
Staff member
Jul 27, 2006
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ObamaCare’s rollout has been a disaster.* For most trying to enroll, the website crashed.* For many who did enroll, their information was mangled.* Insurance companies arereporting receiving the wrong data*on enrollees.

So over the weekend, Healthcare.gov got an overhaul.* Not to how you enroll to fix the bugs.* Not to keep your data secure or to ensure enrollees’ data gets to the insurance company.* But*to the homepage.

That’s right ObamaCare got a facelift.* So I went to healthcare.gov to see one of the new features.* What I found was disturbing.*

One of the changes was to allow anyone to see plans available in your area without having to give your personal information to the government.* See one of the biggest problems of the last few weeks was that after your personal information was received by the government the website crashed.* So the government got your information, but you didn’t get health insurance.

Here’s what I found when I tried this new feature.* I entered in my city, state and number of people in my family to see what health plans are available to me and my family.

First, I decided to look at the low-tier, catastrophic coverage, under ObamaCare.* This should typically be the cheapest plan per month.* Yet one option would have cost my family over $50,000 a year in premiums.

My first thought was maybe this was just a mistake, another technical “glitch” in the website.* So I kept looking.

Here are a few more of the plans I found, costing as much a $4,910 a MONTH in premiums.* That’s nearly $58,920 a year for a family of five.

That’s what a train wreck looks like.* The American people clearly can’t afford ObamaCare.* And ObamaCare clearly isn’t ready for America.



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now Free

Yeah, and some folks on this site thought I was lying when I said my annual premium on a 28k income was $14,009.00 - Wait till they get a load of this!

Man you must make a helluva paycheck to have that kinda costs, seeing as the people that the ACA will help the most, 6 of them working full time do not earn in a year what you would be paying as a premium.


PS thats still outrageous, that it will cost you that much, id be pissed to.

Man you must make a helluva paycheck to have that kinda costs, seeing as the people that the ACA will help the most, 6 of them working full time do not earn in a year what you would be paying as a premium.


PS thats still outrageous, that it will cost you that much, id be pissed to.

I made a grand total all income $27,948.00 last year.
My premium is projected to be $14,009.00 next year.

Looks like a tough year ahead for me unless they are lying. Would the government lie?

There must be a mistake Chad, there is no way they can take half your pay, atleast I pray it is a mistake, because if its not, I am guessing civil war is right around the corner, but I can see it as being possible looking at it from another point, maybe they dont really want people to sign up, that way they can grab them fines ( new tax anybody ? ) well I dont know what will happen, me personally I think I'll move to mexico, thats where most of our jobs went anyway thanks to NAFTA, and that NAFTA is why the mexican labor comes here in droves now, HUGE agriculture in our country, exports so much cheap corn down there, that it put the farmers there out of business, so the laborers came here...where their jobs went.
sorry I strayed off-topic a lil there, my mind races damn A.D.D.


Oh my! Looks like we gonna hafta start keeping doctors on retainer!

That is just the premiums, there is still deductibles and out of pocket expenses.

To protect my privacy I want give my actual income except to say it is between $50k and $80k a year.

My income does not allow any tax credits. On the silver plan (middle plan) it would pay 70% of my medical and my max out of pocket expenses would be $13,000.....

In other words I pay 30% of all expenses until I have paid out $13,000 then they would cover the rest. I would have to have a major health issue to come with in even the ballpark of that. $ 1083 a month in out of pocket expenses.

My current out of pocket is $3500.00 and premiums well below what they want.....

What one pays in one state is not what someone else pays in different state.

Thanks but NO thanks........

Here is a calculator to help get you in the poll park with out having to give personal info beyond your income.


Sent from my new Galaxy Note3
now Free

I've had no intention of going anywhere NEAR, ANY of them o-care sites!
I don't believe in this law. According to your figures, I can't afford it!
I'll just have to cut deals with my providers, once the private insurance goes bye bye,
shed my traceable assets, and hope they'll LET me die in my sleep!

Hospitals will be like cops, only call on them, as a LAST RESORT!

Sounds like your neighbors make some serious bank, Also sounds like some money makers are missing the point.

Low wage earners dont hafta pay big time. It is the big money makers that are complaining.

Sounds like your neighbors make some serious bank, Also sounds like some money makers are missing the point.

Low wage earners dont hafta pay big time. It is the big money makers that are complaining.


Only the premiums are subdized, the out of pockets and deductibles still have to be paid by the poor insured.

If it only costs then $50 a month they still have to pay the 30% with the max out of pocket as well...

I am by no means a big money maker and my out of pocket would be $13,000 under nightmarecare.

If they make $ 20,000 a year the are still responsible for $5000 out of pocket expenses or 1/4 of their gross income......

Sent from my new Galaxy Note3
now Free

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Sounds like your neighbors make some serious bank, Also sounds like some money makers are missing the point.

Low wage earners dont hafta pay big time. It is the big money makers that are complaining.

Big money makers ??? Just what is your idea of big money makers? A family of 5 pulling down between $50 & $80k is just above poverty now - the FORMER middle class - the one Osama wanted to get rid of.

$15k premium a year and a $13k deductible? Figuring a mortgage of $1k a month for a little better than slum house, that's 2 years of mortgage payments right there. And then what do those 3 kids eat, wear, go to school, and live with?

Go carry a cardboard sign yourself, we've nothing left to give.

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Gotta disagree on that, 50_80 grand a year is big big money to most people in this country, my mother who is in her mid 70's gets just 1100 dollars a month to live on, and she has to pay for most of her meds, if somebody is having probs getting by on a 50k a year income, then they are guilty of the one thing that's hurting people the most, living beyond their means, vanity is a real issue, and no I am not saying any of you has anything to do with my reply, its just my opinion of the current human condition.
I know of a lot of people who drive escalades and live in half million dollar homes that shop at save-a-lot for grocery's because their image has to be that of nobility, what a shame. Anyway I am ranting now.


Gotta disagree on that, 50_80 grand a year is big big money to most people in this country, my mother who is in her mid 70's gets just 1100 dollars a month to live on, and she has to pay for most of her meds, if somebody is having probs getting by on a 50k a year income, then they are guilty of the one thing that's hurting people the most, living beyond their means, vanity is a real issue, and no I am not saying any of you has anything to do with my reply, its just my opinion of the current human condition.
I know of a lot of people who drive escalades and live in half million dollar homes that shop at save-a-lot for grocery's because their image has to be that of nobility, what a shame. Anyway I am ranting now.


Living beyond their means?

Try to tell that to TH when he's on the hook for $15k per year healthcare and a $13k deductible. Living beyond their means? I make more than what TH listed, have 3 kids I keep afloat, one with zero chance of getting a job, and I live in a darned trailer I rent to live closer to where I work because there is no work elsewhere - thus supporting two homes. Taxes, taxes everywhere. My property tax quadrupled over the last 3 years, my flood insurance doubled, my fire insurance doubled, food is outrageous, I drive a 9 year old car, gas is horrid, taxes everywhere, no nest egg anymore because of unemployment when the crunch hit. I pay my bills, but no chance anymore to put anything away.

BC, sorry to say this, but your view is kinda microscopic.

So, along with TH, I'm supporting a family of 5 and their needs - and they may NEVER get out of minimum wage jobs no matter how well they are educated - did I mention putting them through school ???

Oh yes I'm living the American Dream - just waiting for the next layoff when I'll be in REAL DEEP MANURE.


Oh, did I also mention the "harvest" of the investment markets stealing our retirement funds ???

It's our government and corruption man, and we're right there in it along with you. Look beyond a closed set of numbers.

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When one has worked for 30, 40, and 50 yrs, if they don't have something to show for it, I guess that is their choice.

I chose to put a roof over my head, pay it off, live debt free, paying for what I could afford.
I coulda been driving caddies, I chose a compact car instead, that's paid for. I could have nice designer, high dollar clothes, I chose to buy what is needed, not follow the Jones's, or even care what they may think about me and my choices.
I also remember Aesop's fable of the ants and the grasshopper, the good times of plenty don't always last, secure yourself best you can.
I only got 6 months unemployment, the only time I was out of work (thanks Bush!), not the Obama 2 year plan! :BangHead:
I never applied for or took food stamps. I always had and paid for health/vision/dental insurance, and paid for my portions of the bills. :BangHead:
NO, I didn't get a $25K mortgage/debt forgiveness, for not be able to pay for a home that was more than I could afford(though I do know ppl, that did get it, and they have had every home they ever lived in foreclosed on). :BangHead:
Of, and I made a personal CHOICE, not to have children, the planets' already overpopulated enough!

I pay property taxes in 2 states(my parents left me a 1/2 acre of land), home owners insurance, flood insurance, and home upkeep(gotta dig new drainfield soon, and replace rotted wood on porch!:BangHead:) help support an elderly stepmom(who lives in a finer home than I do and makes $1100 a mnth. Oh, did I mention I've had no job in 6 yrs!), not to mention, attempt to help support step-daughter, and 2 g-children, and am still charitable.

So if me and mine, standing on our own and taking care of ourselves offends someone, THEN SO BE IT!

My parents worked from the time they were 3 and 4 years old(in the tobacco/cotton fields), I've worked since I was 10.
When my relatives were farming by hand and mule, 3000 acres so they didn't starve, hunting and fishing to have meat, doctoring themselves, building their own homes from the trees on the properties, throughout the 1800's and early 1900's, we/they didn't worry about what everyone else was doing(there was no facebook, twitter, or instagram), we were too busy just trying to survive/thrive.
Can't help if out of all those struggles, great success with found by some. We were always gracious, and never took for granted, that at any moment, life and everything with it, could be taken away and snuffed out, in the blink of an eye.

Does it SOUND like, I need ANY Obama help? Death will equalize us all in the end anyway! I got enough hassle and aggravation just from day to day life, I certainly don't need the government heaping more on me or trying to suck more outta me!
I'm done!

Wow man, I think you took that in a way I did not intend.
I live in a trailer, no biggie there, the point I was trying to convey is we all do things we should'nt.
My car needs repairs, but still me and my wife dine out once a month, if I had my priorities right, I'd not do that.
I guess I should have shared the story I was thinking about when I posted that, I once met a guy that was needing help, they were short on cash for food, said they make to much for food stamps, so at that time I told him of the angel food network, but said please only use that resource if you truly need it, I later found out that his family was paying a huge mortgage, 2 car payments, and a boat payment..umm I told him please do not use the network, that's for people who have nothing, he said he had nothing, I did not know that boats and brand new cars were nothing, that's what I was saying.
Me personally I don't have a pot to piss in because I am too proud to take a handout, I get the food stamps because my wife insisted, I have been eligible for social security my entire life for my mental illness, I have never applied for it, which is cruel since my wife supports us both, the only thing I let the gov pay for is my crazy meds, since my crazy issues make it to where nobody will hire me..

Sorry if what I typed offended you, I never intended that, I'm not built that way.

Wow man, I think you took that in a way I did not intend.
I live in a trailer, no biggie there, the point I was trying to convey is we all do things we should'nt.
My car needs repairs, but still me and my wife dine out once a month, if I had my priorities right, I'd not do that.
I guess I should have shared the story I was thinking about when I posted that, I once met a guy that was needing help, they were short on cash for food, said they make to much for food stamps, so at that time I told him of the angel food network, but said please only use that resource if you truly need it, I later found out that his family was paying a huge mortgage, 2 car payments, and a boat payment..umm I told him please do not use the network, that's for people who have nothing, he said he had nothing, I did not know that boats and brand new cars were nothing, that's what I was saying.
Me personally I don't have a pot to piss in because I am too proud to take a handout, I get the food stamps because my wife insisted, I have been eligible for social security my entire life for my mental illness, I have never applied for it, which is cruel since my wife supports us both, the only thing I let the gov pay for is my crazy meds, since my crazy issues make it to where nobody will hire me..

Sorry if what I typed offended you, I never intended that, I'm not built that way.

No Mike, no offense taken !!! Just needed to throw in some clarification where the popular and universal view is that we are wealthy.

Each of us, those of us who actually work for a living, regardless of where we are in life soil our skivvies :(

Sounds like your neighbors make some serious bank, Also sounds like some money makers are missing the point.

Low wage earners dont hafta pay big time. It is the big money makers that are complaining.

I consider $28,000.00 low income. My premiums are slated to be $14,009.00 annually. That is over half my yearly income. I consider that having to pay bigtime.

Oh, and the "help" they give in paying your premiums? You better examine their site. Yeah, the first year you get tax credits ... but they add that to your tax the following year.

"If your advance payments for the year are more than the amount of your credit, you must repay the excess advance payments with your tax return."

Now, all anyone is scheduled to get are "tax credits". When your insurance is paid for with your tax credit, guess what? You have to repay that full amount the following year ... according to healthcare.gov. Unless you can prove that isn't what it says, you might want to rethink your disinformation.

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