One Oak Island Answer

You touch on a number of issues that I can address.
1) During the crusades the Templars raided religions sites and liberated many items. What are they? Not my forte. One item was the Ark as the cipher refers to a secret chamber as the one the Ark was stored. In that the depositors were bankers I guess a well documented cache will come with a manifest - a book of the contents.

2) Rick and Marty are not treasure hunters by experience or success. They have no idea what to do. At this point they are not wasting money as its a profit center which allows them infinite failures.

3) Historically civilizations has come and gone and most of what we have is their stone(s). Templars knew this might take 25 generations so they created a written, ritualistic and graphic legacy in FREEMASONRY. The cipher connects this almost conclusively. In their Medieval way. On the level of navigation I am good. On the level of math I had help online. As for who and their politics I am in the dark.

4) The stones tell a story that goes further with Kabbalah - not my thing but its a templar story.
The Templar knights flooded Europe with many fake religious relics during and after the crusades. We do not know if a single one was historical. We have had countless examinations of those relics come back and show us what they are versus what they purport to be. The medieval Church was aware of it. It was a lucrative "business" to drive the pilgrimages. Pray at such relics at your own peril. Many have.

There isn't a single ark. The ark comes to us from Hebrew folk tales inspired by the Egyptian tradition (as does the story of Moses and the Hyksos expulsion out of Egypt). What we now tend to call the ark was known to Egyptians and Israelites as the "barque of Amun". It was housed inside the Temple of Amun and was paraded on religious occasions on poles. Within the barque were the means to locate the placement of the Temples who could not be situated just anywhere (the surveying means to do this were an in-house "secret" that was held by the priest class). There were more than one. There were at least 5. They were used to mirror a celestial geometry that involved the movements of the star Sirius on the Earth.

To get to where one would want to believe that this Templar bullshit is historical requires one to believe in the Judeo Christian folk tales that will never stop being peddled due to their massive popularity in the West still today. There is a long line of fictions one must get on board with to even start to suggest that precious religious relics were transported to Nova Scotia. I can tell you who the people are who can get on board with this suggestion. They are Judeo Christian faithful first. They are probably most interested in finding confirmation of their beliefs. Some of the most committed people to the telling of these Christianized stories are the modern Holy Royal Arch Freemasons who role play the identity of the Christian Templar Knight. These men are not from a direct lineage of anything. The lineage is symbolic only.

It is easy to think one can recognize the details of well known religious stories at OI. That's because the details you are given are meant to do that. The Holy Royal Arch Masons want you to believe in something. That something is not a material treasure. It comes on the other side of death. In life you cannot know. The vault in the shaft is unattainable. You cannot dig to find the answer. Only when the 7th King has died and the Antichrist (the 8th King) has showed up will the treasure be available to ALL. Who believes this nonsense today? The eschaton did not come in 1843 when the second coming did not materialize as so many had wished. OI fizzled. Then it got reinvented in so many ways post 1860. From the 1890s to the the 1930s it was about a search for a vault of Tudor documents. Even Dan Blankenship's partner, David Tobias, was still of the opinion they were chasing documents. Tobias hired real historians and a professional treasure salvage company to study the origin of the OI story. They came back with the result that it was a fiction. No part of the early story can be corroborated. Worse, it can be shown to not have developed as described by the reliable historical record. Tobias took his money and left. Dan stayed and he was forced to rely on dowsing for treasure and the suggestions of an American researcher who had drawn parallels between the OI story and he alchemical quest which was said to be contained in a star map (George Starkey's 1650s pursuit). That's how your star map idea has made its way to be included in various suggestions we still encounter. It is a mish mash of poorly imagine linkages today. But, it still functions as a beacon for mystery story peddlers. It most likely always will.

The templars liked the numbers 13, 60 & 33. They used the 13th brightest star as their avatar as it followed God as did they. I did this work. It is independent to and of the wide assumptions made in this post.

Prosaic but impotent. The stone Triangle is a complex data cache. It is 10 feet wide. Bifurcated at 6' and 4'. On the four foot side there are 3 horizontal stones over 3 horizontal stones. Using the decimal system this is 33. On the six foot side there are 5 horizontal stones over 5 horizontal stones giving 55.

These numbers are moved to the top triangle above their location. If it is assumed that there are 90 degree angles in each we get 33, 57 & 90 then on the right 35, 55 & 90.

The apex angle (33&35) give 68 degrees. The base angles added equal the exterior angle. 57+90=147 and 55+90=145. These angles combined are 292.

Quick review: The cross is 867, 720, 429,360,293 & 145. A few more but this is enough. The Stone Triangle is a 3 sided Pyramid with 720 internal angles. The first exterior 147 when added is 147+720=867. Therefore, the Pyramid verifies the integrity of the Cross and provides angles to triangulate to depths.

That is just the error correction built into the cipher. In the axis 2 courses are set. 145 and 136. Seting out from ALDEBARAN it connects 3 stars. The 13th Brightest and the 13th star of Taurus then the 14th star. It reveals 2 chambers offset and accessible via a ramp.

Christ dies at 33. The ramp is at 33 degrees to a depth of 233' this is triangulated with segments 429 & 360 with angles 33, 57 & 90. Please note this process is familiar to almost everyone, redundant and repeatable.

In the Crossbar we get Length minus width (Crossbar) is 147. The Crossbar has 180 degrees just like triangles in the Pyramid. When 180 has 147 removed the results are 33,

My point is there are no fairy tales like in your story. Math and Navigation. BTW the Pyramids north pointing angle is 292 and that means 'King of Kings'. The pyramid tells stories in Kabbalah. It sits atop the deposits and there is a Masonic device that reveals the relationship. Also the hand on the left points down and its and exact match as a template.

The Pyramid is is in fact pointing down. The reason the tresure isnt found is that it isnt on the island. Its just next to it which is why a ramp is needed. You seem to be believing in stories told on the internet & TV. I did the math.


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The templars liked the numbers 13, 60 & 33. They used the 13th brightest star as their avatar as it followed God as did they. I did this work. It is independent to and of the wide assumptions made in this post.

Prosaic but impotent. The stone Triangle is a complex data cache. It is 10 feet wide. Bifurcated at 6' and 4'. On the four foot side there are 3 horizontal stones over 3 horizontal stones. Using the decimal system this is 33. On the six foot side there are 5 horizontal stones over 5 horizontal stones giving 55.

These numbers are moved to the top triangle above their location. If it is assumed that there are 90 degree angles in each we get 33, 57 & 90 then on the right 35, 55 & 90.

The apex angle (33&35) give 68 degrees. The base angles added equal the exterior angle. 57+90=147 and 55+90=145. These angles combined are 292.

Quick review: The cross is 867, 720, 429,360,293 & 145. A few more but this is enough. The Stone Triangle is a 3 sided Pyramid with 720 internal angles. The first exterior 147 when added is 147+720=867. Therefore, the Pyramid verifies the integrity of the Cross and provides angles to triangulate to depths.

That is just the error correction built into the cipher. In the axis 2 courses are set. 145 and 136. Setting out from ALDEBARAN it connects 3 stars. The 13th Brightest and the 13th star of Taurus then the 14th star. It reveals 2 chambers offset and accessible via a ramp.

Christ dies at 33. The ramp is at 33 degrees to a depth of 233' this is triangulated with segments 429 & 360 with angles 33, 57 & 90. Please note this process is familiar to almost everyone, redundant and repeatable.

In the Crossbar we get Length minus width (Crossbar) is 147. The Crossbar has 180 degrees just like triangles in the Pyramid. When 180 has 147 removed the results are 33,

My point is there are no fairy tales like in your story. Math and Navigation. BTW the Pyramids north pointing angle is 292 and that means 'King of Kings'. The pyramid tells stories in Kabbalah. It sits atop the deposits and there is a Masonic device that reveals the relationship. Also the hand on the left points down and its and exact match as a template.

The Pyramid is is in fact pointing down. The reason the treasure isnt found is that it isnt on the island. Its just next to it which is why a ramp is needed. You seem to be believing in stories told on the internet & TV. I did the math.
As for the Ark. There are thousands. the one on OI is from the Temple of the Sun & Moon. It was hidden by Asmodeus and his trick is discovered in its finding. It is reproduced here on OI to house the Ark discovered.

The Ark is a Capacitor powered by radioactive rock, the 10 commandments were carved of stone from a Radium rich area. This would charge the capacitor or thousands of years. The rock in solid or powder was taken to Ethiopia by Mendeleev. The Ark was left behind.

The Temple was built by the son of King David, Jedidiah . The temple of the Sun & Moon was called the Temple of Sol Amon. Sun & Moon. In masonry we see the columns outside the Temple. The Square has compass directions of 90 East and 270 West. The cipher at OI, The Star Chart & Keys make constant reference to Solomon's Temple and explains FREEMASONRY's task to recognize the clues on OI and recover the Ark.

My assumptions are based on mathematical evidence some of which have been described. One of my favorites is in the Cross. In the mid axis below the crossbar where Christs heart may have been the number 429 is used, In the axis 145 sits atop 429 which is atop 293. This makes 429 down the center and across the center. 429 is the product of 13 X 33 Templars following Christ. These are mathematical connection not allegorical


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again you ramble aimlessly. the proof is in front of you but it crushes your belief system so it must be wrong. You give zero proof of your claims whereas mine are substantiated in redundant math. Your purpose here is clear. Its not good.

Your geometry is not well shown. If it was, it would not do you any service.

Here's a precise geometric working out of the 10,10,10 stone triangular pointer (an equilateral triangle) showing the offset line dividing the base in the near 4:6 (2:3). I've carefully overlaid it to Thales' Theorem based demonstration of Nolan's Cross. Point E is the same one that serves as the division which gives you the Arbelos containing the dimensions of Nolan's Cross. It is almost, but not exactly equal to the Pythagorean harmonic ratio (3:2).

The stone triangle pointer was placed on the main dividing road's line, so it dates to no earlier than the surveying of the road (1762) and possibly later. It points to N (Polaris). The offset line projection in it intersects the projected stem of Nolan's cross at another point of geometric interest on paper.

What should we make of this? The point is probably to show you how geometry can situate you on land and above. This was near and dear to Thales and to men who lived in the beginning of the Age of reason (post 1608). If you can appreciate the geometry and not make that about proving myths then you have something to educate yourself with. Thales' Theorem is not a fiction after all. It is the actual historical relic of interest here as it is the first mathematical proof. It all starts with it to those men who take an interest in the G.

When Charles Morris surveyed OI in 1762 he was likely doing so as a Holy Royal Arch Freemason who understood the lineage of symbolic ideas. His plan for the Shoreham grant which included OI is inspired by Thales (geometry) and the Christian Cross (a beacon) which has a counterpart in the sky. You can relate the Cross asterism to N (Polaris) if you want. You' ll find it at declination 40N almost exactly above your head once a day at Mahone Bay. Actually, the cross in the sky temporarily disappears at the Northern horizon at 44.51N. The heading at which the Cross totally disappears from sight is equal to the offset angle of the triangle pointer. It reappears again at the same angle on the other side of N.

OI was not the first monument to this celestial event. The esoteric plaque/monument at Bologna, Italy (Aelia Laelia Crispis monument) tells the same story. It is also located at latitude 44.51 N (same as OI). The monument itself is to mourn/lament the death of all the Gods of the mythological age. These gods were slain by reason which came to us with a first tool that we call geometry. It has allowed us to quantify our place in the Universe by using the North star as our celestial reference.

Don't let anyone here discourage you from looking at the geometry. Don't 'make it about proving myths, though. Thales' Theorem is a treasure in its own right.

Your geometry is not well shown. If it was, it would not do you any service.

Here's a precise geometric working out of the 10,10,10 stone triangular pointer (an equilateral triangle) showing the offset line dividing the base in the near 4:6 (2:3). I've carefully overlaid it to Thales' Theorem based demonstration of Nolan's Cross. Point E is the same one that serves as the division which gives you the Arbelos containing the dimensions of Nolan's Cross. It is almost, but not exactly equal to the Pythagorean harmonic ratio (3:2).

The stone triangle pointer was placed on the main dividing road's line, so it dates to no earlier than the surveying of the road (1762) and possibly later. It points to N (Polaris). The offset line projection in it intersects the projected stem of Nolan's cross at another point of geometric interest on paper.

What should we make of this? The point is probably to show you how geometry can situate you on land and above. This was near and dear to Thales and to men who lived in the beginning of the Age of reason (post 1608). If you can appreciate the geometry and not make that about proving myths then you have something to educate yourself with. Thales' Theorem is not a fiction after all. It is the actual historical relic of interest here as it is the first mathematical proof. It all starts with it to those men who take an interest in the G.

When Charles Morris surveyed OI in 1762 he was likely doing so as a Holy Royal Arch Freemason who understood the lineage of symbolic ideas. His plan for the Shoreham grant which included OI is inspired by Thales (geometry) and the Christian Cross (a beacon) which has a counterpart in the sky. You can relate the Cross asterism to N (Polaris) if you want. You' ll find it at declination 40N almost exactly above your head once a day at Mahone Bay. Actually, the cross in the sky temporarily disappears at the Northern horizon at 44.51N. The heading at which the Cross totally disappears from sight is equal to the offset angle of the triangle pointer. It reappears again at the same angle on the other side of N.

OI was not the first monument to this celestial event. The esoteric plaque/monument at Bologna, Italy (Aelia Laelia Crispis monument) tells the same story. It is also located at latitude 44.51 N (same as OI). The monument itself is to mourn/lament the death of all the Gods of the mythological age. These gods were slain by reason which came to us with a first tool that we call geometry. It has allowed us to quantify our place in the Universe by using the North star as our celestial reference.

Don't let anyone here discourage you from looking at the geometry. Don't 'make it about proving myths, though. Thales' Theorem is a treasure in its own right.

This is bull.

The templars liked the numbers 13, 60 & 33. They used the 13th brightest star as their avatar as it followed God as did they. I did this work. It is independent to and of the wide assumptions made in this post.

Prosaic but impotent. The stone Triangle is a complex data cache. It is 10 feet wide. Bifurcated at 6' and 4'. On the four foot side there are 3 horizontal stones over 3 horizontal stones. Using the decimal system this is 33. On the six foot side there are 5 horizontal stones over 5 horizontal stones giving 55.

These numbers are moved to the top triangle above their location. If it is assumed that there are 90 degree angles in each we get 33, 57 & 90 then on the right 35, 55 & 90.

The apex angle (33&35) give 68 degrees. The base angles added equal the exterior angle. 57+90=147 and 55+90=145. These angles combined are 292.

Quick review: The cross is 867, 720, 429,360,293 & 145. A few more but this is enough. The Stone Triangle is a 3 sided Pyramid with 720 internal angles. The first exterior 147 when added is 147+720=867. Therefore, the Pyramid verifies the integrity of the Cross and provides angles to triangulate to depths.

That is just the error correction built into the cipher. In the axis 2 courses are set. 145 and 136. Seting out from ALDEBARAN it connects 3 stars. The 13th Brightest and the 13th star of Taurus then the 14th star. It reveals 2 chambers offset and accessible via a ramp.

Christ dies at 33. The ramp is at 33 degrees to a depth of 233' this is triangulated with segments 429 & 360 with angles 33, 57 & 90. Please note this process is familiar to almost everyone, redundant and repeatable.

In the Crossbar we get Length minus width (Crossbar) is 147. The Crossbar has 180 degrees just like triangles in the Pyramid. When 180 has 147 removed the results are 33,

My point is there are no fairy tales like in your story. Math and Navigation. BTW the Pyramids north pointing angle is 292 and that means 'King of Kings'. The pyramid tells stories in Kabbalah. It sits atop the deposits and there is a Masonic device that reveals the relationship. Also the hand on the left points down and its and exact match as a template.

The Pyramid is is in fact pointing down. The reason the tresure isnt found is that it isnt on the island. Its just next to it which is why a ramp is needed. You seem to be believing in stories told on the internet & TV. I did the math.
As for the Ark. There are thousands. the one on OI is from the Temple of the Sun & Moon. It was hidden by Asmodeus and his trick is discovered in its finding. It is reproduced here on OI to house the Ark discovered.

The Ark is a Capacitor powered by radioactive rock, the 10 commandments were carved of stone from a Radium rich area. This would charge the capacitor or thousands of years. The rock in solid or powder was taken to Ethiopia by Mendeleev. The Ark was left behind.

The Temple was built by the son of King David, Jedidiah . The temple of the Sun & Moon was called the Temple of Sol Amon. Sun & Moon. In masonry we see the columns outside the Temple. The Square has compass directions of 90 East and 270 West. The cipher at OI, The Star Chart & Keys explains FREEMASONRY's task to recognize the clues on OI and recover the Ark.

My assumptions are based on mathematical evidence some of which have been described. One of my favorites is in the Cross. In the mid axis below the crossbar where Christs heart may have been the number 429 is used, In the axis 145 sits atop 429 which is atop 293. This makes 429 down the center and across the center. 429 is the product of 13 X 33 Templars following Christ. These are mathematical connection not allegorical


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The templars liked the numbers 13, 60 & 33. They used the 13th brightest star as their avatar as it followed God as did they. I did this work. It is independent to and of the wide assumptions made in this post.

Prosaic but impotent. The stone Triangle is a complex data cache. It is 10 feet wide. Bifurcated at 6' and 4'. On the four foot side there are 3 horizontal stones over 3 horizontal stones. Using the decimal system this is 33. On the six foot side there are 5 horizontal stones over 5 horizontal stones giving 55.

These numbers are moved to the top triangle above their location. If it is assumed that there are 90 degree angles in each we get 33, 57 & 90 then on the right 35, 55 & 90.

The apex angle (33&35) give 68 degrees. The base angles added equal the exterior angle. 57+90=147 and 55+90=145. These angles combined are 292.

Quick review: The cross is 867, 720, 429,360,293 & 145. A few more but this is enough. The Stone Triangle is a 3 sided Pyramid with 720 internal angles. The first exterior 147 when added is 147+720=867. Therefore, the Pyramid verifies the integrity of the Cross and provides angles to triangulate to depths.

That is just the error correction built into the cipher. In the axis 2 courses are set. 145 and 136. Seting out from ALDEBARAN it connects 3 stars. The 13th Brightest and the 13th star of Taurus then the 14th star. It reveals 2 chambers offset and accessible via a ramp.

Christ dies at 33. The ramp is at 33 degrees to a depth of 233' this is triangulated with segments 429 & 360 with angles 33, 57 & 90. Please note this process is familiar to almost everyone, redundant and repeatable.

In the Crossbar we get Length minus width (Crossbar) is 147. The Crossbar has 180 degrees just like triangles in the Pyramid. When 180 has 147 removed the results are 33,

My point is there are no fairy tales like in your story. Math and Navigation. BTW the Pyramids north pointing angle is 292 and that means 'King of Kings'. The pyramid tells stories in Kabbalah. It sits atop the deposits and there is a Masonic device that reveals the relationship. Also the hand on the left points down and its and exact match as a template.

The Pyramid is is in fact pointing down. The reason the tresure isnt found is that it isnt on the island. Its just next to it which is why a ramp is needed. You seem to be believing in stories told on the internet & TV. I did the math.
" Because they're looking in the wrong place" - Harrison Ford :laughing7:

The templars liked the numbers 13, 60 & 33. They used the 13th brightest star as their avatar as it followed God as did they. I did this work. It is independent to and of the wide assumptions made in this post.

Prosaic but impotent. The stone Triangle is a complex data cache. It is 10 feet wide. Bifurcated at 6' and 4'. On the four foot side there are 3 horizontal stones over 3 horizontal stones. Using the decimal system this is 33. On the six foot side there are 5 horizontal stones over 5 horizontal stones giving 55.

These numbers are moved to the top triangle above their location. If it is assumed that there are 90 degree angles in each we get 33, 57 & 90 then on the right 35, 55 & 90.

The apex angle (33&35) give 68 degrees. The base angles added equal the exterior angle. 57+90=147 and 55+90=145. These angles combined are 292.

Quick review: The cross is 867, 720, 429,360,293 & 145. A few more but this is enough. The Stone Triangle is a 3 sided Pyramid with 720 internal angles. The first exterior 147 when added is 147+720=867. Therefore, the Pyramid verifies the integrity of the Cross and provides angles to triangulate to depths.

That is just the error correction built into the cipher. In the axis 2 courses are set. 145 and 136. Seting out from ALDEBARAN it connects 3 stars. The 13th Brightest and the 13th star of Taurus then the 14th star. It reveals 2 chambers offset and accessible via a ramp.

Christ dies at 33. The ramp is at 33 degrees to a depth of 233' this is triangulated with segments 429 & 360 with angles 33, 57 & 90. Please note this process is familiar to almost everyone, redundant and repeatable.

In the Crossbar we get Length minus width (Crossbar) is 147. The Crossbar has 180 degrees just like triangles in the Pyramid. When 180 has 147 removed the results are 33,

My point is there are no fairy tales like in your story. Math and Navigation. BTW the Pyramids north pointing angle is 292 and that means 'King of Kings'. The pyramid tells stories in Kabbalah. It sits atop the deposits and there is a Masonic device that reveals the relationship. Also the hand on the left points down and its and exact match as a template.

The Pyramid is is in fact pointing down. The reason the tresure isnt found is that it isnt on the island. Its just next to it which is why a ramp is needed. You seem to be believing in stories told on the internet & TV. I did the math.
33 is the numerological symbol of the mystery of mysteries in the Ancient esoteric traditions. It comes from 3 x 3 or 3^2. 9 was the divine number in the most ancient numerology we have, the Chaldean one. It comes from the fact that we devised 10 digit number system first (earliest one is the Elamite decad). 9 is the last digit on the return to the first. It is the symbol of the end of the cycle. In the Chaldean numerological tradition there is a great emphasis on the fact that all numbers that multiply 9 have a digital sum equal to 9. Freemasonry recalls this with its emphasis on the perfect square stone ashlar of side equal 27 units of length. The 4 sides of the ashalr are 27, 54, 81 and 108. Those numbers all display a digital sum of 9. You' ll also notice that the sum of the angles of a triangle are 180 degrees. That also has a digital sum equal to 9. There are isosceles triangles which satisfy the requirement for all angles in them to be equal to a number with digital sum=9. the 18, 81, 81 triangle is one.

"Templars liked" means nothing. The numbers that were of significance to the tradition to which the Templars were probably very aware of are numbers that have digital sum=9. The often mentioned link is to "sacred" geometry. This is nothing but geometry as we know it. It is built upon the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4. Nothing else figures. The proportions that are of interest are 2:1 (duality), 3:1 (trinity) and 3:2 (harmony). 1, 2 and 3 are the most fundamental. 4 was included to associate the dimension of the square which is equated to the material world. 5 was later added by the Greeks to attach the five Platonic solids to an explanation of the world.

6 is the number which is most noteworthy to the Judeo Christian tradition (star of David attests to this)
phi star.png
The three sixes are 18 and 666 (the number of man). The geometrical visualization of the 18 comes from simple polygonal geometry shown here. The angle between the unit square and the unit pentagon is 18 degrees at the shoulder. Shown is the presence of that 18, 81 , 81 triangle and all the other associated angles that all have digital sums=9 (you should verify that). The relationship here shows you the way to visualize the value of Phi (golden mean). This completes all the geometry that is considered fundamental to the Greeks/Pythagoreans. 2:1, 3:1, 3:2 and Phi. With that you can have a complete description the first 5 polygons which were believe to make up all of matter.

Kabbalah dates to the 13th century. It originates from the area of Castille. It is a form of symbolic numerology in its own right that is using the same geometry that the ancients used. It is not the source of anything that was of value to crusader Knights. Kabbalah was forbidden by the Christian Church, and because of it the Jews we evicted from England by Edward Longshanks in the late 1280s.

Charles Morris did a symbolic planning of Shoreham/OI in 1762. There's nothing there to write home about. That was very much par for the course.

33 is the numerological symbol of the mystery of mysteries in the Ancient esoteric traditions. It comes from 3 x 3 or 3^2. 9 was the divine number in the most ancient numerology we have, the Chaldean one. It comes from the fact that we devised 10 digit number system first (earliest one is the Elamite decad). 9 is the last digit on the return to the first. It is the symbol of the end of the cycle. In the Chaldean numerological tradition there is a great emphasis on the fact that all numbers that multiply 9 have a digital sum equal to 9. Freemasonry recalls this with its emphasis on the perfect square stone ashlar of side equal 27 units of length. The 4 sides of the ashalr are 27, 54, 81 and 108. Those numbers all display a digital sum of 9. You' ll also notice that the sum of the angles of a triangle are 180 degrees. That also has a digital sum equal to 9. There are isosceles triangles which satisfy the requirement for all angles in them to be equal to a number with digital sum=9. the 18, 81, 81 triangle is one.

"Templars liked" means nothing. The numbers that were of significance to the tradition to which the Templars were probably very aware of are numbers that have digital sum=9. The often mentioned link is to "sacred" geometry. This is nothing but geometry as we know it. It is built upon the numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4. Nothing else figures. The proportions that are of interest are 2:1 (duality), 3:1 (trinity) and 3:2 (harmony). 1, 2 and 3 are the most fundamental. 4 was included to associate the dimension of the square which is equated to the material world. 5 was later added by the Greeks to attach the five Platonic solids to an explanation of the world.

6 is the number which is most noteworthy to the Judeo Christian tradition (star of David attests to this)View attachment 2184798The three sixes are 18 and 666 (the number of man). The geometrical visualization of the 18 comes from simple polygonal geometry shown here. The angle between the unit square and the unit pentagon is 18 degrees at the shoulder. Shown is the presence of that 18, 81 , 81 triangle and all the other associated angles that all have digital sums=9 (you should verify that). The relationship here shows you the way to visualize the value of Phi (golden mean). This completes all the geometry that is considered fundamental to the Greeks/Pythagoreans. 2:1, 3:1, 3:2 and Phi. With that you can have a complete description the first 5 polygons which were believe to make up all of matter.

Kabbalah dates to the 13th century. It originates from the area of Castille. It is a form of symbolic numerology in its own right that is using the same geometry that the ancients used. It is not the source of anything that was of value to crusader Knights. Kabbalah was forbidden by the Christian Church, and because of it the Jews we evicted from England by Edward Longshanks in the late 1280s.

Charles Morris did a symbolic planning of Shoreham/OI in 1762. There's nothing there to write home about. That was very much par for the course.
You again ignore the math. You impose your paradigm on the work of the depositors. You seem to know more about useless drivel and can't keep your focus on finding the treasure. My cipher more than finds it. Yours buries it deeper in mumbo jumbo that you cannot tie to OI by any legitimate means. Bottom line here is a complete method for finding and retrieving the lost religious artifacts of the Crusades. (Mic Drop)

Can you do math? No? I am without any interest in your opinion.


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You again ignore the math. You impose your paradigm on the work of the depositors. You seem to know more about useless drivel and can't keep your focus on finding the treasure. My cipher more than finds it. Yours buries it deeper in mumbo jumbo that you cannot tie to OI by any legitimate means. Bottom line here is a complete method for finding and retrieving the lost religious artifacts of the Crusades. (Mic Drop)

Can you do math? No? I am without any interest in your opinion.
Like so many others before you, your cipher is just another meaningless theory about a treasure that never existed.

Like so many others before you, your cipher is just another meaningless theory about a treasure that never existed.
The treasure in the Judeo Christian myth exists only in the faith. The treasure in the empirical sense comes from us knowing things by reason. The first tool that carries inherent proof is geometry. To the Freemasons, at least, it was believed that there was evidence in the empirical for the faith. I'm happy to tell you that the geometry does not have to be thrown out and that what it shows is absolutely solid. It won't lead you to gold unless you are after the golden mean which divides all lines in a divine way (according to Plato). Squaring all this OI business is about sorting out who laid out a bunch of geometric suggestions for the public to consume. The custodians of this story have been Freemasons, mainly Reginald Harris. Those who kept the story did not dig for treasure. That's another type of animal altogether. The various theorists easily get lost in the bushes.

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