Old jewelry?


Jul 11, 2016
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Many years ago, when I was 12 or so, I used to spend hours each day poking through the woods. Not treasure hunting precisely; I just enjoyed being in nature. On one such occasion, I came across this ring half buried in the dirt. I thought it was fascinating, so I've kept it with me ever since. I've always wondered if there was anything to it. I've never seen another piece of jewelry with a similar style, though that may not be saying much!

Any ideas?


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This... IMO is a "bubble gum machine" ring.

Sorry. No offense. :)

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Err lets just call it...

Costume jewelry... plated base metal ring... OR... a fantasy ring.

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AARC: No offense taken, since I have no information on it at all! I've even considered it being something that came from a toy machine or was some sort of "prize in a box". I'm not sure what the material is, but it does have a bit of weight to it. At least, it's slightly less cheap feeling than the rings I've gotten from capsule machines. And certainly more elaborate. Though I have been told that such things were a little higher quality back in the day.

I like the idea of it being a fantasy ring, though! That'd mean that there was some sort of story behind it, which I'd certainly be happy to discover. Even if it's just the story of the creator's inspiration, or perhaps the owner's application of it! Of course, that's not anything I'd ever find out. I'm still interested to know if anyone else has any ideas, though.

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No offense taken, since I have no information on it at all! I've even considered it being something that came from a toy machine or was some sort of "prize in a box". I'm not sure what the material is, but it does have a bit of weight to it. At least, it's slightly less cheap feeling than the rings I've gotten from capsule machines. And certainly more elaborate. Though I have been told that such things were a little higher quality back in the day.

And it could be a "department store" type of costume jewelry...
Would be hard to pinpoint.
What is not hard for me to pinpoint is its authenticity. :)

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BTW... Welcome to TreasureNet.

Cool username.

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AARC: I'm not an expert, but I do at least know that there is always another possibility! Even doctors who have been practicing for years sometimes misdiagnose when they encounter something uncommon or that seemingly closely resembles something else.

BTW... Welcome to TreasureNet.

Cool username.

Thank you! I'm quite fond of this term. And, as you can imagine, of space. : P

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I agree you can tell by if it is very light weight like plastic ect and if theres no markings on it. That is one ugly ring but you never know!!!!!!!

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All I can say is that it's old. I found one like that in 1970 at a local school. It was a couple of inches deep. I remember because it was one of the first two rings I found with my new Whites. Tony

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I agree you can tell by if it is very light weight like plastic ect and if theres no markings on it. That is one ugly ring but you never know!!!!!!!

It's definitely not plastic. And, it actually has a little weight to it!

All I can say is that it's old. I found one like that in 1970 at a local school. It was a couple of inches deep. I remember because it was one of the first two rings I found with my new Whites. Tony

I don't suppose you've got a photo of the one you found?

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