Ooops… Hot mic reveals lawmakers intent to confiscate guns

Aug 20, 2009
New Hampshire
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Ooops… Hot mic reveals lawmakers intent to confiscate guns

Doug Hagmann

May 14, 2013

Every American gun owner, regardless of the state in which you live, is presently or will be the target of gun confiscation. A state-by-state framework of confiscation is being erected in front of us all to strip us of our rights under the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Proof of this nefarious intent of disarming citizens was serendipitously caught by a “hot” microphone at the conclusion of the May 9, 2013 meeting of the New Jersey State Legislature.

At the conclusion of the New Jersey Senate Budget & Appropriations Committee meeting last Thursday, an open microphone caught three state senators, identified by voice as Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg, Assistant Majority Leader Sandra Cunningham, Senate Majority Whip Linda Greenstein, and at least one staff member talking candidly about their intent to confiscate all guns from the people they serve. It should be noted that Senator Loretta Weinberg is the chief proponent of the anti-gun legislation being moved through the New Jersey State Senate.

Although some of the candid conversation is a bit difficult to discern due to the ambient noise, their message is clear. “We need[ed] a bill that was going to confiscate, confiscate, confiscate,” stated one high ranking senate member. “They don’t care about the bad guys. All they want to do is have their ‘little guns’ and do whatever they want with them,” added another in an obviously demeaning manner. Another conceded that gun owners do, in fact, want to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, but added that “they don’t have any regulations to do it.” Oh really?

For anyone doubting the bitter contempt these legislators hold for gun owners and pro-Constitutionalists, a YouTube video that captured the “open microphone moment” is available for review .

During the second hour of The Hagmann & Hagmann Report that aired last night, we interviewed the highly credentialed Scott Bach, Esq., Executive Director of the Association of the New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs who explained the draconian laws being written and passed in the State of New Jersey. “Clearly, this is about nothing less than disarming the American public, and the current battleground is in New Jersey,” stated Mr. Bach. “You might not be experiencing it in your state… yet, but you will. It’s just a matter of time.”

We must do everything we can to preserve, protect and defend our Second Amendment rights, or we will lose much more. Regardless of where you live, the fight is coming to you, if it has not yet arrived. We must be proactive, and yes, we can make our voices heard to counter the utter contempt of these lawmakers regardless of your state of residence – while we still have the chance. Let’s hold these opponents to our constitutional rights accountable for their words and actions.

The time is now, and the fight has been left to us. Make your views known and your voice heard by contacting the NJ Senate Majority Office by phone ( 609-847-3700 ) and/or fax (609-633-7254). Do it before it disappears as an option.

They came for him, and I didn't say anything.

Then they came for her, and I didn't say anything.

And then they came for me....


Thanks for posting this Red!

Oklahoma is one of the most conservative states in the nation when it comes to gun laws and right to carry. I agree with the above sentiments that it will come to us sooner rather than later. I have been in state law enforcement for 29 years, and I for one will never be a part of the confiscation or follow any order to confiscate guns in what I will consider an illegal act. Rights are something we are born with as American citizens and not something to be stripped away by a vote of a few with an agenda that they follow because they think they know better than anyone else what we need. Join the NRA and help with the fight. That may be a no-no to say and if so, I wont do it again, but I believe in the NRA. 'Nuff said.

Oklahoma is one of the most conservative states in the nation when it comes to gun laws and right to carry. I agree with the above sentiments that it will come to us sooner rather than later. I have been in state law enforcement for 29 years, and I for one will never be a part of the confiscation or follow any order to confiscate guns in what I will consider an illegal act. Rights are something we are born with as American citizens and not something to be stripped away by a vote of a few with an agenda that they follow because they think they know better than anyone else what we need. Join the NRA and help with the fight. That may be a no-no to say and if so, I wont do it again, but I believe in the NRA. 'Nuff said.
Saying to join the NRA is not a no no but rather extremely good advice!

How do your fellow law enforcers feel?

Every one of the Troopers I personally know feel the same way which numbers into the hundreds, along with several Sheriffs that I know. Some have spoken out, saying they will not partake in any gun confiscation or violate the Second Amendment. We support right to carry, and encourage it because we feel it truly is a crime deterrent. That stand goes against the National Association of Chiefs of Police organization's views on right to carry and gun control, by the way.

Every one of the Troopers I personally know feel the same way which numbers into the hundreds, along with several Sheriffs that I know. Some have spoken out, saying they will not partake in any gun confiscation or violate the Second Amendment. We support right to carry, and encourage it because we feel it truly is a crime deterrent. That stand goes against the National Association of Chiefs of Police organization's views on right to carry and gun control, by the way.
Thank you for defending our second amendment rights.

Every one of the Troopers I personally know feel the same way which numbers into the hundreds, along with several Sheriffs that I know. Some have spoken out, saying they will not partake in any gun confiscation or violate the Second Amendment. We support right to carry, and encourage it because we feel it truly is a crime deterrent. That stand goes against the National Association of Chiefs of Police organization's views on right to carry and gun control, by the way.

Good man:icon_thumright:

You're Welcome. One of my pet peeves and I repeat then NRA President Charlton Heston's immortal words at the 2000 NRA convention in North Carolina "From my cold, dead hands"

Red, post that video on Face-book, post it on every website you can so the people there know what their true intent is..... We know what their ultimate goal is but there are millions of Americans who have their heads buried in the sand and do not know what their true aim is......

I use mine strictly to get and spread news like this as it reaches a large audience. I found many good conservative sites with great info through it..

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

I would TH but I dont have a face book account,facebook is evil:laughing7:

Same reason we dont allow facebook in our lives. Evil.

Sent from my SCH-R930 using Tapatalk 2

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