Overstreet 15th Edition


Bronze Member
May 17, 2012
Kalamity Falls, Orygun
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Whites M6
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All Treasure Hunting
I am curious to hear some feedback on the 15th edition of Overstreet.

I for one, am extremely disappointed. The far West section is 74 pages less than the 14th edition. Scottsbluff I and II are virtually gone. This will be the last Overstreet purchased. Don't waste your money on the 15th edition. JMHO

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I am curious to hear some feedback on the 15th edition of Overstreet.

I for one, am extremely disappointed. The far West section is 74 pages less than the 14th edition. Scottsbluff I and II are virtually gone. This will be the last Overstreet purchased. Don't waste your money on the 15th edition. JMHO
I quit buying them around the 12th or 13th edition....not very impressed.

I have never bought one before only looked at a couple in past. Thought there oughta be a little more in the FW sec. and the pics were not as good as I expected, that could be from submissions I guess.Book seems more slanted toward eastern relics

I knapped flint for 22 yrs. I like looking through them and seeing my work.:tongue3: I haven't seen one for several years, but in the past they were loaded with fakes. Gary

I knapped flint for 22 yrs. I like looking through them and seeing my work.:tongue3: I haven't seen one for several years, but in the past they were loaded with fakes. Gary

Funny you raise that topic, ToddsPoint. A local 'Dealer' who claimed he was getting out of the business recently offered me several fantastic points via telephone conversation/email photos....what appeared to be beautiful/valuable artifacts.......and he offered his G10 Crowfield featured in Overstreet's (14th) Northeast section.....listed as being found in Chautauqua Co. NY....valued at $2000-$3500.... I asked 'Dealer' about its provenance. How did you ever come to own this artifact....along with the other near perfect artifacts? 'Dealer' could not come up with a coherent explanation: none at all, really.

Check out the G10 Crowfield in NorthEast section of Overstreet's (14th edition). Could this be authentic? I certainly can't tell. And why would a local 'Dealer' with points valued in the $1000's be trying to sell them on Craigslist or over the phone to a local small timer like me, rather than through a reputable online auction/retail store? Suspicious. Not too many local Craigslisters are gonna shell out $1000's for NA artifacts, I would guess. However, this guy did really know his stuff: he rattled off 5 or 6 Authenticators and gave a brief synopsis of each of their reputations/costs/etc; he claimed to have had an online store at Arrowheads.com and told me about his evolving 'guarantee' policy that he used. He sounded genuine. But still...my baloney detector was sounded off. I've attached a couple of his photos he sent me.




I knapped flint for 22 yrs. I like looking through them and seeing my work.:tongue3: I haven't seen one for several years, but in the past they were loaded with fakes. Gary

I have heard that from several reputable collectors. I have 2 editions and there is some good info but their pricing guides are ludicrous. For eastern artifacts the Lar Hothem books are really good.

I have heard that from several reputable collectors. I have 2 editions and there is some good info but their pricing guides are ludicrous. For eastern artifacts the Lar Hothem books are really good.

Most recent Lar Hothem book I see on Amazon is 2009. Is there a more recent edition available?

Most recent Lar Hothem book I see on Amazon is 2009. Is there a more recent edition available?

Hard to believe that Lar passed away back in 2006. Larry Garvin updated a couple of subsequent editions, but I think they have run their course.

Lar was a great guy, I used to set up near him at a few shows and traded relics for books most of the time.

Hard to believe that Lar passed away back in 2006. Larry Garvin updated a couple of subsequent editions, but I think they have run their course.

Lar was a great guy, I used to set up near him at a few shows and traded relics for books most of the time.

I heard he had passed away some time ago. I used to love looking at his books and have a few stashed somewhere.

I have one Overstreet and the was a gift. I have heard that some modern knappers have salted the earth over the years.

For the Northeast (Pennsylvania up), if Gary Fogelman's books are still in print, they're good & solidly researched. I believe I recall a very new one on Mass/New England that's state of the art (saw it on A'ology), but don't recall the author's name.


They are a good starting point and that is about it. Bob Overstreet was a big time hunter and hunted the areas Archie Leroy hunted. His business grew from his house and he started publishing guides for everything. He kinda gave up control on it. My uncle worked with Overstreet at bowwaters and a friend of mine bought Bobs his house. Said the basement had a switch board in it. He also left a lot of mortars in the yard. I was going to go by pick some up but never did. I tried reaching him several years ago, I think he was in New York about a debatable point I.D but only got through to his secretary. Not sure if he is still alive or not.

If I remember, didn't a guy named Peake take over Overstreet's for a while? I'm thinking that's when the fun started. Gary

Lar was a good fellow, and a friend. I assisted on his web site for a while. After he passed his widow sold the remaining book inventory to Jim Bennett.

I have a number of personally found relics in a couple of his books. Interestingly enough when I submitted them I did not include estimated values since i did not care to sell and just have them in the book. Lar did the estimated values for the relics. When I spoke to him about it sometime later he said that most who submit for the books include the estimated value.

In my opinion that's why you may see a cruddy point with an estimated value higher than a well made, scarce type. So the values are not a hard and fast value. I think some included the intrinsic value they placed on them.

I am not sure about the Overstreet as I don't submit to them. But I suspect some are not authentic. Many people want to have their relics in the book, authentic or not, to lend an air of authentication and to say the relic has been 'Pictured.'

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