johnnyx, email me anytime, zI am 52, don't fool around out there, take it pretty serious, my finds will show that, want to start doing some prospecting in the spring, leaning to north Georgia, or California, may take a trip to Gaines Creek Alaska with a tour, but a little pricey$$$$$. email me anytime, I usually answer all serious mail.
Jim>>> you are 10000000% correct in your thinking, the old yards are where it's at, and the ones that were either tennements or adjacent to in the past will hold the most, the more variety of people who inhabited them will usually yield a greater variety in finds, I am a firm believer in wherever there were kids there will be money, always held water with me. The public access areas are to a degree " hunted out " after 40 some years of metal detectors in use, I hate that term " hunted out " I should say cherry picked, because that is what has happened, those areas will yield targets, but the good finds require some dilligent searching, and we all know that relates to a lot of work, until I started hunting only yards and boulevards my good find to calds ratio was about 100 to 1, that is one hundred clad or trash targets to a good find, that was in public access areas, now there are days where the ratio is even, some days the good targets surpass the so so ones, don't take me wrong here, I will pick up and usually dig all my targets, I have rolled almost $400 in clad since March of this year, that is a " BUTT LOAD " of digging. JIm here is a little story of what just happened to me, while I was detecting in this old yard, two of the neighbors came over and talked to me, curiosity killed the cat you know, and in our conversation I got permission to hunt in their yards as well, all the homes in thi area were built prior to 1880, so you see a pattern developing, one I will most certainly take advantage of, food for thought for all reading this, be neat in your digging, don't be afraid to show someone just what you do, if you present yourself and your actions in a proper manner, expect to be rewarded.