The post reads one last try for the 5x8 on the at pro, if you know one machine you definitely do not know them all. As I mentioned earlier any 'experienced' hobbyist will attest to this, you need a minimum of 60 or so hours on a machine to begin to learn it, some will say its more like 100. Someone who is inexperienced with the at pro should not attempt to offer advice to a thread that is discussing that machine. I own an at pro with a 5x8 coil and have a lot of hours into it. I felt i had something to offer the op, it seems that you are part of a very small but elite group of members that really have nothing to offer this specific thread. At the end of your confusing rant I see a reference to the moron on tv, that explains a lot. In many of your past posts i see you have payed homage to him. I am not a fan, if you are that's great, the reference, and your rant did nothing for this thread or the op.
Yes folks, since the introduction of boom babys and the at pro post on here, we are to believe the AT Pro does not work like any other detector, it is a bottle cap magnet? So here is some necture for you, the At Pro is made to hit on relics, and do water hunts. In that mode, its gonna hit on steel and iron. You don't need countless hours on a bottle cap machine to know the science. I used lil words for you, cause I think the guy here asking the question has two options: 1, dig everything and enjoy the bottle caps. 2, get a new machine. But his post says he is happy with AT Gold or what every version he has. So Please someone explain to me how a Garret vlf has some secret the other machines don't? The At Pro is a fad, you bought into media hype. It is just a well thought out detector that by the limitations of science, can only do some things well. For it to overcome that problem, you need a new circuit board and program.
So you own a AT Pro/Gold, now what to do about coins in the park? Well with the rockin 5x8 coil I already love and have never used it. You need to jurn the juice down so you can find more roundness in the hole. I used some words you At Pro guys might appreciate lol. Your going to have to exeperiment with the settings, as Fabbr is wrong, each soil is different, and you need to know what the machine is telling you if you want go Boom Baby and make $10,000.00 dollars.
Maybe you guys can ask the Savage Family for some pointers as they have a really great success rate. If it were me, I would just use the AT Pro for what it does best, and use it for water hunts and old battle fields. Arent you glad I didn't say tweezer G the bottle caps. lol.
Guess Im gonna have to buy a AT Pro, take it apart, look at the circuits and program and send Garret a update, as according to some, I must own one to know how a metal detector works. Even Tesla didn't understand it all, and we should enjoy the fact they find anything at all.
Dude you have either a bum machine which I doubt. Or a very hot coil and that is a good thing. I run one of those inferior non garret machines that is very noisy. I got used to it and now can not hunt with a quiet, or in your case, the worst sounding detector I have ever heard. With all the money Garret is making, why fix it? Roundness in the hole to all you juicers and good luck. Please by all means, never consider experimenting or getting another detector. Submit to your finds and be a lsave to Rick Savage's million dollar a year contract to get you on the right path lol.
Fabbr, with all that knowledge you possess you will never get any help from the old guys who get annoyed easily. Good luck with that Tweezer G.