OK, You found a dead body in the woods.

In general, I would notify the authorities, wait for them and show them the body. If it was the case of a crashed Drug Plane loaded with drugs, cash and a dead pilot, I would take the cash, burn the plane and the drugs and I am sure that the authorities will be able to find the plane and body inside because of the fire. I look at it this way, the cash was made illegally in the illegal drug trade, the cash and/or drugs won't mysteriously not show up in evidence logs or disappear from evidence lockup and end up addicting or killing someone and the pilot probably doesn't want anyone to know and especially his family to know that he was a drug smuggler.


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Yes, remove jewelry and wallet and also check for gold teeth! If you find any they come out easy with pliers, if not, use your digging tool to wedge and pry them out. Mostly older men will have gold teeth. If the body is "ripe" you may need to breath through your month... but this can leave a bad taste for awhile! Good luck on your hunt!

You's people are Sicker then me :laughing7:

I guess My thoughts about it depending on if I'm done hunting the site for awhile,
or if I was too hungry to stick around & wait for the police,
wasn't so bad after all :thumbsup:

This thread is Sick! Someone's either off their meds or on their meds! Humorous! But makes me feel like I just watched the wrong thing on TV!:laughing7:

just to make you more paranoid, MsBeepBeep, how do you really ever know that the target you are digging isn't associated with the body you just found. Maybe they struggled, and the Rolex you just dug 15 feet away from the body, went flying......
Because I am not that lucky to find a Rolex, if how ever they had fought over a corroded zinc cent that I just dug up, ya that could be a problem. If it was a Rolex then I'd know something's up!

You folks have got me thinking now.... My cousin from FL. was visiting me here in TN. 2 springs ago. He makes quick trip to nearest store and comes back quickly about 9:00 am. Him and his girlfriend said they saw a deer get hit just up the road and it was hurt badly. So we ate breakfast and him and I went to look for deer to put out of misery. Found blood and where it lied a couple of times but didn't find deer. We split up and I was about 150 yds. back up the side of the road and found an expensive bicycle lying in the rocks about 15 yds. downhill from the road railing. It appeared to have been hit from the rear and sent sailing. The underbrush was already thick and the walking tough. The bike had been there awhile with weeds and vines around the spooks and pedals. Now I wonder if the cyclist went over the railing also and died or was killed. NOBODY would spot or can see this from the road. This was in 2011 a year after our huge historic spring flood. No telling how long the bike has been there.

Anyone who would seriously loot a corpse is a mentally ill, catastrophically anti-social nitwit who belongs in a high security institution of some kind. If you aren't there yet, just give it time. You will be. As far as reticence to 'get involved', that's a bit more understandable. There's at least some basis in reason for people to not want to entangle their lives with the investigation of a homicide, however I still think it takes a certain sort of a**hole to see a dead body and not report it. I can comprehend the reasoning for it but its a pretty crappy thing to do.
So, would you loot the corpse?

I started this thread for entertainment like I razz the ATP guys to get them to post. I never thought about gold teeth from old folks. Thanks.:occasion14:

Here's what I did.....
When I was at a popular beach on a summer long weekend, I found remains while looking for arrow heads. I could see the rib cage and a few leg bones but no skull.
There were people all around and luckily no one found what I saw and I covered the remains up with branches.
I then went to the Provincial park police who have a couple of Archies on staff. I lead them to the spot and they were quite pleased on how I had hidden the bones and told me it was definitely pre-contact remains and thanked me very much.
After the weekend was over and I went back to the city, I called the government Archies and told them what I had found. The head guy ended up giving me sh*t for not calling them first! When I phoned to find out more info on the excavation of the remains, they wouldn't tell me anything or didn't even thank me for doing the right thing. I still don't know anything about my find and these guys are supposed to be public servants?

If and when this happens to me again, I will now be calling up the nearest Indian reserve and will let the Natives deal will their own ancestors. After all the years of being harassed by the Archies, I will NOT be calling them!
I have pictures of my "Find" but I'm sure that wouldn't be appropriate here. I still think that this was cool and I am glad that I found them and not some punks who may have caused damage or disrespect.
I'm also glad it wasn't a cold stiff as that would have been harder to deal with.
I can't believe that I've only found the one corpse after all the exploring and tromping around I've done for decades!
Not that I really want to find another. :-[

I started this thread for entertainment like I razz the ATP guys to get them to post. I never thought about gold teeth from old folks. Thanks.:occasion14:
With the new trend to be over sensitive and offended by everything, it can be pretty easy to bait em in.

With the new trend to be over sensitive and offended by everything, it can be pretty easy to bait em in.

Yes... we have become a nation of whiney little snot nosed brats.

Ok, you find a dead body in the woods or underwater while diving. Would you remove jewelry and wallet? If you call the police as you should, you can't do it from a cell phone or home phone, so how would you notify them? Would it bother you to just leave him or her where they croaked?:icon_scratch:

I wouldn't remove anything. I would leave the body as I found it, and find the nearest telephone. I would wait for the arrival of proper authority, and lead them to the body. I'm not too worried about becoming a suspect. Serial killers, or budding serial killers, sometimes return to the dump site to re-live their fantasies, or determine if the body has been discovered. Sometimes killers even interject themselves into the investigation. Bodies under water would not necessarily be re-visited, but areas near the submersion point might be. Skeletal remains are more than likely missing persons whose family members are still looking for them, or as is the case a majority of time, a prostitute. Sometimes the remains represents a suicide, or natural causes. It's not always murder. Either way, the scene should not be altered in any way. If you have a camera, take pictures, and give them to the police. That way, if the scene is different from what you remember it to be by the time the cops get there, you will have documented what you saw instead of relying on memory. It is these types of inconsistencies that create a suspicion on the part of law enforcement. Chances are slim that anything will have changed, but leave nothing to chance. Murphy is alive and well. If anything can go wrong, it will.

A better question would be if you found a fresh finger with a ring attached would you take the ring? What would you do with the finger and would your report it?

Like when a rancher shoots a varmit such as a wolf or coyote, he hangs the carcas on a fence next to a public road.

You can be damn sure it will get the attention of the police.

And if you want to strip the body of jewelry or wallet, that's a personal moral judgement issue.

PS. Just kidding. Always leave the body insito and contact the authorities.

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A better question would be if you found a fresh finger with a ring attached would you take the ring? What would you do with the finger and would your report it?

I'd take the finger and leave the ring... I've found plenty of rings.

You folks have got me thinking now.... My cousin from FL. was visiting me here in TN. 2 springs ago. He makes quick trip to nearest store and comes back quickly about 9:00 am. Him and his girlfriend said they saw a deer get hit just up the road and it was hurt badly. So we ate breakfast and him and I went to look for deer to put out of misery. Found blood and where it lied a couple of times but didn't find deer. We split up and I was about 150 yds. back up the side of the road and found an expensive bicycle lying in the rocks about 15 yds. downhill from the road railing. It appeared to have been hit from the rear and sent sailing. The underbrush was already thick and the walking tough. The bike had been there awhile with weeds and vines around the spooks and pedals. Now I wonder if the cyclist went over the railing also and died or was killed. NOBODY would spot or can see this from the road. This was in 2011 a year after our huge historic spring flood. No telling how long the bike has been there.

Yep there are a lot of people that disappear every year and no one knows what happened or where they are, that would be one answer.
Around here I have a good chance of finding what I don't want to find, there's more from Whitey Buldgers gang I'm sure, and then theres all the gang violence and shootings. It's probably just a matter of time, and how hard Murphy wants to jerk my chain.

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