Sr. Member
I got to detect a few hours today and it turned out to be a good day!! I searched an old homesite and found an old snuff tin or holder which I rank up with some of my best finds.I worked my way to where the old spring had to have been. The rocks for the most part were still in place in a kind of circular pattern and water still flows from the groung very near them. I got a weak hit like a deep dime,but the detecter showed it was only four inches deep.I dug and to my suprise it was a coin, but I cant' tell what it is.It is copper with a face or bust on one side,and some writing or markings on the back. It is very small....about three eighths to a half inch across.Maybe someone can tell me more about what this is.I will try to get some decent pics put up!! The rest of the day turned up a chunk of melted copper and some old plows.I cant wait to get back tomorrow!!Good luck to all and H.H. Sorry about the quality of the pics,but I couldnt get the camera and light to cooperate!!