
Gold Member
Jan 26, 2005
Reaction score
Golden Thread
Sand Springs, OK
Detector(s) used
ACE 250, Garrett
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Started to post this under today's finds, but Jeff would probaboy just move it!? I found a hole in the ground about the size of my finger and was getting a coin target hit right next to it.? I stuck my digger into the ground and out came a swarm of wasps!? They looked just like yellow jackets except they were only about an eigth of an inch long!? All the yellow jackets I have seen in my whole life around here were much bigger, about half an inch or longer.? Anyhway, I'm calling them Hypodermic Wasps!? Like a fool I stood there? and watched them since I hadn't ever seen any like them before and one stung me on the arm!? It felt like a large hypodermic needle being shoved into my arm!? Needless to say I got my arse out of there!? That was nearly two hours ago and it still hurts a little bit.? Didn't even make a welt though that I can find, just a little red spot!? I was pretty close to a tennis court and playground using my 4" coil to run along the sidewalks when they got me.? I started to leave and thought about some small child perhaps stepping on them or sitting on them so I went home and got my bug spray and went back.? I was shooting black flag into the hole while they were trying to fly out.? I killed about a dozen on the surface around the hole and shot a good stream down into the hole.? ?They had tunneled back under the sidewalk and I don't know what damage I did to the nest.? I saw several return from wherever they had been and fly into the nest but none flying badk out.? I hope I got them!? I'll go back this afternoon and see if I see any more flying out.
We got our much needed rain, but how do you turn it off?? It's rained pretty steady now for two days and everything is drenched.? It's forecast to ain right on up until Thursday morning and clear off, only to return again Friday and over the week end!? Haven't got out much but found a 1959 nickel this morning and six clad pennies when I wasn't fighting wasps!? JIM


I won the battle with the wasps but lost the war to the insects! This morning I went back to the historic site I mentioned in and earlier post. I had just dug my second coin and had ventured only a few feet into the area when a swarm of mosquitos as big as sparrows attacked me. I grabbed my stuff and headed back to the truck but they got me about 25 times befor I could go the hundred feet to my truck! And talk abut itch! I had a bottle of insect repellent in the truck so I sprayed down good with it and went back. Those darn blood sucking vampires ignored the insect repellent and began eating me again! So, back to the truck I ran, jumped in, locked the doors and rolled up the windows! I swear one was inside the truck trying to pry open the lock knob to let the others in. They swarmed around my truck and started rocking it back and forth trying to turn it over and I I could hear chanting , "We want blood, we want blood"! I had flash backs to the old movie, "The Night of the Living Dead"! Weakended from the loss of blood I barely got the truck started and edged out of the parking lot, running over several thousand and leaving the pavement soaked in red! ...........Well, it seemed that way to me! I went to the local Wally World and bought two cans of 40% Deet spray and I am going back tomorrow with the new repellant and a couple cans of that Yard Guard fogger spray. The war is on!! JIM

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Re: Ouch!

I finally broke down and went Lowes to buy a couple of cans of "Ortho" wasp spray. After setting the nest on fire they just moved over 10ft and made another hole. Sprayed the entire can down the hole. Next day No Bees!!!!!
$2.97 This stuff works good. Any bees going in takes the poison into the nest.

Re: Ouch!

A large nest in a tree can be taken care of with a shotgun, works everytime.

Re: Ouch!

When I was in gradeschool one of the kids brought a big paper hornets nest to show and tell. This was in February and unbeknown to him they were still in there, just dormant. When the nest heated up to room temperature .....you guessed it! They owned the classroom! We had class in the gym for two days until they finally all flew out of the open window after the janitor had thrown the nest out! He was the bravest man I ever met! :D JIM

Re: Ouch!

Fire Fire Fire Don't tell me it didn't cross your mind............................


Re: Ouch!

i guess it IS officially yellow jacket season. i got pestered by the first one of the year this morning. i really hate those things. honey bees are one thing but yellow jackets are too damn aggressive.they always want a little bit of whatever youve got!

Re: Ouch!

And they have the means to take it! JIM

Honey bees I'll pick up .......but the damn little yellow jackets......I won't even get near them!!!!!!!

I'm glad mine are gone!!!!!!!!!!

I gave up on bug spray long ago....But it helps if you spray it on, then let it soak in, then spray it again, and again, and again....

I just Received an EMail of Unusual Remedys ETC.

WD 40 ; RUB it in for Insect Stings

Meat Tenderizer for BEE STINGS

Preperation H for CHIGGER BITES

Just watched on TV last week that the only mosquito's that actually suck our blood are the females. Figures just like my wife, at first I thought she was a Sasquatch now im convinced she is a mosquito.

You crack me up,, Jim...
I run into a few of your budies yesterday, they said they were still looking for ya... ;D
I didn't stick around to hear what they were talking about, but it didn't sound good...
Good luck, & Happy hunting~

I don't know about you Jim,,, but I'm leaving them bugs alone...
Was out earlier today, and a yellow jacket was hovering around my head. I shewed him away and thought I was in the clear.
Then BAM it got me... It must have gotten between my forearm & my arm rest on the detector... The little buger stung me pretty good... Pic below of the damage, it was a lot worse earlier... ;D


  • Sting.webp
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Here in Louisiana we have ground hornets that swarm and follow you to the next town. My husband was tractoring in the spring and disturbed a nest unknowingly. Making a turn at the end of the row, he headed back and noticed a black spot ahead of him. He was thinking mosquitos. NOT! He tractored right through them and they followed him like the pied piper! He was stung several times, but determined to finish the field, he just gave them a wide berth and kept going. When he finished, he brought back diesel fuel and poured it into the nest. An hour later, he did it again. Those suckers were hauling their babies out trying to escape. About the size of a pea and clear/white. Gross! It took several soakings, but they were gone a few days later.

Friends of mine found yellow jacket holes in the ground and poured gasoline in all they could find. Then lit a match and **BOOM-BOOM-BOOM**. The ground lifted up over the entire area. The gasoline and fumes had carried all through the trails and tunnels underground and it all ignited at once. Cool!! Gone-gone!! :D

- Noodle

Here in Kalifornia we call them meat bees and find them generally in the mountains. They seem to occur every 4-5 years. We stretch a piece of bacon across an open can with soapy water in in. When they attack the bacon they drop into the water and waa-laa no more meat bees. They don't sting but actually bite a chunk of meat from your body or any other source of meat. They ate half a strip of bacon in a few hours while we were camping. Nasty little buggers. Get a little blood on your hands from cleaning fish or a deer and they really go nuts. pondmn

We have some kind of a danged old fly we call deer flies. They look a lot like a house fly but are smaller and they will bite a chunk of meat out of you . They pester deer and people in the hot part of the summer. You have to watch your dog or they will eat up poor Rover's ears. The vet has some stuff to put on Rover to keep them off. They're not venumous, just bite. JIM

The deer flys buzz around your head real fast in a circle, and when they land you can't feel them but if you spot one on you they are as good as dead, they take off slow. I find them more irritating than painful, thier bite only itches for a couple of hours. By mid July they dissapear around here. Here is a useless fact, My father-in-law and I were riding on the tailgate of a pickup thru a refuge and the deerflys were tormenting us, I told my wife who was driving to speed it up to lose the flys. Those little suckers were in our face until we hit 28-29 miles per hour.

Here in SoCal, near the border, Animal Control in most counties now have a crew dedicated to Killer Bees. They nest in trees, old houses, burrows... whatever they find. The Animal Control Officer in your county may remove them for you from your property or have the chemicals for you to do it yourself.
There used to be a product for ants that came in powder form. You sprinkle in on the nest, they eat it and die in the nest where they are eateh by the rest of the colony. It works for most meat eating stinging bugs.

Boy is this fun, I've been pressure washing the cedar siding on my house for the last 5 days and have destoyed 6 hornets nests. I'm using an industrial washer and when the hornets go on attack I just wave the nozzle around and it just vaporizes the hornets and the ones that just fly into the overspray go into shock from the cold waterand drop to the ground where they can be stepped on. We usually have no problems with hornets but this yr. is the yr. of the hornets I guess. I just love vaorizing those nasty creatures. Also shook up some bats while doing the 3 rd. floor on a long ladder.

The war is on!! JIM



Get em Jim!

DEET is the best thing you can use!

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