Opening Day dove hunt (no dead bird pics posted)there is a pic of a dead pig now

Great post!I just traded away my AR,got too sticky to even have anymore.Dove season was terrible down here,I think that wet spring effected the hatch?The hogs on the other hand are out of control as usual.........job security for me!!I like the Tule elk rack there :thumbsup:

Kuger, we had a good rain a couple days ago; rare for this time of year around here. The dove seem to be moving in larger flocks towards the South already. It may get real good for you soon!

How far north are ya?I am mid way.My buddies down around Bakersfield had a good shoot

Nice pig, and sorry y'all didn't have time to take care of the other 40 or so hangin with it. In Oklahoma the other day I went down to the Wichitas and saw where more wild hogs are moving onto the refuge. I couldn't believe how much they had torn it up around one lake. Even though they are an intrusive species, I don't guess they'll let us go in and wipe em out. It is a wildlife refuge, after all. Plus once we all got in there in the restricted area, we'd all go straight to the buried treasures and let the hogs fend for themselves.

RGINN said:
Nice pig, and sorry y'all didn't have time to take care of the other 40 or so hangin with it. In Oklahoma the other day I went down to the Wichitas and saw where more wild hogs are moving onto the refuge. I couldn't believe how much they had torn it up around one lake. Even though they are an intrusive species, I don't guess they'll let us go in and wipe em out. It is a wildlife refuge, after all. Plus once we all got in there in the restricted area, we'd all go straight to the buried treasures and let the hogs fend for themselves.

Thats exactly what I used to do or the GOV.

Re: Opening Day dove hunt (no dead bird pics posted)

packerbacker said:
if you ever get out this way mini you're more than welcome to squeeze off a few hundred rounds. We're thinking of getting a gun safe just to store all the ammo around here. :icon_thumleft: This is CA so only legal clips are allowed. ::)
My little grandson was hitting a target about the size of a paper plate at around 135 yds. with that AR. He could hold that up by himself but the 22 rifle had to be supported for him. The AR is very shooter friendly.

A few hundred rounds sounds great to me... :icon_thumleft: Can I take a pig You're grandson sure must be having a's so great to see that people are still introducing the outdoors to the young ones. We did it with our older kids and they continue to love it and hunt and now onto our youngest son :) Great pig picts, seeing ur grandaughter there reminds me of me when I was younger helping my uncles & grandfather butcher deer...boy I miss those days. Now it's our lil man watching and helping us skin, clean, butcher, and cook our game....carrying on the tradition is what it's all about :icon_thumright:

Kuger.........I'm way North; Red Bluff. Closes Wednesday but opens again Nov.13th. Sometimes the late season is pretty good around here.
Mini....we have another weapon around here you might also like. Named after you.... the Mini-14. Fires the same round as the AR. Got some very large capacity, pre-ban clips for them. :icon_thumleft: Lots of hogs out there, some are monsters!

"no innocent birds were injured in the making of these pics")
Does this mean y'all got skunked? :D
I have done my share of dove hunting, and they are tricky to hit.
We need more pig hunters these days. Those "varmints" are getting way over populated!

Good pics

Great pics, PB. I was lucky enough to grow up in a family of avid hunters/fisherman and can't think of a better activity for family bonding. I also think its a great idea to let folks know where their food comes from, and that you can harvest an animal and still show respect for it.

Birds were scarce up here in waaay Northern CA this season too (Red Bluff is So. Cal, buddy). I heard there were a few around MacDoel.

Good looking hog there. Can't think of a finer piece of meat than a healthy sow...but the boars! I've only found one way to cook them that I can live with.

Soak the boar roast in red wine for at LEAST 48 hours. Spike with whole cloves of garlic. Throw into a crock pot with chopped onion, sage, rosemary, thyme and cook for 8-10 hours. Remove from the crock pot and throw the whole thing in the garbage. :tongue3:


Remove from the crock pot and throw the whole thing in the garbage. tongue3

ALOT of truth to that!!!!! :thumbsup:

Hey player....S. Cal starts in Arbuckle. ;D
We've only had lousy meat from a boar once. Funny thing is, the roasts etc. were fine, it was the sausage that was "rank". Smelt like body odor as it cooked. :tongue3: We never do bacon as there isn't much for fat.
Went out to one of the ponds Sunday evening but we only got 5 dove. I didn't get a shot. Will try again in Nov.

Re: Opening Day dove hunt (no dead bird pics posted)

crazyjarhead said:
How you going to shoot doves with an ar15 :laughing7: Just had to say that..... no offense. The ar-15 is very fun to shoot. Just like the m-16.

Only head shots permitted....

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