old coin, possibly royal or presentation coin

old hunter

Jul 18, 2010
found this in old 1700's house site sith other 1700 coins and buttons. Any info would be appreciated. It came out of the ground just like you see it. it is either gold with silver tint or silver with gold tint.


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bigcypresshunter said:
bigcypresshunter said:
I found one on Craigslist. Its claimed to be a 1736 gold escudo. Ill bet that if you email this seller, he will be from Algeria LOL. http://albuquerque.craigslist.org/clt/2220758385.html

Don't worry, those like (you), myself & IP who know ebay buying, know the score. No need to have a laugh, it's plain & simple for those in the know.

It such a bad copy, it laughable :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9:
I dont know why I fool with these Craigslist scammers. They are all the same. Send the money first and we will send the gold, car, camper, airplane, whatever lol.

Did someone say Craigslist. A great place to sell coins!


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Iron Patch said:
bigcypresshunter said:
bigcypresshunter said:
I found one on Craigslist. Its claimed to be a 1736 gold escudo. Ill bet that if you email this seller, he will be from Algeria LOL. http://albuquerque.craigslist.org/clt/2220758385.html

Don't worry, those like (you), myself & IP who know ebay buying, know the score. No need to have a laugh, it's plain & simple for those in the know.

It such a bad copy, it laughable :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9:
I dont know why I fool with these Craigslist scammers. They are all the same. Send the money first and we will send the gold, car, camper, airplane, whatever lol.

Did someone say Craigslist. A great place to sell coins!

If I were you IP, I would get them looked at by an expert :laughing9:

A T-net expert or the other type?

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actually im not new to this site just changed id..i am not doubting your identifacation skills and i can post some awsome finds from my last few years in the hobby....but if someone has went to a site i am hunting with permission and planted something i find this very childish and immature. i dont bother no one elses sites wouldnt go hunt without my own permission and research....but if one wants to be that way its like they say two can play that game lol

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man i got to say your pretty good i dont recall myself or old hunter saying what part of the ole u s of a this coin was found in now im beginning to think your actually have physic powers or at least whoever pm'ed and said they buried it lolololol...

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I really appreciate your input. When I posted this I ask for any help and I got alot. This coin was found at an early 1700 site where several 1700 coins and buttons were found. There are only two people who have permission to hunt there and the only dig holes (covered of course) there are ours. Would like to have PM from person who said they planted it there or the Easter Bunny. Let me get this right, someone went to a spot that they don't even know what state I am in that I hunt at and planted a fake coin, they really got a big imagination and alot of time on their hands. I suggest they sould have hunted the site while they were there. This is a real find from a real place. I plan to have the metal checked and will post it as soon as I do. I don't know if it is real or a fake or a counterfit. But I do know that I found it at a site that has produced alot of non fake or counterfit items, and I had fun finding it like I did everything else. I have not ask anyone to buy this, because it, is like everything else I have found over the last 30+ years I have been detecting, is not for sale. It came out of the ground just about the way you see it. It is not pot metal or any type of metal that would rust or deteriorate in the ground over time. It is shinner than a silver coin of that period. Keep the ideas comming in just don't dumb them down with alot of fantasy about the Easter Bunny putting it there.

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I believe the planted coin of which they speak is a different one than the original in this thread. No psychic powers or Easter Bunny inferred.

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old hunter said:
I really appreciate your input. When I posted this I ask for any help and I got alot. This coin was found at an early 1700 site where several 1700 coins and buttons were found. There are only two people who have permission to hunt there and the only dig holes (covered of course) there are ours. Would like to have PM from person who said they planted it there or the Easter Bunny. Let me get this right, someone went to a spot that they don't even know what state I am in that I hunt at and planted a fake coin, they really got a big imagination and alot of time on their hands. I suggest they sould have hunted the site while they were there. This is a real find from a real place. I plan to have the metal checked and will post it as soon as I do. I don't know if it is real or a fake or a counterfit. But I do know that I found it at a site that has produced alot of non fake or counterfit items, and I had fun finding it like I did everything else. I have not ask anyone to buy this, because it, is like everything else I have found over the last 30+ years I have been detecting, is not for sale. It came out of the ground just about the way you see it. It is not pot metal or any type of metal that would rust or deteriorate in the ground over time. It is shinner than a silver coin of that period. Keep the ideas comming in just don't dumb them down with alot of fantasy about the Easter Bunny putting it there.

I only seen this post today, but regardless of where the coin was found there is no question it's a modern Replica Spanish. There's zero chance it's real, and zero chance it's a contemporary counterfeit. If it was something decent I'd ask to buy it, especially if it was an early counterfeit. (I buy period counterfeits on a very regular basis)

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DigginThePast said:
I believe the planted coin of which they speak is a different one than the original in this thread. No psychic powers or Easter Bunny inferred.

I recieved a PM by a member that stated he new it was fake, because he was there when the coin was dug, I took it that he ment the coin in this post :icon_scratch:

I would never come out, and say outright that something is fake, even if I was 100%. If I did suspect something, then I would advise the finder to have it checked....common curtesy.


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Iron Patch said:
old hunter said:
I really appreciate your input. When I posted this I ask for any help and I got alot. This coin was found at an early 1700 site where several 1700 coins and buttons were found. There are only two people who have permission to hunt there and the only dig holes (covered of course) there are ours. Would like to have PM from person who said they planted it there or the Easter Bunny. Let me get this right, someone went to a spot that they don't even know what state I am in that I hunt at and planted a fake coin, they really got a big imagination and alot of time on their hands. I suggest they sould have hunted the site while they were there. This is a real find from a real place. I plan to have the metal checked and will post it as soon as I do. I don't know if it is real or a fake or a counterfit. But I do know that I found it at a site that has produced alot of non fake or counterfit items, and I had fun finding it like I did everything else. I have not ask anyone to buy this, because it, is like everything else I have found over the last 30+ years I have been detecting, is not for sale. It came out of the ground just about the way you see it. It is not pot metal or any type of metal that would rust or deteriorate in the ground over time. It is shinner than a silver coin of that period. Keep the ideas comming in just don't dumb them down with alot of fantasy about the Easter Bunny putting it there.

I only seen this post today, but regardless of where the coin was found there is no question it's a modern Replica Spanish. There's zero chance it's real, and zero chance it's a contemporary counterfeit. If it was something decent I'd ask to buy it, especially if it was an early counterfeit. (I buy period counterfeits on a very regular basis)
I agree. I have one exactly like it that i'll post a photo of later when I get home. Sorry old hunter.

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O.K. here is the facts, it weighs 5 penny weight (1/4 oz.) It is silver over copper. I took it to a jewler friend and that is what he said. So it is a counterfit or fake, the only question now is how old. Thanks for ALL input.. an Old Hunter

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old hunter said:
O.K. here is the facts, it weighs 5 penny weight (1/4 oz.) It is silver over copper. I took it to a jewler friend and that is what he said. So it is a counterfit or fake, the only question now is how old. Thanks for ALL input.. an Old Hunter
Silver over copper, would still have some value, if it's a fake :icon_thumleft:


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Silver Searcher said:
DigginThePast said:
I believe the planted coin of which they speak is a different one than the original in this thread. No psychic powers or Easter Bunny inferred.

I recieved a PM by a member that stated he new it was fake, because he was there when the coin was dug, I took it that he ment the coin in this post :icon_scratch:

I would never come out, and say outright that something is fake, even if I was 100%. If I did suspect something, then I would advise the finder to have it checked....common curtesy.



SS - I had no knowledge of the PM's. It was this part of Cru's post "Just had a PM from the person that buried that fake". Using the word "that" rather than "this", seemed to be a past tense rather than speaking of the "coin" in this thread.

Still no psychic powers and we all know the Easter Bunny is too busy getting ready for the upcoming Holiday. :laughing7:

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I also received the PMs. The joke was NOT meant for you old hunter. According to the PM, the joke was played on another member at the same site one year ago. After a good laugh, it was tossed back in the hole and forgotten about. A year later, you found it.

Although its hard to say with 100 percent certainty, everything points to an "older" tourist souvenir. It appears to be an older silver plated copper replica. The modern ones are mostly plated pot metal.

Welcome to TN old hunter. Cru is excellent with ancients and can spot fakes a mile away. IP can ID a worn copper without any features. I dont know how he does it. SS is a great metal detectorist with many finds in the banner and also makes IDs. Every member brings their expertise to the forum to help. We usually get it right in the end from just a picture and the story... I have been here since near the beginning and I guess I have seen it all before. ;D I also used to collect pictures of fakes, copies and Spanish cob replicas. I probably have this exact souvenir in my files if I had time to seach.

Great story thanks for sharing.. :icon_thumright: You dont have to post the green check until you are completely satisfied with the ID, but I believe it is correct.

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bigcypresshunter said:
I also received the PMs. The joke was NOT meant for you old hunter. According to the PM, the joke was played on another member at the same site one year ago. After a good laugh, it was tossed back in the hole and forgotten about. A year later, you found it.

Although its hard to say with 100 percent certainty, everything points to an "older" tourist souvenir. It appears to be an older silver plated copper replica. The modern ones are mostly plated pot metal.

Welcome to TN old hunter. Cru is excellent with ancients and can spot fakes a mile away. IP can ID a worn copper without any features. I dont know how he does it. SS is a great metal detectorist with many finds in the banner and also makes IDs. Every member brings their expertise to the forum to help. We usually get it right in the end from just a picture and the story... I have been here since near the beginning and I guess I have seen it all before. ;D I also used to collect pictures of fakes, copies and Spanish cob replicas. I probably have this exact souvenir in my files if I had time to seach.

Great story thanks for sharing.. :icon_thumright: You dont have to post the green check until you are completely satisfied with the ID, but I believe it is correct.
Yes I can spot fakes of a mile away...especially people :wink:


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bigcypresshunter said:
Although its hard to say with 100 percent certainty

Actually it's very easy to say. I'd bet my life against $5... how sure is that.

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As we now know it's a fake ::) and bad one at that, can somebody tell me why it was made with a copper core with silver over :icon_scratch: they went to a lot of trouble using silver, with a bad copy :help: I truly would like to know, as I find these things very interesting :icon_thumleft:


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Iron Patch said:
bigcypresshunter said:
Although its hard to say with 100 percent certainty

Actually it's very easy to say. I'd bet my life against $5... how sure is that.
I like to say 99.9 percent sure because we are only looking at a pic.

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Silver Searcher said:

As we now know it's a fake ::) and bad one at that, can somebody tell me why it was made with a copper core with silver over :icon_scratch: they went to a lot of trouble using silver, with a bad copy :help: I truly would like to know, as I find these things very interesting :icon_thumleft:

I think the PVA means it supposed to be a gold 8 escudo doubloon. It may be an older better made souvenir never meant to fool anyone. My guess the weight is wrong as well..

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