OK, You found a dead body in the woods.

Let me tell ya.. we have so many bodies laying around East Tennessee that we even have a body farm! You think I'm joking? Come see!

I was on a bottle dive with friends of mine a few years ago , We were operating out of an inflatiable here in Halifax Harbour . Because of ship traffic we take turns one would dive and the other would follow in the boat. We picked a spot near the middle practically under the Bridge . So I volunteered to run the boat first while my friend dove. He wasn't gone 5 minutes when a marker float popped to the surface not 10 ft from where I was, my buddy surfaced right next to it and told me he found a body!! He got to the bottom and in the poor viz he saw 2 white sneakers and as he got closer he saw it was a partially decomposed body. We called the police and marked the spot with a float their divers later recovered the remains. It turned out the body was that of a teenager who tragically commited suicide about 6 months earlier by jumping off the bridge.. At least his friends and parents now know what happened ...

I would report it to law enforcement. I would NOT try removing anything from the body, like some sick comments that were mentioned.

6 pages and nobody has posted the proper technic.

Metal detect right up to the body. Then roll the body toward where you have already detected. Then you can pick up where the body was laying and continue swinging outward and away. There is no reason for an obstacle to interrupt a metal detecting expedition.

Ring on a finger or jewelry on the body? If you inadvertently discover it with the metal detector it is a find and goes in the pouch. If you didn't find it with the detector it's not a valid find.

This also applies to people who are just sleeping, or unconscious.

when you go to remote out of the way places to detect -scuba dive --it can happen * sadly folks that kill themselves and murdering type people often seek out remote places to get rid of the body -- if I had the bad luck of running across anyone's dead body --I would do them and anyone that cared for them --the last kindness* by notifying the police --so that they could b "properly" ID ed and buried.--its my christen duty to do so.

I would report it to law enforcement. I would NOT try removing anything from the body, like some sick comments that were mentioned.
They are joking...maybe.

That is something i hope i never walk in to would spoil a day , and yes you would be prime suspect................


Sheriff Smoote

actually I would imagine as long as it's not a bog turtle ,
nobody is going to have a fit over what you do with it

Geez, what if you find a dead spotted owl, or perhaps even a wolf. Would you keep the radio collar?

Yes...what about the couple in Calif. that found the gold coins, I just read that the feds think they were stolen and that's why they are in such mint condition...the couple will most likely lose them all, according to the article's writer.
That is exactly why if you find a large cache it is imperative to zip the lips. I know that would be hard to do, but once out there for the world to see, they will be coming after you out of the wood work. I wouldn't be surprised if Wells Fargo doesn't decide to sue, because they had a stage robbed and the hidden money belongs to them, and after that there will be somebody's great granddaddy that hid the loot and he rightly inherited what belongs to his family. It will never end, and if it does, some attorney's will have all the money. It's Murphy's law coupled with the law of untended consequences that rules in deals like this. Once again, do I need to bring up what happened to Mel Fisher. The more the treasure is worth, the more will come after it.

Geez, what if you find a dead spotted owl, or perhaps even a wolf. Would you keep the radio collar?

would be fun to fasten the collar to the underside of a Jet
. see how long they track it :laughing7:

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A guy I use to work with was a self admitted crack head. He said a guy died in a crack house he was hanging out in. He said him and the other crack heads took his money and crack out of his pocket and left him sitting there with purple skin for two days before anybody called the police

On the California Gold coin find if someone makes a claim to it, and they got paid for the loss by an insurance company, then that could make the insurance company the owner of the gold coins. It just keep getting more messy.

A guy I use to work with was a self admitted crack head. He said a guy died in a crack house he was hanging out in. He said him and the other crack heads took his money and crack out of his pocket and left him sitting there with purple skin for two days before anybody called the police
I bet the purple guy was a good listener for those two days.

crap why does this keep happening?

It's ok Jeff-Gordon, T Net likes you TWICE as much, just their way of showing it! It happens to me, if goes back to the post bar just delete the second post. Idk why it happens sometimes.

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