Old photo can someone explain

Minnie skirts going past :icon_thumleft:

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"Watch the birdie," and it was a flock.

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billy bob thornton

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the dude in the middle is T_H
( note his reaching for his piece)

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You were never, ever, supposed to look at the camera back in them thar days.

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Guess I know how to get everyone's attention just put old photo in the title lol

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Camera guy - "damn... the camera Is acting up... it will just be a few ***POOF*** minutes... OH got it... thanks folks... that will do "

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Lets give everyone a feather ruffle


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Bottom right corner

F. & S . Cleveland

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F. & S . Cleveland

Fowler & Slater Co., Cleveland, Ohio (??)
806 Huron Road SE

Circa 1915.
Seems about right for the clothing too.

Maybe the image commemorates an international photo exhibition, county fair, (judging, etc..)?
The ribbons seem much to casual / informal to be Nobel awards or anything like that.
You're probably going to need more info to solve this one. Could be anything.

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The one on the bottom right resembles Vladimir Lenin.59613-004-FF09F9D8.jpg

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The guy in the middle just got done doing the "secret handshake" with a former mason, now he is flashing the "gang symbol" (hand inside jacket) so all is Masonic brothers know he is a Mason.

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MV5BNjU4ODAzNjY0MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNDc3OTMyMjE@__V1_UY98_CR2,0,67,98_AL_.jpg check picture of William Leroy, in a American pickers episode he wore a patch over his eye[dec 6,2010] looks a lot like man in middle

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