of mouth. There is actually an old homestead (circa 1890's) I wanted to hunt but its in a wild life refuge >:( Another site is smack in the middle of a farm field, just don't know who the owners are.

If you want, shoot me an email... We can start a club, who knows.

As I said in the beginning of this "topic" I am going to be here in So. Tx. for a while!
Anyone who is interested in doing some Th'ing/MDing and then,
When I get my boat repaired or I buy another one,
I have some Matagorda/St. Joe Islands & offshore sites..
The "offshore Sites" will require some "Work" !
I'll have to get the salvage equipment up and running and see about the SCUBA Gear!
If you're interested, in doing a little "shoreside" MD'ing,
Drop me a line ,,,,( here on this topic!)

Sorry about the delay, an answer, to your earlier post!
I, actually live in an area called, "Peaceful Valley" ( that's on Co. Rd. 1664!) ! ::)
A couple of miles west of "San Pat" !
Let's get in touch!
There are a few places along/up/down the "River", that I'd like to doing a little bit of MD'ing!
I'll "PM" you my phone number!


I want to apologize to the group. It seems I blew a fuse and yes your right, Florida is the best place to be for coastal wrecks in the US without a doubt. I was just saying that there are more than a few shipwrecks off Padre Island, Texas. Texas A&M, together with the Texas Historical Commission did coastal "mag" surveys and dives just off South Texas (between just south Corpus Christi to the mouth of the Rio Grande) and there is much more than just a mere 20 sites of "interest". Its just unfortunate most of this area is a National Park, State Park, or a National Wild Life Refuge. What a coincidence right?


sadly the state of texas and the feds have "locked down" the padre island area by turning it all into legal "no hunt" areas (really the whole state of texas is like that quite unfreindly to salvage minded type folks looking for a wreck to salvage)------since you can not legally recover anything of worth in the state of texas --most folks just say skip it--- because even if your just innocently "looking" around a wreck site they will most likely say you were up to no good--and just "looking" when you will be hassled to death by them is basically not worth the grief---if your on a "offical dive" with texas A & M or the state folks thats a differant matter of course---but as far as getting ahead cash wize from a wreck in texas its a useless effort legally--- Ivan

hey ecastro111,

sure we could go metal detecting together down in brownsville or in matamoros beach. that homestead that your talking about sounds pretty interesting and also that farm you said. my email is and let's see when we can get some time to go.

Actually GUYS! ;D
If you want to get "technical" about it!
There are hundreds :P of ship wrecks along the Texas Gulf Coast! (hundreds of miles long with hundreds of shipwrecks))
Once a upon time The "U" of Tx. started to "mag" the coast from Brownsville up!
To see how many "Objects" they could locate!
They gave up after a VERY! Short time!
Seems that there were just TOO Durn! MANY! Targets!
Have you all heard of the steamship, that left Brownsville with a load, loaded in the large US Mail bags, of silver dollars
Headin fur, Indianola, but didn't make it!
SANK!, :-\ Plumb to the bottom, some where's along the way!
I think that it's some where's near The "U bot's" position?
Can you imagin' what they'd be worth today! :o

whats the "point"---because even if you did find it ---the question is what could you do with it ? "legally" speaking unless its "out side of texas state waters" ? since texas will not allow you to salvage it "legally" under their laws ---I mean how can you get the lregal rights to "salvage" your fine ---doing otherwize would just lead to massive "legal" problems with the state of texas---the feds ( touching any "postal stuff"---is a federal issue --plus if you do and sell anything and pocket the cash on the "slick"---when its uncovered you got the IRS to deal with not to even talk about the loss of all your equiptment (boat --dive gear ect)-----its simply too much risk for the reward---and if you get caught doing it ---way too much grief to deal with--- Ivan

OK, I am confused. Who is "captbild"? He types like "cptbil"! Is this person a cptbil knockoff or did I miss something?

I don't know! :-\
It aren't me! ::)
While I'm here @ "The "Net" !
Has anyone got any experience building an " airboat? "
I have acquired, ;D a 8' wide, by, 18' long, flat bottom, alum.(Reinforced, really! heavily, Reinforced, too! :P ) Boat!
In other words an Huge "Jon Boat" !
I have a variety of engines, JUST sitting around, ie: a flat 6cyl Corvair, a 302 Ford, a 2.8 Chevy V-6, Even a Continental straight 6 !
I'd like to build it into a shallow water boat for doing some MD'ng & TH'ing along the Texas Gulf Coast backwaters and rivers!

cptbil said:
I don't know! :-\
It aren't me! ::)

LOL! :o Just wondering why you have two accounts? Hmmm?? ??? ???

Maybe a little bit of deception to throw us off! :o It was working, but I am on to you now! ;D ;D ;D

I have an ancestor who was stationed at Brazos Santiago during the civil war. In a letter to his wife he states that he and some fellow officers crossed over to padre island and walked about 8 miles of beach. In that 8 miles he saw 12 shipwrecks, there were families camped on the beach to salvage what washed ashore from "tide action and storms".

Just thought some might find that interesting.

Captbil, or whoever. Mount the engine in the center with a small propellor thru the bottom. Route the exhaust gases via PVC schedule 80 under the boat with one-way diaphram valves made from rubber flaps on the ends. Probably 4 exhaust ports symetrically positioned. Attach a 1/4 to 3/8 inch thick rubber skirt around the bottom with a few slits for pressure relief. Now you have a ground-effect boat. I have to go my wife is waiting...

Sorry: ::)
I was asking about "AIRBOAT", construction/plans!
You're advice is for construction of a "Hovercraft" !

Although, I do have plans for an 18' Hovercraft using the Corvair engine!
Thanks for the reply! 8)

I know, but I always wanted a GE vehicle, and it would be easier and more "green" than a noisy airboat Safer, too.
The platform you have (heavy) would be harder to push than lift. Lots of surface area/lb.

Hope you can find a design, but if not, i have a picture in my head of the GE model.


There's a website for Hovercraft ...
The company is in, I think, Indiana, somewhere,,,,,
Over the yrs, they have developed a hovercraft, that can actually, fly :o ,
using the "GE" about 4-6' above the water!
They have a video of one flying, on their website
As far as "Airboats" go,
They do make a lot of noise!
I was going to try and "muffle" mine!
They'll skim right over wet grass!
They have a greater payload than a "Hovercraft"!
The website does have plans for 18-25 long Hovercraft!
An advantage of the larger hovercraft, is that they have overhead cover!
Several of their plans, for the larger models, call for V-8 engines!
By The Way!
The Company's name is "Universal Hovercraft"
Just type that in and it'll take you to thier website
I have the plans for thier 18' model, that is the one that also, flys! :o

I should mention that they have hovercraft plans for as small as 6' long!
That' getting pretty darn little, but they work!

Hey Christian,

Went to a ghost town site you may have heard about. Shot you an email about it.


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