I've knocked on hundred's of doors in the last 2 years and have have had one "moderate" confrontation. Usually it's the husband that says yes, then the wife doesn't like you on the property and kicks you out or makes hubby give you the boot. This year, a very nice, polite lady gave me a yes. Then when the man got home. He walks up to me and says "what are you doing" And before I could barely start syaing "looking for old coins". He proceeded to tell me to get off his property, after a second I realized it wasn't a joke. So I said politely "No problem, I'll leave right away" Then he said "And don't come back another time asking again" And then I did proceed to kindly mentioned that I asked permission, just to try and calm him down (I wasn't trying to use that as a means to stay, as I was already walking toward my car and turned around for a moment) He said "That's not even an appropriate question to ask" in a very mean manner. So I said. "Don't worry, I won't come back" And he hollered "No you won't!" So I literally threw my gear in my car and sped off before he did anything nasty. As I was pulling out he started to come back toward me. I really think this guy would have done something.
I usually only like knocking safe (or fairly safe) urban neighborhoods by myself. I scout a lot before I knock to get an idea of the people around, and the area. Usually I only like to knock out in the boonies when with a friend. I find that many people in remote areas think the worst when someone knocks on the door and don't take kindly to it. And I don't like the fact that if something happened, no one would be around to know what went down. In urban areas, people are generally used to people walking by, knocking, etc...And even if they are mean they just tell you no and slam the door.
I've met so many awesome people I never want to stop knocking. I had a guy cook me breakfast early this year! I've been invited inside and talked for an hour or more sharing stories on multiple occasions. Etc.....
Most awkward time was when a guy/lady were going to let us detect. But the lady was drunk, and only wanted to let my buddy and I hunt if she could hunt too, and was very adamant that we couldn't hunt unless she got to hunt too. At the time my only spare machine in the car was my CTX. Why I let her use it, I'll never know.
I was nervous the whole time. LOL!