While remodeling our farm house that was built in the early 1900's, we found whiskey bottles, parts of lamps, an old animal cookie box and these two parts. We wondered if they might go together since they were found in the same wall. 1. Our first guess on the flat black piece was a fireplace damper, but we decided it was too ornately decorated to be hidden in a chimney. On the back side, the visible screwhead is attached to a thin flexible piece of metal for tension or holding something in place. The knob on the side is metal and is attached to a screw. 2. This part has the shape of a tiny umbrella skeleton. The knob is wood. The piece of wire looped around it is totally free-moving. There is no writing or marks of any sort on either piece. These parts have been conversation starters - and no one has yet figured out their intended use. Any ideas would be appreciated. I have perused this forum many times, and decided it might be fun to post these photos.
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