
Gold Member
Jan 26, 2005
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Golden Thread
Sand Springs, OK
Detector(s) used
ACE 250, Garrett
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Started to post this under today's finds, but Jeff would probaboy just move it!? I found a hole in the ground about the size of my finger and was getting a coin target hit right next to it.? I stuck my digger into the ground and out came a swarm of wasps!? They looked just like yellow jackets except they were only about an eigth of an inch long!? All the yellow jackets I have seen in my whole life around here were much bigger, about half an inch or longer.? Anyhway, I'm calling them Hypodermic Wasps!? Like a fool I stood there? and watched them since I hadn't ever seen any like them before and one stung me on the arm!? It felt like a large hypodermic needle being shoved into my arm!? Needless to say I got my arse out of there!? That was nearly two hours ago and it still hurts a little bit.? Didn't even make a welt though that I can find, just a little red spot!? I was pretty close to a tennis court and playground using my 4" coil to run along the sidewalks when they got me.? I started to leave and thought about some small child perhaps stepping on them or sitting on them so I went home and got my bug spray and went back.? I was shooting black flag into the hole while they were trying to fly out.? I killed about a dozen on the surface around the hole and shot a good stream down into the hole.? ?They had tunneled back under the sidewalk and I don't know what damage I did to the nest.? I saw several return from wherever they had been and fly into the nest but none flying badk out.? I hope I got them!? I'll go back this afternoon and see if I see any more flying out.
We got our much needed rain, but how do you turn it off?? It's rained pretty steady now for two days and everything is drenched.? It's forecast to ain right on up until Thursday morning and clear off, only to return again Friday and over the week end!? Haven't got out much but found a 1959 nickel this morning and six clad pennies when I wasn't fighting wasps!? JIM


I won the battle with the wasps but lost the war to the insects! This morning I went back to the historic site I mentioned in and earlier post. I had just dug my second coin and had ventured only a few feet into the area when a swarm of mosquitos as big as sparrows attacked me. I grabbed my stuff and headed back to the truck but they got me about 25 times befor I could go the hundred feet to my truck! And talk abut itch! I had a bottle of insect repellent in the truck so I sprayed down good with it and went back. Those darn blood sucking vampires ignored the insect repellent and began eating me again! So, back to the truck I ran, jumped in, locked the doors and rolled up the windows! I swear one was inside the truck trying to pry open the lock knob to let the others in. They swarmed around my truck and started rocking it back and forth trying to turn it over and I I could hear chanting , "We want blood, we want blood"! I had flash backs to the old movie, "The Night of the Living Dead"! Weakended from the loss of blood I barely got the truck started and edged out of the parking lot, running over several thousand and leaving the pavement soaked in red! ...........Well, it seemed that way to me! I went to the local Wally World and bought two cans of 40% Deet spray and I am going back tomorrow with the new repellant and a couple cans of that Yard Guard fogger spray. The war is on!! JIM

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Re: Ouch!

Those underground nests can be brutal! Once i stepped on one in the woods and the bees followed me almost a mile back to my house, only got stung a few times though ::) And whoever says honey bees dont sting can go put there face in some flowers full of em, cause they do sting! I get stung by them on a regular basis in fact >:( If you try to run through a field of tall flowers in the woods you are gauranteed at least a tick and a honey bee sting. I guess the bees are angry that you disturbed their flowers :P

Re: Ouch!

My dads allergic to them, luckily i didnt get that trait from him or id be dead by now ;D

Re: Ouch!

I used Black Flag home and garden insect spray and it shoots a fine mist. I shot a bout half a can into the hole and it is supposed to have a residual effect. Any of them that touch it acan carry it into the nest where it is supposed to keep killing for several days. We'll see! Luckily I'm not alleragic either. JIM

Re: Ouch!

I had that happen to me once also. JAKE ;

Stepped on one in the Ground,

They Went up My Pants Leg & up My Shirt,

I have absolutely no idea how many stung me.

But I coulda Made Money With The Strip Dance I did Through the Woods ?;D

Well Maby not, But, It did make me LESS afraid of bees after.

At least I know I don't Swell Either ?;)

Re: Ouch!

jimmileo said:
I used Black Flag home and garden insect spray and it shoots a fine mist.? I shot a bout half a can into the hole and it is supposed to have a residual effect.? Any of them that touch it acan carry it into the nest where it is supposed to keep killing for several days.? We'll see!? Luckily I'm not alleragic either.? ?JIM

I wonder if You'd Dump Kero in & lit it ?

I usually just take a long stick to the paper ones & run like the devil :P

Re: Ouch!

That might work. Cover your eyebrows! Might be some residual Black Flag in there that could be more flammable than the kero.


Re: Ouch!

WD40 is a great bee / wasp killer. When you going back for the coin???? ;D ;D

Re: Ouch!

???not good --I am allergic to those little potlickers-they can be dangerous-take care. ::)

Re: Ouch!

those burrowing wasps nests can be tough to get rid of. some of them burrow several feet into the ground. you probably took your best shot with that stuff that the bees carry into the nest with them. just be carefull.......... in another month or so it will be yellow jacket season,and them buggars are aggressive!

Re: Ouch!

My arm kept stinging most of the day and I have a welt that came up on it about half the size of a golf ball. I took a strong dose of Benadryl but it remains the same. I'm not sick or anything and now it just mainly itches. As I said, I've never seen wasps like these before, perhaps they are what the article I looked up is calling an Eastern Yellow Jacket? They look like any other yellow jacket I've ever seen but they are tiny, about a quarter inch long if that big. When they are airborne you can barely see them. Since I had never seen anything like them before I was just watching them, wondering what they were until I got stung. It only took one sting to convince me they weren't moths! I've been stung by bees, scorpions, all manner of wasps, red ants, regular yellow jackets, etc., but none ever hurt like this little bugger! It felt more like what I would imagine a snake bite would feel than a bug bite! I'm going to check tomorrow and see if they are still there. If so I am going to call the park dept. and see if they will send an exterminator out to take care of them. They would really be dangerous to a small child! JIM

Re: Ouch!


I got into them a month ago cutting my grass. They had burrowed into a hay bale that I should have gotten rid of. It sounds like the same type of bee. These guys were very small, but their sting was tremendous... The bee man said they were some type of yellow jackets, he found the queen (humongous!). He also said by September their would be several queens and they would be much more agressive. I'm glad I found the nest and not my son.

It wouldn't hurt to have a bee man make sure you got 'em and have the queen removed if kids play around there.

Just my opinion.

Re: Ouch!

Hey Jim

I had these in my front yard a couple of yrs back. I torched them with gasoline! Poured about a gallon of gas down the hole an lit it.
It took it twice because I didnt wait until dust, during the day most of them are out hunting.

And guess what? I have a nest back again this year. Its about 10ft off my driveway and sideyard patio. Torched them again! This time they just moved over about 18 inches and dug a new hole.

Yes these little "creators" hurt like "something else" when you get stung.
I be sure to contact the park dept. Your right they could hurt a young child badly.

Re: Ouch!

I sprayed almost a full can of Black Flag home and garden insecticide down into that hole yesterday and this morning they look like nothing happened. Apparently way down deeper than my bug spray reaches. I have been trying to contact someone with the park dept all day and they are always out of the office. Guess I'll call the PD and at least report it to someone. I really fear some first grader stepping on them or sitting on them on the way to school when school opens Friday. They are right by the sidewalk leading to the park about a block from a grade school. JIM

Re: Ouch!

These bees from the devil are called ground bees around here. Prob from want of something better . Very agressive . Will come after you from 10 ft away . will chase you ,till all the nest gets a bite !! :P

Re: Ouch!

Last yr. while at a friends house I noticed that hornets were flying into a crack in the cement slab by his front door at the rate of about 1 per second, I knew he's allergic to them. He said he tried to get rid of them but cant so I took his shopvac and put the hose next to their entry point. We grabbed some drinks and sat there and watched those suckers get sucked up. After 3 drinks they were all in the vac and they hav'nt been back. I also had some ground hornets in my yard, I stuck the garden hose down the hole and drowned the nasty suckers. My wife was watering plants the other day and got nailed twice on her ankles.What I dont like is the big yellow jackets, they get so nasty in the fall. They attacked me in the face when I was working on the peak of my house some yrs. ago. When I got up after falling from the ladder my finger tips were touching my elbow, that was not good, the kids ran in the house to get my wife, she came out took one look at my hand laying on my arm and passed out, so I had to drive myself 14mi. to the hospital . I think driving kept my mind off the pain, thats why I hate those little b--tards.

Re: Ouch!

I live just west of Nashville, and have had to deal with those little yellow (expletive deleted) on several occasions.

Mostly in the ground, but within the past 2 weeks I discovered them flying in and out of a crack in my storage shed.


MWUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! *Cackle of evil lawftuh*

When I was a kid growing up in Kansas, the only ones I knew of were the size of a normal wasp.
Then when I moved here about 5 years ago, my brother in law came running into the house one day when I was visiting, and he performed the silly strip-curse-and-slap dance in front of my amazed eyes.

He had been mowing the grass and got attacked.

We found the hole, dumped about a gallon of gas down and around it.


Nice bonfire.

Many returning yellow jackets got too close and crashed and burned, much to my delight.

They are EVIL!

Re: Ouch!

Sounds like the time me and my cousin started a bonfire just to destroy a little bees nest :P I like to shoot the ones in the trees with a bb gun ;)

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