Mike dear, I come from a large large family on my mothers side. Everyone helped everyone, that's just the way it was.
We've had houses burn down, family members die inside them. Had disabilities among family members, and treated them no different than able bodied folks, other than pick them up and cover for them, what they could not do for themselves.

One of my cousins was legally blind, (he used to be the designated driver for the young mens out on weekend nights), LOL! there were many fields and not many roads, back then! LOL! He was set up by the government and ran the restaurant at Nasa for 30 yrs, his brother was an FPL vp. Many did very well in my family, and not without sacrifice and never forgetting where they came from. DIRT!

I live in a mobile home(over 40 yrs old, but well taken care of), too. I only have 1/4 acre of land down here, that's all I could afford.
I take/took no offense at any of your post dear. You should be getting government benefits for your condition! There should never be shame for having a disease or condition, that you had no choice in the matter of your parents DNA. Those that WOULD attempt to shame someone, they should be strung up, tarred and feathered!
Mike, consider pls, getting your benefits, while there may still be some there, the dc elite have not robbed yet.
Also, my mom was church secretary for more than a decade. Folks in need didn't call the preacher, they always called my mom. She was instrumental in getting many, much needed help, and growing and building a church family, that had MANY altruistic programs helping many! My family is still very participatory in civics activities and duties.

And if TSHTF down here, I still got not that many worries. There's plenty of fish, hogs, turkey, rattlesnakes, and lizards, we could eat for a lifetime or two, without ever going to the grocery store.
Do the best you can, by you and yours, and don't WORRY what anyone thinks!
If you do good, ppl will talk about you.
If you don't do good, ppl will talk about you. So what does their words matter any way!

Living beyond their means?

Try to tell that to TH when he's on the hook for $15k per year healthcare and a $13k deductible. Living beyond their means? I make more than what TH listed, have 3 kids I keep afloat, one with zero chance of getting a job, and I live in a darned trailer I rent to live closer to where I work because there is no work elsewhere - thus supporting two homes. Taxes, taxes everywhere. My property tax quadrupled over the last 3 years, my flood insurance doubled, my fire insurance doubled, food is outrageous, I drive a 9 year old car, gas is horrid, taxes everywhere, no nest egg anymore because of unemployment when the crunch hit. I pay my bills, but no chance anymore to put anything away.

BC, sorry to say this, but your view is kinda microscopic.

So, along with TH, I'm supporting a family of 5 and their needs - and they may NEVER get out of minimum wage jobs no matter how well they are educated - did I mention putting them through school ???

Oh yes I'm living the American Dream - just waiting for the next layoff when I'll be in REAL DEEP MANURE.


Oh, did I also mention the "harvest" of the investment markets stealing our retirement funds ???

It's our government and corruption man, and we're right there in it along with you. Look beyond a closed set of numbers.

I understand. I drive a 20 year old jeep (when it's working). I live in a 17 year old mobile home ... which still has a mortgage. Daily living expenses plus the cost of insurance on my home and jeep (where the hell did that discount on auto insurance go that I was promised when I turned 25 - still have a perfect driving record and pay more now than when I started driving at 17) along with food and clothing - not to mention utilities which have gone through the roof - there's too much month left at the end of the money.

I run a small web design business to try to help, but full time work allows little time to pursue new clients.

I don't "live beyond my means" either. My government has caused my living to exceed my once satisfactory means.

I get so upset when folks pull that stupid phrase out of their butts and attack working people who really try to stay within their means.

Unfortunately if you do not have a skill in demand your income will not be good.

Education and training is vital and too many people over look that. I work telcom, I built my skills in a carrer that pays a little better than some and a lot less than others. Middle class is considered 250 to 100k.

I am by no means upper middle class and I live check to check like everyone else. I struggle just like everyone else.

My home is underwater still, was under $75k now only under about $17k...

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Well don't make it out like I am some parasite that's leeching the working mans money, I used to have a successfull business as a locksmith, but then they told me I cannot carry a sidearm because some a$$hole doctor thinks I am a danger to society, Believe me I tried to work my profession unarmed, and I got shot and almost killed for it.
Why because some lowlife crack head sold his kids food stamps for dope, then needed MY cash to feed his kids.

OK I'm frustrated now, why is it when you try and voice your opinion, people have to tear you to shreds for it..I'm gonna go crawl under a rock now...thanks


BC, it sounds to me, that you have gone above and beyond, and done and attempted to do, what many would not even try or attempt to try.
You should be commended and lifted up for that! You've done great! I think we all have!
You have a situation, and THAT IS WHAT our programs are for! Please do not EVER let anyone put you down, or attempt to make you feel that you are "less than", because you have done your best!
I don't believe, I could have toughed out your situation, with as much grace and humbleness, that you display. Not to mention, you seem to be a great guy, with a loving heart, and a great sense of humor!
Hey, you're my kinda people! LOL! Do not let, SMALL MINDS and soul-less jerks, cause you to second guess yourself!

Well don't make it out like I am some parasite that's leeching the working mans money, I used to have a successfull business as a locksmith, but then they told me I cannot carry a sidearm because some a$$hole doctor thinks I am a danger to society, Believe me I tried to work my profession unarmed, and I got shot and almost killed for it.
Why because some lowlife crack head sold his kids food stamps for dope, then needed MY cash to feed his kids.

OK I'm frustrated now, why is it when you try and voice your opinion, people have to tear you to shreds for it..I'm gonna go crawl under a rock now...thanks



Go get the benefits you deserve. There is a HUGE difference between accepting help when your down and out and someone scamming the system.

I was in your shoes a little over 10 years ago. My kids push me to the breaking point. I used food stamps for three months while I reached down and picked my self up. I remembered what I was taught by my grandparents, root hog or die. I did a complete career change and now I am upper middle class to lower upper class, at 38, depending on which scale you use.

I have and will continue to happily pay into the social programs for people like you, as a hand up, not a hand out, until you can get back on your feet. It the able bodied leeches I hate.

I wished you lived closer, I'd give you some directions to some good ground.

Well don't make it out like I am some parasite that's leeching the working mans money, I used to have a successfull business as a locksmith, but then they told me I cannot carry a sidearm because some a$$hole doctor thinks I am a danger to society, Believe me I tried to work my profession unarmed, and I got shot and almost killed for it.
Why because some lowlife crack head sold his kids food stamps for dope, then needed MY cash to feed his kids.

OK I'm frustrated now, why is it when you try and voice your opinion, people have to tear you to shreds for it..I'm gonna go crawl under a rock now...thanks


Mike what post are you directing your comment at?

I certainly was not directing my comment at you, it is directed at the thread itself.

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now Free

Wow, where do you live??? Maybe that makes a difference?

This is what just came up for me, and I am seriously considering it, because I have $%&^ty insurance where I work, and I work for a large national company. Don't get me started on that.

For me, in PA, the highest priced "Gold" PPO is 648.96. We have 2 adults, 1 college student to cover. I am paying over $800 for a crappy plan from where I work that doesn't give me half the coverage of this. Should I sign up?
You have me worried when you mention the sign up woes. hmmmm.....

Wow, where do you live??? Maybe that makes a difference?

This is what just came up for me, and I am seriously considering it, because I have $%&^ty insurance where I work, and I work for a large national company. Don't get me started on that.

For me, in PA, the highest priced "Gold" PPO is 648.96. We have 2 adults, 1 college student to cover. I am paying over $800 for a crappy plan from where I work that doesn't give me half the coverage of this. Should I sign up?
You have me worried when you mention the sign up woes. hmmmm.....

Prices are different in different states..

Sent from my new Galaxy Note3
now Free

I can't even fathom American health care. It's the worst on the planet for industry nations. If your government put the money into health care and towards it's own people instead of defending against the boogie man, you'd have one of the best.
I couldn't even imagine living in a country being an average Joe, where if you get majorly sick with something you'd be stuck with a huge bill.
Move to Canada.

I can't even fathom American health care. It's the worst on the planet for industry nations. If your government put the money into health care and towards it's own people instead of defending against the boogie man, you'd have one of the best.
I couldn't even imagine living in a country being an average Joe, where if you get majorly sick with something you'd be stuck with a huge bill.
Move to Canada.

Ronnie when I lived in Missouri I had a Canadian roommate, he hated your health care, the wait to see a specialist dr or schedule a surgery was too long. He only liked the prescription program. His father came to the states to have surgery done as he was tired of waiting....

As far as your " defending against the boogie man" comment just who do you think will defend...it sure wasn't Canada that caused the USSR to crumble....

Sent from my new Galaxy Note3
now Free

Last edited:
BC, please don't take many of the posts as attacks on you. There are lots of good, honest people who need the assistance. I don't know of anyone who gripes about them (you). The complaints you are reading is the frustration with the rest of the recipients. I am a firefighter and an EMT. I work on the "poor side" of town. As a kid I used to sack groceries. All those jobs have one thing in common.... I see a LOT of people on "assistance". I have seen lots of people buy groceries with food stamps and go put them in brand new cars. I see people living in govt assisted housing with thousands of dollars in video games, video game systems, GIANT plasma TVs, and more.

When we see those things on a continual basis, it pisses us off. That is OUR money they are wasting. They don't need our money, they are just wasting theirs.

So.... If you truly need the help, get the help. That's what it's there for.

I can't even fathom American health care. It's the worst on the planet for industry nations. If your government put the money into health care and towards it's own people instead of defending against the boogie man, you'd have one of the best.
I couldn't even imagine living in a country being an average Joe, where if you get majorly sick with something you'd be stuck with a huge bill.
Move to Canada.

Like most libs, you think that loading us down with burdens will bring us down to your level. Apparently the Scandaldaddy thinks so too and is working to that end.

You forget that a rising tide raises all ships ... except for the ones that have already sunk (like Canadian healthcare).

Jealousy seems to make you guys want us to sink to your level ... all except for the ones who have the money to come over here and actually get treated BEFORE their illnes becomes untreatable.

Listen: Only the stupid among us look to your health system as being great. The rest of us would rather pay higher prices to actually get treated in a timely manner.

Canada's only dog in this fight is that they too will be losing the option for better health care here in the United States.

I'm not trying to put down the US and by my saying "the boogie man", I meant the war on terror.
No health care system is perfect.
I'm 48 and have never had a problem with our health care, my family never has or any friends. My dad did have to wait 6 weeks to get an MRI a few years ago.
Yes, there is some long waiting time for certain surgeries and emergency room visits can be really long unless your injured. A lot of people with colds and flu take up the time. But the amount of walk in clinics has risen quite a bit. 5 years ago my town had one. Now we have 14.
The only thing we have to pay out of our pockets is out of province or country insurance, eye glasses, cosmetic surgery. With my wifes plan that's included with her job 100% of all prescriptions, dental 2 times a year (cleaning, fillings), surgeries, semi private hospital room, braces for my daughter, 1 eye exam per year are all free. Nothing comes out of her pay. When I drove a truck long haul (3 different companies over the years) it was the same except we had to pay $5 per prescription and braces weren't covered.

Ontario Wait Times

Anyone watching our elected officials on capitol hill today? (I believe charley rangel likes to hear himself talk).
It's still a little early in all this......
I'm a little shocked that the medicare cheifs' only answer to most questions is, she don't know and she'll have answer 11/15.
She won't even tell them, if she even HAS ANYONE reporting to her daily, weekly, as to how many applicants/enrollees, etc. Is she that clueless or covering?

I've worked in a few different business venues in my life, and I have never seen dodging the ball, is I see with some of the "transparency and accountability". When I DID see this kind of dodging the ball, it usually ended with bankruptcies, business closures/sell offs, if not, indictments.

I hope no one ask her if she consorts with devils or can fly!

Pat the Cat rangel belongs in PRISON !


God NO njal, don't make the ppl house, feed, and clothe him! :laughing7:
Perhaps Angola, on the farm program. They may learn appreciating for what they have to toil for, when they are not robbing others for it.

If IRS got back to going after ppl who actually OWE back taxes, they may not have time or resources, to be fabricating problems for folks! I mean, they can get the prezs' brothers' 501c pushed through chop chop, why they take years on others?
Big double standards and double speak, imho.
I don't think I'm that bad at discerning ppls words vs their actions and outcomes.
Their Hollywood spin and flashy suits, don't blind me THAT much!

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