Only finding pennies with Ace 250

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I have an Ace 250 and have been MDing for about a month now.. I have the pinpointing down to an art.. But All I have found other than a matchbox car and trash, are pennies.. I did find a dime.. but it was laying right under the penny.. I hunt with the settings on Coins.. I am wondering if maybe I have it on the wrong settings.. You would think that the coins setting would find coins.. but nothing.. I did find a 1941 wheat penny in my back yard.. that was cool... Any thoughts.. Thanks..


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Yep, I think we can do it and do a better job than the White's commercial. But I don't think the public is ready for your shaved legs, Lowbatt. Maybe you otta stay with the Bermuda shorts, black knee-hi socks, and loafers ;D.


The pinpoint on my 250 does the same.......sometimes. Most of the time is when its getting an "overload" a big chunk of iron or a bunch of nails in a pile. Watch the ID cursor when it does this and see if it is indicating iron also. When mine does this.....I just move the coil back over the spot to get a signal again, then with the coil off to the side of the area where it gave a signal, push the pinpoint again and usually it will work.

Most of the time I just move on because of the usually gives a false signal anyway.

It's all about LOCATION...LOCATION...LOCATION.? ?Take time and research your spots.? Taking time to drive around in new areas and scouting for new spots is crucial.? If you're hitting spots that are pounded regularly, the finds will be fewer.

DigginD said:
Amen to what all these guys have said, it's true.? I found lots of silver 20 years ago and I stopped detecting and got back into it last summer.? I found LOTS of clad coins,pennies are the most common.? I kept thinking where's the silver? :-\? ? I know it's still out there somewhere but it's going to take me longer to find some of it.? Also knowing that my older detector would not go as deep as the silver is now burried.? So I bought myself a new Ace 250 detector and I'm going to take it out as soon as the weather gets nice.? Sure I'm going to take time learning my new machine but I will be patient and persistent and I will find at least one silver coin, yes I'm making it a goal this summer.? :)? I have fun no matter what I dig up,except for those little pieces of aluminum soda cans; I absolutely hate them. lol

Personally, I LIKE their commercials, and I'll tell you why...
1. The guy that watches those commercials, and is foolish enough to believe them. Runs out and spends $1000.00 on a brand new top of the line detector. Spends one, maybe two hours detecting, learns the awful truth, then parks said detector in his closet where it immediately starts depreciating. Eventually he gets it out and lists it in the paper or on eBay, where I (and others like me), get to buy a "brand new" machine for a fraction of the cost.
2. Not everybody detects. We really don't want them to either. Can you imagine how hard it would be to find anything if everybody in the country detected every weekend? On the upside, litter would be a thing of the past. ;) However, folks that really don't have the "detectorist attitude", still play a valuable role by spending their money to keep the industry funded. By purchasing new, cutting edge detectors, leather aprons, probes, diggers, bags, sorters, books, etc, they are keeping the costs down for the folks that are in it for the long haul.
So, we really need the manufacturers to make detecting look like a super attractive hobby so we can enjoy all the benefits. ;D

Been using my ace 250 for about a month now and I was thinking the same thing, must be something wrong with it. I was just finding pull tabs and pennys. Have had trouble with the pin pointing in trashy areas but fine when there is not a lot of trash. I did find a 1939 merc with it yesterday so I am feeling a lot better about it now. Just a learning curve. My wife was not real happy when she pulled in and seen me diggin a hole in the asphalt driveway lol, but she chilled when she seen the dime. Just use it as much as you can and you will get the hang of it. Been doing this off and on for 20 yrs and every time I stop for a while I have to learn my machine again. Best of luck!

wrvond said:
DigginD said:
Amen to what all these guys have said, it's true. I found lots of silver 20 years ago and I stopped detecting and got back into it last summer. I found LOTS of clad coins,pennies are the most common. I kept thinking where's the silver? :-\ I know it's still out there somewhere but it's going to take me longer to find some of it. Also knowing that my older detector would not go as deep as the silver is now burried. So I bought myself a new Ace 250 detector and I'm going to take it out as soon as the weather gets nice. Sure I'm going to take time learning my new machine but I will be patient and persistent and I will find at least one silver coin, yes I'm making it a goal this summer. :) I have fun no matter what I dig up,except for those little pieces of aluminum soda cans; I absolutely hate them. lol

Personally, I LIKE their commercials, and I'll tell you why...
1. The guy that watches those commercials, and is foolish enough to believe them. Runs out and spends $1000.00 on a brand new top of the line detector. Spends one, maybe two hours detecting, learns the awful truth, then parks said detector in his closet where it immediately starts depreciating. Eventually he gets it out and lists it in the paper or on eBay, where I (and others like me), get to buy a "brand new" machine for a fraction of the cost.
2. Not everybody detects. We really don't want them to either. Can you imagine how hard it would be to find anything if everybody in the country detected every weekend? On the upside, litter would be a thing of the past. ;) However, folks that really don't have the "detectorist attitude", still play a valuable role by spending their money to keep the industry funded. By purchasing new, cutting edge detectors, leather aprons, probes, diggers, bags, sorters, books, etc, they are keeping the costs down for the folks that are in it for the long haul.
So, we really need the manufacturers to make detecting look like a super attractive hobby so we can enjoy all the benefits. ;D

I hear you wrvond!!

I've bought a few myself under those circumstances!



My ace 250 does the same thing with the pin pointer.You have to mash that button hard a couple of times to get it to even register.

lonewolfe said:
People that are new to this hobby (usually) have over blown ideas and expectations on what they will find and in what quantity. They are mis-lead into believing that all you've gotta do is buy a detector, set it on go, and find all the good stuff with little to no effort, and or little to no junk! The guys that have been doing this for 20+ yrs as I have, know what I'm talking about, and know it's true! You also can't believe everything thing you "see and read" here on these forums! Although most are sincere in their postings, there are those who are not, and they like to post/brag about all the wonderful unbelievable finds they make almost daily to toot their own horns- so to speak, and to make it look like they're finding all these gold rings, silver coins, etc. BUT in reality, they pulling your leg, and making fake post, showing things they've bought, etc. and basically lying to your face.

If you enjoy the hobby, do it and take it as it comes while learning your machine/s. It's not all gold at the end of the rainbow. It takes time and effort and many 100s of hrs of using your machine/s, and digging, and finding places to hunt, etc. before you? a mass an array of cool stuff, and good finds! And that's after finding/digging 1000s and 1000s of junk items all along the way.

If you're the type with little to no patience, believe you're suppose to find stuff of value every time you go out hunting, and or believe all that you read, and see on these forums, you're in for a big let down, and may want to consider another hobby..

As another experienced hunter, I can tell you that this is exactly like it is, we who enjoy this sport in truth enjoy torturing ourselves, swinging and
digging, swinging and digging. and the reality is to what end ?
The thrill of that Indian Head cent, or Merc or Barbar dime. And don't forget, that for every site that those people say they found and dug
tons and tons of great thing out of, that only leaves 1 less site for you to ever find anything in.
And if you say.... Oh that was in Colorado, or Georgia, or Alabama or someplace far from me...... for every one guy on this forum who
post something grand that they found, there are 100 others out there looking and digging and not saying anything...
My pleasure comes from the chase, so to speak. To get out and explore new worlds and new civilizations (to me of course) and to boldly
go where no one has gone for ???? how many years.. ???
But most of these trips out (and I go every weekend) produce really little in anything of value.
Last weekend I went to an old Mill Town in S.C. where there are many house from the 1900 - 1950's abandoned and rotting to the wind...
Great we thought, surely there is old money and silver here....
(actually I had hunted around one of those house 2 years ago and found some wheats)
But after spending 5 hours tromping around 2-3 different abandoned homes and an old church all I had to show was 4 wheat cents and 1 Merc dime.
So I spent 5 hours of my life for something worth 2 dollars maybe... and spent $20 in gas driving an hour to get there...
this man is right, if you think it is going to be easy...
Make sure that what I describe is what you want to spend your weekends doing...
because thats the way it is..

Another footnote, is that while we were there in this town, we met an old man who told us that he had seen so many people
hunting with these machines around these houses.... hunting around them for years....
HHHmmm no surprise right ?
Then later as I was hunting around an abandoned church there...
A car pulled up, these 2 guys asked what I was founding, and I said "Not much" and they said that they had hunted
around the whole block area one time when they had first been abandoned.
So can you imagine what a new person might think on entering a town like this, thinking no one has hunted this before,
and spending hours here and not finding anything, but maybe a few wheats cents ?
I can hear them now... "No one has hunted this place because I never saw anyone here." "It must be a virgin site"
And when they don't find anything they say these people had to be poor and did not lose anything..."
The truth is that these machines have been around for 35 years....
if your not finding anything, no mater how remote the place... then someone has been there before you.... and it might
have been me ;D

What Terrero said. I can ID a penny really well, and get really tired of digging them sometimes, so I leave 'em for you, just like someone else left 'em for me.

In the 2 months or so that I've been detecting [also with the 250] I've found hundreds of quarters,nickels and dimes along with the pennies so my guess is that you need to broaden your horizons and search elsewhere.
Its easy to think that if theres a bunch of pennies laying around, there must also me other coins but thats not necessarily true.
Just like people say that when you start finding wheats, silver is always near I've found that to be false so far.
I've been hitting this old park I've dug out no fewer than 14 wheats but so far no silver. Close .. Found a bunch of quarters from the mid 60's there.
Anyways keep swingin that coil and good things will come. When you here the 'ding' from a quarter, you'll know it.
Its very accurate on quarters n dimes and the only thing I've found so far that will fool it is metal washers ... Which is fine cause metal washers are worth saving also.
About the pinpoint - Sometimes mine gets flaky also but I suspect theres valid reasons for it and not a whacked machine.
When you pinpoint it sets the detector in all metal mode, so that elusive little bleep you were pinging might now be merging with a chunk of plate steel and/or underground pipes
Multiple targets/large unseen unknown underground metal objects can all have an effect, along with power lines.
Theres not much that you can do about it - Either dig to satisfy your curiosity, or move on and take the chance that you just walked away from a buried treasure chest.
One thing to remember is to pinpoint off to the side of where you think the target is, and move it in. Often, if you start pinpointing right over the target, the sound will kinda squelch out.
When you have this mushy,straining sounding pinpoint, chances are its due to one or more of the above.

For some reason my detector is a dime hound. On the visual display a penny and dime have the same icon however on a dime my machine puts out a triple ring or ding almost as if it is saying dime, dime,dime! A clad penny only gets two dings. I find more dimes than any other coin, closely followed by the penny and then the quarter. I get very few nickels as they are the same tone as the pull tab and If it is shallow like most pull tabs I won't dig it. Also, silver sounds just like a dime on my machine. You just have to practice long enough to understand what your machine is telling you. I'm getting to understand mine better each outing but it still throws me a curve now and then but seldom lies to me.

When you use the pinpoint on the ACE 250, do you stop swinging and just gently move? I'm a newbie and I know it might be answered in the manual, but I don't have either yet. :cry:

Yes. You detect by swinging and then pinpoint by slowly moving the coil in a "cross" pattern with the pinpoint button held, starting from the side of the target area and moving over the target area. Some say "x" pattern, but using a "cross" pattern you can zero in on the strong signal top to bottom and side to side much easier than trying to angle with a "cross" pattern. An "x" would work for when you want to be quick and not so accurate. I suppose one could get good at either, but up/down, side to side makes more sense to me.

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