One Malicious file caught from

Nope I did not mention spam first, that ignorance denied up above
here is some info
Win32:Evo-gen is a virus that can hide on the compromised computer deeply. Like other pc threats, the virus will damage the computer from various aspects. It is difficult to detect such a virus without a professional antivirus program. Win32:Evo-gen creates certain registry entries to make sure it can run automatically without being stopped by a security program. It also modifies firewall or damages security system to let other threats invade the compromised computer easily. Moreover, it displays fake pop-up warnings and creates ports that link to remote servers. Virus that can connect to its server is usually used to steal information. So is Win32:Evo-gen. The virus will collect sensitive information such as login data and passwords and then transmit it to the server. The virus is distributed via spam email and will also use your email account to send spam emails.


What does "old and trusted" have to do with conjecture ? How about engage your brain before opening your pie hole.

Brain engaged! A brand new member with his first post. Isn't that sweet :) Give him a nookie....

Or how boy tell us here. I don't believe it. It sounds like spam to me.

If it is true, make it so.

Dont spread crap that aint true.

Prove it with better than simple conjecture.

No guys, BC didn't call it spam, Ignorance Denied did....

Nope I did not mention spam first, that ignorance denied up above
here is some info
Win32:Evo-gen is a virus that can hide on the compromised computer deeply. Like other pc threats, the virus will damage the computer from various aspects. It is difficult to detect such a virus without a professional antivirus program. Win32:Evo-gen creates certain registry entries to make sure it can run automatically without being stopped by a security program. It also modifies firewall or damages security system to let other threats invade the compromised computer easily. Moreover, it displays fake pop-up warnings and creates ports that link to remote servers. Virus that can connect to its server is usually used to steal information. So is Win32:Evo-gen. The virus will collect sensitive information such as login data and passwords and then transmit it to the server. The virus is distributed via spam email and will also use your email account to send spam emails.


My mistake, didn't go back far enough in the thread. Yes he did use the spam word.

Yep, my computer always passed GRC's shields up easily before today. Now I have about a dozen ports that are no longer stealthed. They show up as closed instead.

My internet slowed down to a crawl for a while, could be server issues or could be bot issues. Guess its time to set up a smoothwall system when I figure this one out.

I work with computers, I clean up computers for our business's customers. This is not a "spyware infection".

Yeah RJC, another troll. I seem to attract them all the time. That expression though, seems I've seen it typed exactly like that before ... it isn't every day speak.

I'm confused i thought you posted that you were a skip tracer?

TH says that's not possible. You can ask him yourself.

I can go to the library and open a different membership here,i can go to a neighbors and use their comp for the samething.I can use my wireless to pick up a signal and do the samething.Theres ways around everything.

I can go to the library and open a different membership here,i can go to a neighbors and use their comp for the samething.I can use my wireless to pick up a signal and do the samething.Theres ways around everything.

When i run ip trace and it goes to same town, even same part of town as member causing problems I suspect is double accounting I can ban both.

I busted a member causing problem using 3 different names, 3 different static ips, but with combination of ip trace and Google earth maps using birds eye view it showed all 3 ips went to the same pawn shop, all 3 were banned....

Have done this multiple times.

99% of people who double account do it to cause trouble. They can't keep their mouth shut.

Sent from my new Galaxy Note3
now Free

Pardon me, Chadeaux is an old and trusted member here, not given to the spam for which you accuse him of. You, on the other hand are an unknown, but from the several of your posts I've seen, you are out of line.

I am not questioning his seniority or trust here.

Bugs can be caught from a variety of sources.

But I was stating just a simple fact. Anyone can say they got something from wherever, but that doesn't make it true.

I know I am a TN noob. I know I have inadvertently rocked the boat once or twice here. But that doesn't mean I am out of line.

I merely need more info, other than "the website gave me a virus."

If it were true there would be more than just one person saying it. There would be millions at this point.

To add, yes I used the phrase spam in this thread, and yes it appears that I used it first.

It isn't directed as derogatory. It was more of pointed at political motivation suggested.

Could be wrong, I am a noob here. But this is the only political forum at this site, so I do not retract it.

I understand your suspicions, so here are mine:

1st reason for my suspicion was when I was notified by my firewall that an incoming connection from was wanting to write to a file in my system32 folder. When I refused the connection (several times), the site terminated my connection.

2nd cause for suspicion was when I connected while running in a virtual machine the site was extremely slow. Usually when I do this there is no noticeable connection speed drop.

3rd point for suspicion was when I mentioned to a chat operator at that I was running my browser in a sandbox. He instantly terminated my connection.

No other "curious" activity until just before making the initial post in this thread when the virus tried to execute when I started a game.

The virus is a backdoor. It tried to contact a specific IP address which I didn't get written down, so can't say for sure it was, likewise I can't say it wasn't. I was busy disconnecting my machine from the internet.

The last time I had an infection on my computer was back in 2003 or 2004 - Korgo. I've had a few bits of spyware, but they are pretty easily taken care of. No"downloading". No "free music". No "file sharing". No "internet gaming". No "sneaker warez".

Oh well, back to digging.

I can appreciate that Chadeaux.

If you are using Firefox, install Lightbeam.

And then tell me what you have on the screen.

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